Bilingual Reading – Grade 1

Unit of Study: Creating a Climate for Thinking (Cómo crear un ambiente para promover el pensamiento)

Second Grading Period Weeks 1- 5 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Big Idea / Unit Rationale
“When our vision of community expands to create a culture and climate for thinking – when rigor, inquiry, and intimacy become key components of our definition – it’s essential that we work first to build genuine relationships, establish mutual trust, and create working literate environments” (17). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers, Markham, Ontario. / “Explicit instruction, modeling, reading high-quality literature and children’s writing, and giving children time to practice real reading and writing are the cornerstones of my teaching” (50). Miller, D. (2002). Reading with Meaning. Stenhouse Publishers, Markham, Ontario.
TEKS / TEKS Specificity – Intended Outcome
Concepts / TEKS Grade 1 The student is expected to
·  1C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
·  1D listen critically to interpret and evaluate
·  1E listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and contemporary works
·  1F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or repeated sounds
·  2A connect experiences and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening
·  3C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions
·  4A learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions, and categories
·  4B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
·  5E know the order of the alphabet
·  5Hunderstand that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters
·  5I recognize that different parts of a book…offer information
·  5J recognize that there are correct spellings for words
·  6B identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in words
·  6C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words
·  6D(ii) identify vowel and consonant sounds
·  6E blend sounds to make spoken words, including three and four phoneme words, through ways such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word
·  6F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three and four phoneme words, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds
·  7A name and identify each letter of the alphabet
·  7B understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds
·  7C(ii) learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of vowel-consonant patters to produce syllables to begin to read / “I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
Yo puedo…
·  participar en rimas, canciones, conversaciones y discusiones (1C, 13B, 13C)
·  escuchar por diferentes motivos (1D, 1E, 13A)
·  identificar rimas y sonidos repetidos (1F)
·  hacer conexiones personales con el texto, hacer conexiones entre textos y con el mundo real (2A, 13D, 16A)
·  hacer y contestar preguntas (3C)
·  aprender el vocabulario nuevo (4A, 4B)
·  conocer los conceptos de la letra impresa (5E, 5H, 5I, 7B)
·  reconocer que las palabras siguen una ortografía propia (5J)
·  dividir las palabras en sílabas y sonidos y unir los sonidos y las sílabas para formar palabras (6B, 6E, 6F)
·  hacer parejas de palabras que riman y distinguir las palabras que riman y no riman (6C)
·  identificar los sonidos de las vocales y consonantes (6Dii)
·  nombrar e identificar cada letra del alfabeto (7A)
·  entender que las palabras habladas están hechas de sonidos (7B)
·  utilizar la correspondencia entre letras y sonidos para aprender a leer (7Cii, 7Dii)
·  descifrar las palabras (7Eii, 7F, 7H, 8A)
·  leer texto descifrable (7G)
·  usar patrones ortográficos para leer las palabras (8B)
·  utilizar claves estructurales (8Cii)
·  utilizar las palabras irregulares de uso frecuente (8F)
·  reconocer las palabras comunes con rapidez (8Gii)
·  leer textos al nivel instruccional e independiente (9A, 9B, 9D)
·  leer con fluidez (9C)
·  leer libros de diferentes géneros y reconocer sus características (10A, 14D)
·  discutir los significados de palabras (11A)
·  leer las palabras nuevas y usarlas en las discusiones y la escritura (11B)
·  usar el conocimiento previo para entender el texto (12A)
·  establecer el propósito para la lectura (12B)
·  volver a contar un cuento (12C)
·  7D(ii) learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences
·  7E(ii) decode words using knowledge of all Spanish sounds, letters, and syllables, including consonants, vowels, blends, and stress
·  7F decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled words
·  7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts (engaging and coherent texts in which most of the words are comprised of an accumulating sequence of letter-sound correspondences being taught)
·  8A decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within a word
·  8B use common spelling patterns to read words
·  8C(ii) use structural cues to recognize words such as compounds, base words, and inflections such as –mente, -ito, -ada…
·  8F use knowledge of word order (syntax) and context to support word identification and confirm word meaning
·  8G(ii) develop automatic recognition of words that use specific spelling patterns…
·  9A read regularly in independent-level materials
·  9B read regularly in instructional-level materials that are challenging but manageable
·  9C read orally from familiar texts with fluency (accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing, and attention to punctuation)
·  9D self-select independent level reading such as by drawing on personal interest, by relying on knowledge of authors and different types of texts, and/or by estimating text difficulty
·  10A read fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for pleasure and/or information
·  11A discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary through meaningful/concrete experiences
·  11B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging selections read aloud
·  12A use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts
·  12B establish purposes for reading and listening
·  12C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
·  12D monitor his/her own comprehension and act purposefully when comprehension breaks down using strategies
·  12F make and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas and causes and effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
·  12G identify similarities and differences across texts such as in topics, characters, and problems
·  13A listen to stories being read aloud
·  13B participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable and patterned selections are read aloud
·  13C respond through talk, movement, music, art, drama, and writing to a variety of stories and poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation / ·  saber la idea principal del libro (12F)
·  entender la estructura de un cuento (14B)
·  13D connect ideas and themes across texts
·  13E describe how illustrations contribute to the text
·  14B understand simple story structure
Evidence of Learning
·  Anecdotal remarks from the Reader’s Notebook
·  80% of the students will score 80% or above on the selection assessments (comprehension and vocabulary).
·  80% of the students will score 80% or above on the spelling tests.
·  85% of the students will be “Desarrollado” on the Tejas LEE assessment

Bilingual Reading – Grade 1


Essential Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
·  What do good readers do when their comprehension breaks down?
·  What is the author’s purpose for writing?
·  What is cause and effect?
·  How can I use my schema to draw conclusions?
·  What is the main idea of a text?
·  What are blends? / Kindergarten TEKS
·  know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom (5B)
·  produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words (6C)
·  blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a spoken word (6E)
·  name and identify each letter of the alphabet (7A)
·  learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read (7C)
·  use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts (9A)
The Teaching Plan for Maleta, mapa, osito, pelota and El viento travieso
Week 1 / Instructional Model/Teacher Directions
Daily Instructional Routines
30 Minutes
Phonemic Awareness/Phonics / Spelling / Vocabulary / Fluency
Lunes / pp. 42i-42j, 42k-42l
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m/p
· Desarrollar la conciencia fonémica
o Presentar el cartel
o Cantar la canción
· Relacionar el sonido y la letra
o Presentar las vocales
o Señalar las palabras
o Combinar sílabas
o Identificar palabras
o Descifrar y formar otras palabras
· Rutina
o Practicar la pronunciación
§  Separen las letras
§  Combinen las sílabas / pp. 42j, 42l
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi, mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
· Examen preliminar
· Emplear el patrón ortográfico / p. 42l
· Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente
p. 42m
· Presentar el vocabulario / · Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
· Escuchar al maestro leer el librito de fonética El mar en voz alta
· Practicar la lectura en eco usando el librito de fonética El mar (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Echo Reading)
Martes / p. 47c
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m/p
· Actividades de práctica
o Cartel de rimas de rimas y canciones de fonética
o Eres una sílaba
· Rutina
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética / p. 47d
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi, mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
· Práctica con adivinanzas
· Rutina: Práctica de ortografía
p. 47d
· Caligrafía: Ee / p. 47d
· Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente
· Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) / · Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
· Leer el librito de fonética El mar en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading)
Miércoles / p. 75a
Fonética: Sílabas abiertas con m/p
· Relación con el cuento
· Actividades de práctica
o Formar palabras
o Librito de fonética – El mar
· Repaso: Vocales a, e, i, o, u / p. 75b
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi, mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
· Practicar la escritura
· Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar deletreando las palabras (Teacher Toolkit: Spelling Chants) / p. 48a
· Presentar el vocabulario
p. 75b
Mural de palabras: Palabras de uso frecuente / ·  Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
· Leer el librito de fonética El mar en parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading)
Jueves / p. 76a
Fonética: Vocales fuertes a, e, o y vocales débiles i, u
· Repaso: Vocales
· Atención a necesidades diversas
· Hacer una actividad para desarrollar la conciencia fonémica y la fonética (Teacher Toolkit: Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities) / p. 76b
Ortografía: Palabras con ma, me, mi, mo, mu; pa, pe, pi, po, pu
·  Práctica de ortografía en parejas / ·  Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) / · Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
· Leer el librito de fonética El mar en coro (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Choral Reading)
Viernes / p. 77d
· Divide the class into groups of 3-4 to play ¿Quién escribirá más? (Teacher Toolkit) Each group will divide their paper into 2 columns. The teams will compete against each other to write lists of words beginning with m and p. The team that writes the most words correctly in 10 minutes wins. / p. 77d
·  Escoger unas de las actividades para practicar las palabras de ortografía (Teacher Toolkit: Games/Activities to Practice Spelling Words)
·  Examen de ortografía / ·  Escoger una actividad de vocabulario práctico para repasar las palabras de la semana. (Teacher Toolkit: Hands-On Vocabulary Instruction) / ·  Práctica de fluidez de alta velocidad (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency Speed Drills)
·  Leer el librito de fonética El mar en parejas (Teacher Toolkit: Fluency – Paired Reading)
Weekly Spelling Words / High Frequency Words / Vocabulary Words / Academic Vocabulary
· ama
· mamá
· mima
· mapa
· papi / · puma
· mi
· papá
· mimo
· pomo / · por
· papá
· al / · más
· mi / Maleta, mapa,
osito, pelota
· maleta
· piso / El viento travieso
· país
· revés
· sueños / · causa
· efecto
· ambiente
Comprehension Focus Lessons
15 Minutes
Note: On Mondays, a read aloud of a mentor text will be done during the comprehension focus lesson. Therefore, 10 minutes will be added to the focus lesson and an additional read aloud after small group/work station time will not take place.
Day 1: Introduce Comprehension Skill with a Read Aloud– Cause and Effect
(Teacher Toolkit: Teaching Comprehension; Thinking Aloud; Cause and Effect)
Focus: A cause is the reason something happens. An effect is what happens.
·  Before reading, pre-select two or three stopping points to model cause and effect. Place sticky notes on the pages you will be thinking aloud.
·  Read aloud Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Ricitos de oro y los tres osos) and model two or three think aloud strategies related to cause and effect.
·  Draw the following chart:
¿Por qué pasó? / Efecto
¿Qué pasó?
El tazón del Osito está vacío.
La silla del Osito está rota..
Ricitos de oro huyó.
·  Read each effect and guide students to think about the reason it happened (cause).
·  Add the cause.
¿Por qué pasó? / Efecto
¿Qué pasó?
Ricitos de oro se comió toda la avena. / El tazón del Osito está vacío.
Ricitos de oro estaba demasiado pesada. / La silla del Osito está rota..
Ella tenía miedo de los caballos. / Ricitos de oro huyó.
·  Explain that good readers think about cause and effect to help understand what happens and why it happens.