The project is due November 17, 2016. Late submissions will lose points for each day that it is late.
Dear Parents/Guardians, As an extension project as we discuss Georgia’s Past in our Social Studies unit, the students will be designing a diorama depicting the lives of Creek or Cherokee Native Americans. Creativity is a must!
The students should choose to create either a Creek or Cherokee village in a shoe (or small) box. The following must be included:
· A model of a summer or winter home,
· The plaza (open area where games and ceremonies are held),
· Labels for the different items included and
· A short written report about the village.
They may include anything else that they feel would accurately depict Creek or Cherokee culture. Some materials that you can use are clay, twigs, grass, sand, bark, Popsicle sticks, etc. The students may use their Social Studies book and other resources for inspiration. Please make sure the diorama is colorful and attractive as it will be displayed during the PTO Program on November 17th.
The project will be due on Thursday, November 17th. Please review the rubric on the back of this letter, making certain to understand the project should be completed by the student (though an adult can certainly assist!). Please see your child’s teacher for additional information, ideas, or concerns.
Thank you for all your help and support,
2nd grade team
Category / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ScoreGeorgia Performance Standard SS2H2:
The student will describe the Georgia Creek and Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments. / Minimal ability to describe the Creek or Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments. / Describes the Creek or Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments with prompts or cues. / Independently describes the Creek or Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments. / Provides an exceptional amount of information about the Creek or Cherokee cultures of the past in terms of tools, clothing, homes, ways of making a living, and accomplishments.
Oral Presentation – ELA Georgia Standards of Excellence:
ELAGSE2SL2: Recount or describe key ideas or details from written texts read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
ELAGSE2SL4: Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. / Student does not present a project and/or knows very little about Creek or Cherokee culture. / The student presents a project but is hard to hear or understand and/or knows minimal facts and details about Creek or Cherokee culture. / The student presents a project clearly with appropriate and relevant facts and details about Creek or Cherokee culture. / The student presents his/her project clearly with an exceptional amount of knowledge about Creek or Cherokee culture.
Visuals (Originality and Relevance) / Visuals are not included or the visuals included do not relate to Creek or Cherokee culture. / Minimal amount of visuals related to Creek/Cherokee culture are included and reflect little creativity. / All graphics are related to Creek/Cherokee culture and reflect a degree of creativity. / All graphics are related to Creek/Cherokee culture and reflect an exceptional degree of creativity.
Required elements / The project includes 1 required element. / The project includes 2 required elements. / The project includes all of the required elements. / The project includes all of the required elements and additional information.