Book Nook Book Nook is an afternoon enrichment program designed to enhance language development and promote

(BN): emerging literacy by focusing on several prominent children’s authors and illustrators. Each month culminates with the children creating their own book based on the inspiration received from the authors and illustrators studied. This class meets on Wednesday afternoons as part of our LB+ option and is open to children in the

Pre-K class.

Around the Around the World Adventure is an afternoon enrichment program that offers an introduction to geography

World and celebrates diversity. The children “travel” around the country and the world learning about habitats and

Adventure world cultures. They experience different customs, clothing, celebrations, learn about famous landmarks, etc.

(AW): Multicultural awareness is developed through hands on activities and intellectually stimulating experiences.

The class meets on Thursday afternoons as part of our LB+ option and is open to children in our Pre-K class.

Creative Creative Drama – A half year enrichment program providing language arts experiences and an opportunity for Drama / creative self-expression through dramatic play, and dramatic interpretation of literature, puppetry, and storytelling Five Senses using scenery, props and costumes. Five Senses is an enrichment program than enhances the awareness and

(CD/FS): perception of the environment through the use of the senses: smell, taste, hearing, touch, sight. A major component is science. Through the discovery method, children develop confidence and critical thinking skills. This class is part of our five day Pre-K program that meets on Friday mornings.

Kidsclub The Kidsclub program provides an added dimension in preschool programming. All classes are theme- based,

(KC): varied, and fun. The Kidsclub modules include: Yummy Tummy, Puppet Party, Wacky Woodworking, Blast Off, Squish and Squash, Mango Tango Café, Class with Trash, Digging in the Stone Age. This class meets on Friday afternoons as part of our LB+ option and is open to children in any Pre-K class.

Travelin’ Tumblers: Travelin’ Tumblers is a gymnastics program open to children in our Threes and Pre-K

classes as part of our Monday LB+ option. The program improves a child’s physical

fitness, stimulates whole brain and body use, enhances motor skill development,

sensory integration and self esteem while also improving social and stress management

skills. Equipment such as balance beams, vaulters, ladders, hoops and wedges are

used to develop locomotor skills. Tumbling and Yoga are also incorporated.

TechStars™: TechStars is an international computer enrichment program, open to children in the Threes

and Pre-K classes as part of our Tuesday LB+ option. Students will develop and strenghten

both technogical and educational skills giving them a competitive advantage as they

embark on new learning situations. The curiculum changes each year including software and new projects.

Preschool of Rock: Preschool of Rock is redifining music education for the young child by inspiring creativity, confidence, and freedom through caring role models, innovative curriculum, culturally diverse instruments and hip music. Offered on our Wednesday LB+ option.

•Stimulates all 5 senses

•Impact on brain development in young children

•Touch, hold and play REAL instruments

•Extraordinary introduction to the world of music

**Preschool of Rock will also be offered to children in our Pre-K class at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesdays at an additional cost.

Arttra (Art):: Arttra Creations is an art enrichment program for children in our Threes classes as part of

our Thursday LB+ option. The class provides your child a chance to learn and experience

art using all different types of mediums such as paint, clay, crayon, collage, chalk, oil pastels,

etc. in a fun atmosphere.

**Arttra Creations will be offered to children in our Pre-K class at 1:00 p.m. on Thursdays at an additional cost.

Spanish Sprouts:

Spanish Sprouts is a language enrichment program for our children in our Threes classes as part of our Friday LB+ option. In Spanish Sprouts the children will learn Spanish through songs, games, stories, and role-play in a fun, hands-on, preschool friendly way. The key to learning a new language is repetition; therefore we will continuously review each new concept throughout the weeks. The goal is to expose the children to a new language and to give them a more global perspective and to link them to the world around them. Additionally, studies have shown that learning a second language has cognitive advantages - “Bilingualism Encourages Creativity and Abstract Reasoning.”

**Spanish Sprouts will be offered to children in our Pre-K class at 1:00 p.m. on Fridays at an additional cost.