Turning Point Wesleyan Church

September 20 - 22, 2013


1. The Worship Experience:

Most of those with whom we spoke stated that the Sunday A.M. Worship Service was the number one strength of the church. Blended music and biblical preaching are meeting needs in the lives of those who call Turning Point Wesleyan Church their church home.

2. Pastor and Spouse:

The congregation whole-heartedly believes that God brought Pastor James and Joan to their church for such a time as this. Worship, prayer, timely messages, food, organization, sacrifice and the anointing of God are frequently mentioned in conversations regarding the pastoral team.

3. Women's Bible Study:

It is obvious that the current women's Bible study is meeting a vital need in the spiritual growth of the ladies involved. Recently a dozen of these ladies attended a retreat that contributed to their spiritual vibrancy and community spirit.

4. Upgrades of Building and Grounds:

A new church sign, new sound booth, exterior painting and grounds enhancements are just a few of the upgrades that are making the neighbors take note. In addition, new paint on interior walls and attention to cleanliness has made the building and grounds (though aging) a more attractive place to worship.

5. Youth Ministry:

Jon and Jocelyn Blanchard are pouring their lives into a group of at-risk teens in Hudson Falls. While this ministry is difficult and daunting and not without its challenges, the Blanchards are admired for the tenacity they have shown in extending the love of Christ to these kids who have seldom experienced love of any kind.


1.  Vision/Mission:

The leaders of the church must bring unified clarity and commitment to the vision/mission of the church. This vision/mission must then be communicated often and well. Although ‘Believe, Become, Belong’ were on numerous signs throughout the building not one person referenced this in their discussions with the team.

2. Passion For the Lost:

While many spoke of the wonderful fellowship shared by those already in the church, few mentioned the lost souls in the target area that need Christ. Outreach/evangelism must be given urgent attention and priority.

3. Visitor Flow:

Few visitors (guests) attend TPWC. If this continues it will be impossible for the church to grow and experience the Great Commission of Christ. Bridge events, an assimilation team and an openness to new people will cause the church to experience both spiritual and numerical growth.

4. Building / Facilities:

Although progress has been made on the building and grounds, it is obvious that this aging, cobbled up building must have more extensive renovation to make it versatile as well as attractive to today's young families.

5. Leadership / Structure:

Leadership must be developed and deployed if the church if it is to maximize the opportunities God is giving TPWC. Leadership must go beyond the few! As the leadership base grows and is empowered, the congregation will grasp their ministry opportunities.


1.  Vision/Mission:

On the day that this report is adopted, assuming that it is adopted, the vision/mission of the church will mirror the idea that Turning Point Wesleyan Church exists to make more disciples for Jesus Christ.

A map will be hung in a prominent location in the building, displaying the target area of the church for ministry. The demographics of this area will be clearly defined and all constituents will joyfully adopt these communities, villages and cities as the mission field. If any territorialism or factions exist, prayer will be made asking God to melt all hearts into one that has the vision to reach the entire region for Christ.

Once the population of the target area has been determined, two numbers will be selected by the leadership team. The first number will represent the people TPWC intends to lead to a personal relationship with Christ in the next five years. The second number will represent the people TPWC intends to touch with the love of Christ through acts of kindness during the next five years. This map and those numbers will be in place by Jan. 1, 2014.

It is duly noted that the congregation sees multiple small groups as a start to multiple worship sites that will be established in the years ahead.

2. Passion For The Lost:

The pastor and leadership team will call the congregation to a day of solemn assembly: a day when the church will ask God for forgiveness for failing to focus on reaching the lost. The pastor and congregates will acknowledge the inward focus and the struggle for control that has marked this church and ask God to break the collective hearts of this body of Believers for the souls that desperately need Christ.

Following this service, the congregation will take a bus tour of the communities that fall within its target area. Prayer will be prayed at public sites such as schools, town halls etc. asking that God will give TPWC a broken heart for these communities. If it is necessary to rent a bus the district VISION FUND will contribute up to $500.00 for this purpose. Fresh eyes and broken hearts will come from this experience. This day of solemn assembly and prayer tour will take place by Jan. 15, 2014.

The pastor will lead the entire congregation in the outreach program known as Alpha. Designed as an experience to develop community as well as give participants a place to ask spiritual questions and seek basic answers, this 10 week program will give all congregants a place to invite family and friends who may be searching for answers to life's tough questions. Alpha will began by Feb. 1, 2014.

Once this initial program is completed the pastor will lead in a second Alpha program to be held in one of the target communities - giving special consideration to the west side of the Hudson river. This second Alpha group will begin by Sept. 30, 2014.

3. Visitor Flow

Believing that it would be pleasing to God to increase the visitor flow significantly, the pastor and ministry team will lead the congregation in at least four well-planned, well-executed bridge events in 2014. The expectation is to have at least 100 guests to worship in our Sunday A.M. service during 2014!

As assimilation team will be recruited and trained. Part of this training will include a field trip to Fusion Community Church in Cobleskill to observe an experienced assimilation team in action. Also, materials on assimilation by Nelson Searcy, or another publisher, will be provided for this team.

Starting Point Luncheons will be held 3-4 times throughout 2014 to give newcomers a place to connect. The team will track the guests--the number who return for a second or third visit, and those who attend this Starting Point event, and those who are enfolded into the body.

4. Building / Facilities

The Worship Center of TPWC is outdated. Although clean and neat it is not appealing to the young families of this century. Upon entering, one is immediately transported to the 1960s and 70s.

Therefore the pastor and leadership team shall lead the congregation in an exciting period of renovation to this largest space in the building. The paneling will either be painted a light color, or, ideally, be replaced with brightly colored sheet rock. The 40-year old carpet will be replaced with a carpet that is earth-tone. In the interest of flexibility the pews with their old orange upholstery will either be reupholstered to match the new carpet, or replaced with interlocking, stackable chairs. This remodel will be completed by Aug. 31, 2014.

Because children's ministry is so important, and because the church basement is, for all practical purposes, unusable except for storage (in plastic containers) part of the fellowship hall will be decorated to be kid-friendly. When new parents and children visit this colorful, flexible space it will show that boys and girls are important to us. This will be completed by Feb. 30, 2014.

The consulting team recognizes that the congregation has committed to replace the parking lot with compacted stone, but it needs to replace the parsonage furnace immediately.

The pastor and LAC will lead the congregation in fund raising so that these projects can be completed in a timely fashion. If the fund raising falls short, then the congregational leadership will consider a loan in order to make these things happen more quickly.

Continued de-cluttering of the basement is also absolutely necessary.

5. Leadership / Structure

The congregation will move toward the Kaiser Model for church structure. This states that…

The Board Governs

The Pastor Leads

The Staff Manages

The Congregation Ministers

Attention must, and will, be given to leadership development and empowerment. A ministry team will be formed with leaders having a seat at the table. Monthly meetings will be held; accountability will be expected. The principle of authority, responsibility and accountability will be the model of operation. This ministry team will be in place by Jan. 1, 2014.

In consultation with the District Superintendent, a coach will be hired to walk alongside the pastor during 2014. The church will pay for this coaching.


Team Members:

Rev. W. Paul James

Rev. Andy McCutcheon

Rev. Rusty Bissell