To find the meaning of a bird, think about its distinctive qualities. A sandpiper is a bird that stays close to the ground; it flies awkwardly. So it has a closer relationship to the earth compared with other birds: symbolically it stays grounded in the sensory world while other birds soar freely in the emptiness of the spiritual sky.
But since it is a shorebird, the sandpiper also is intimate with the water element. The shore is a "threshold" region, a place of transition between two different states--in this case, the transition between the earth/beach and the ocean. The earth can represent the familiar physical life of the world, with all its limitations, while the ocean is the infinite sea of spirit or divinity, a place of vast unknown possibilities. As one passes through a threshold, it is like being initiated into an unknown territory or a new level of consciousness or being. Sandpipers are seen busily rushing along this seaside threshold, quickly approaching the water but at once retreating as the tide comes in. This could symbolize a spiritual condition of being poised between the worlds (earthly and heavenly). It's a delicate balance to keep one's feet safely on the ground while testing the waters of spiritual experiences, which put you in an unfamiliar, risky state.
Note that the sandpiper does not enter the water or swim, so it represents a state where one is not prepared to plunge into the unknown. Nonetheless, the sandpiper is at home by the sea, keeping company with the Infinite.
Sandpipers are often seen running in groups. This reminds me of adolescents, whose phase of life is also transitional, at the threshold between childhood and maturity. This could also be interpreted spiritually. The notion of fellowship or community--sangha in Buddhism--is an important feature of spiritual life, especially at certain stages of one's development.
The sandpiper is small, suggesting youth or being "young in spiritual life." But its relatively long legs make it agile and swift--it knows how to move quickly in its own environment. It goes about its business meticulously, intently pecking at the sand for food. It plays its role well, and with a certain humility.
» Speed
» Foraging
Sandpipers are symbolic of heightened paternal instincts and a quick wit. It refers to an adventurous spirit and an explorer of the wild. It also refers to a focused approach to life.
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