Guidance for Dog Walkers – Newport Centre

Please remember that the majority of our dogs have come into us strays and whilst all dogs are temperament tested before being allowed to walk by volunteers, there are some important do’s and don’ts which need to be adhered to keep you and the dogs safe.

Staff have the right to refuse volunteers if it is found that guidance is not adhered to.

You have to complete the on-line Registration Form before attending an induction.


Dog walking Hours: Dogs may be walked between 11.00am and 1.00pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. We hope to extend these hours as we recruit more walkers throughout 2017.

If possible please bring along your own slip lead (not a standard collar and lead).

Please be aware at busy times you may have to wait before a dog is available for walking.

Dogs are not allowed to be taken by car to alternative walking areas.

Remember to notify us by email if you change address, phone number etc.

Before you go out

Do sign in and write your walker number on the signing in/out form in the Rehoming Hub.

Do sanitise your hands and take some poop scoop bags with you.

Do not take a dog which you do not feel confident walking. Advise the Rehoming Hub Receptionist that you would like another one..

Do not allow the dog you are given to get close to other dogs at any time

Out Walking

Do use poo bags to pick up after the dog if it has toileted. You have committed an offence if you fail to do this and may be prevented from dog walking in future. Poop bags MUST be placed in a bin.

Do keep control of the dog at all times.

Do call the Dogs Home on 01633 290902 should any incident occur whilst out walking. Please save this number into your speed dial on your mobile phone.

Do return to the Dogs Home immediately if on leaving you feel the dog is not suitable.

Donot put your face or allow anyone under your supervision to put their faces near to the dog/s.

Do not allow the dog off the lead at anytime.

Do not allow children to hold the lead.

Do not allow the dog you are walking to get close or come into contact with other dogs.

Back at the Kennels

Do wait outside the Rehoming Hub, away from any other dogs before handing the dog back.

Do put the dog waste in the bin outside the door if you haven’t disposed of it already.

Do sign out on the form in the Rehoming Hub

Do fill in the comments book. Please note any behavioural, physical or other observations.

Do come back again!

I have read and understood the volunteer walking guidance.

Print Name………………………………

Signed …………………………………………Walker No……………….. Date ………….…………
The information held by Friends of the Dogs (Wales) and Newport City Dogs Home will only be used to contact the dog walking volunteers and to monitor their attendance at the Dogs Home. The information will be held securely and will not be passed on to any other parties. The information gathered will be treated in accordance with the law.