1. The police decided to ……………… the department store after they had received a bomb warning.

  1. abandon
  1. evacuate
  1. evict
  1. expel

  1. Before I went to drama school, I had to ……………… quite a lot of family pressure for me to study medicine.

  1. resist
  1. restrain
  1. refuse
  1. reconcile

  1. I’ve been working ……………… quite a lot of pressure lately.

  1. in
  1. with
  1. on
  1. under

  1. The factory is working below ……………… because of the shortage of essential materials.

  1. range
  1. scope
  1. capacity
  1. density

  1. ‘Frankly, I couldn’t care less!’ he said with a ……………… of his shoulders.

  1. twitch
  1. flick
  1. hunch
  1. shrug

  1. As a result of careless washing, the jeans had ……………… to a child’s size.

  1. shrunk
  1. faded
  1. reduced
  1. dwindled

  1. After the robbery, the shop installed a sophisticated alarm system as an insurance ……………… further losses.

  1. for
  1. from
  1. against
  1. towards

  1. ……………… the regular written work, you will be required to submit a long essay.

  1. Apart from
  1. Beside
  1. In addition
  1. Beyond

  1. That song ……………… me of my youth.

  1. recalls
  1. remembers
  1. reminds
  1. recollects

  1. There is no ……………… for hard work and perseverance if you want to succeed.

  1. alternative
  1. substitute
  1. equivalent
  1. imitation

  1. People in financial difficulties sometimes fall ……………… to unscrupulous money lenders.

  1. prey
  1. fool
  1. scapegoat
  1. sacrifice

  1. The crime was ……………… in the middle of a busy street, in full view of people returning home from work.

  1. achieved
  1. committed
  1. performed
  1. practised

  1. A good friend is one who will ……………… you when you’re in trouble.

  1. stand for
  1. stand up to
  1. stand by
  1. stand over

  1. He was ……………… of forgery and sentenced to two years in prison.

  1. charged
  1. convicted
  1. accused
  1. confirmed

  1. As a ……………… prime minister, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed.

  1. prior
  1. previous
  1. late
  1. former

  1. You’d better pack those glasses extremely carefully if you want them to arrive ……………… .

  1. entire
  1. intact
  1. whole
  1. complete

  1. The stuntman seemed to show a total disregard ……………… fear as he performed his daredevil tricks.

  1. of
  1. over
  1. for
  1. about

  1. If you’d like to take a seat in the waiting room till the doctor can see you, you’ll find plenty of magazines to ……………… .

  1. refer to
  1. browse through
  1. look over
  1. stare at

  1. She’s suffering from a ……………… of iron and needs to take a course of tablets.

  1. defect
  1. deficit
  1. default
  1. deficiency

  1. The government has spent £1 million on an advertising ……………… to encourage energy conservation.

  1. campaign
  1. promotion
  1. operation
  1. enterprise

  1. There is a ……………… of plant which is found only in this particular valley.

  1. species
  1. specimen
  1. class
  1. breed

  1. At first I found it difficult to get used ……………… on the other side of the road.

  1. to drive
  1. to driving
  1. driving
  1. being driven

  1. He ……………… since before breakfast.

  1. works
  1. is working
  1. has been working
  1. was working

  1. She was a strong swimmer so she ……………… win the race last week.

  1. might
  1. should
  1. succeeded to
  1. was able to

  1. What a shame! We’ve prepared all this food and the party has been cancelled. We ……………… .

  1. mustn’t have bothered
  1. didn’t need to bother
  1. hadn’t to bother
/ D. needn’t have bothered
  1. The boy ……………… father was injured in the accident was very upset.

  1. who’s
  1. of which
  1. whose
  1. of whom

  1. I’m not sure it’s serious, but I can’t help ……………… about it.

  1. worrying
  1. to worry
  1. worry
  1. except to worry

  1. We have put a new lock on the door to ……………… our son from running onto the street.

  1. prevent
  1. avoid
  1. refrain
  1. hinder

  1. A great deal of research ……………… at the moment.

  1. will be done
  1. are being done
  1. is being done
  1. are done

  1. No sooner ……………… everyone started laughing.

  1. he left the room then
  1. he had left the room than
  1. had he left the room than
  1. he had left the room then

  1. We ……………… our grandfather since last Easter.

  1. haven’t seen
  1. didn’t see
  1. haven’t been seeing
  1. aren’t seeing

  1. If he ……………… £3,000, he would buy a car.

  1. would have
  1. will have
  1. have
  1. had

  1. My sister hasn’t been ……………… all week.

  1. at work
  1. in work
  1. at the work
  1. in the work

  1. John went to the wedding, ……………… he hadn’t been invited.

  1. although
  1. in spite of
  1. even
  1. unless

  1. If you ………………, we’ll be late for the meeting.

  1. don’t hurry
  1. won’t hurry
  1. aren’t hurrying
  1. weren’t hurrying

  1. We broke ……………… on a country road and had to wait ages for somebody to come.

  1. up
  1. round
  1. down
  1. out

  1. They looked at ……………… and laughed.

  1. the other
  1. another
  1. each other
  1. every other

  1. When Samantha died, Luke ……………… a lot of money.

  1. came along
  1. came across
  1. came into
  1. came round

  1. This is a lousy excuse! Couldn’t you ……………… something better?

  1. break up with
  1. come up with
  1. carry on with
  1. ask for

  1. My children have excellent table ……………… .

  1. manners
  1. behaviour
  1. habits
  1. attitude

  1. This material is different ……………… the one she bought yesterday.

  1. for
  1. with
  1. of
  1. from

  1. Eve can’t take the pressure of her job and I think she ……………… resigning.

  1. is about to
  1. is due to
  1. is on the verge of
  1. is to

  1. They ……………… our offer because it was too low.

  1. denied
  1. rejected
  1. ascended
  1. shortened

  1. Andy has a(n)……………… career ahead of him.

  1. promising
  1. hopeful
  1. optimistic
  1. positive

  1. Do you think this colour ……………… me, or does it make me look pale?

  1. fits
  1. suits
  1. dresses
  1. looks

  1. It’s not true. He ……………… the whole story up.

  1. did
  1. told
  1. made
  1. said

  1. We covered a lot of ……………… at today’s meeting but we didn’t discuss everything.

  1. land
  1. ground
  1. terrain
  1. track

  1. As a general rule, zoologists prefer to observe animals in the ……………… .

  1. wild
  1. captivity
  1. habitat
  1. nature

  1. The chief of police must ……………… that all officers know about the new law.

  1. enact
  1. enforce
  1. ensure
  1. enclose

  1. The meeting will continue until a decision ……………… .

  1. will be made
  1. is made
  1. would make
  1. had been made

  1. Our neighbours found a buyer for their house the day it went on the ……………… .

  1. sale
  1. estate
  1. market
  1. mortgage

  1. We could see snow-capped mountain ……………… far in the distance.

  1. peaks
  1. cliffs
  1. dunes
  1. dams

  1. The film Home Alone 2 is the ……………… to Home Alone.

  1. second
  1. sequel
  1. result
  1. consequence

  1. Rosemary ……………… her name to Rose.

  1. decreased
  1. shortened
  1. trimmed
  1. shrunk

  1. At the end of the day, all that was left on the beach were ……………… in the sand.

  1. footnotes
  1. footprints
  1. footpaths
  1. footsteps

  1. Washing dishes and ironing clothes are typical household ……………… and Lara is great at both.

  1. works
  1. chores
  1. affairs
  1. trades

  1. A(n)……………… stole my wallet yesterday.

  1. shoplifter
  1. pickpocket
  1. arsonist
  1. forger

  1. Motorways generally have three or four ……………… .

  1. channels
  1. tracks
  1. routes
  1. lanes

  1. The survivors of the accident ……………… a coin to determine who should go and look for help.

  1. tossed
  1. threw
  1. aimed
  1. hurled

  1. The explorers realised they had reached the ……………… of no return.

  1. point
  1. place
  1. beginning
  1. edge

  1. The amount you can borrow is ……………… on your salary.

  1. based
  1. according
  1. determined
  1. depending

  1. The bomb disposal team ……………… the bomb with only seconds to spare.

  1. defused
  1. pacified
  1. rendered
  1. saved

  1. Despite all the indications ……………… the contrary, the island was in fact inhabited.

  1. to
  1. on
  1. or
  1. by

  1. We’d better eat the bread now. It will be ……………… by tomorrow.

  1. stale
  1. old
  1. inedible
  1. bad

  1. This cream will have a(n) ……………… effect on sunburnt skin.

  1. soothing
  1. calming
  1. antiseptic
  1. healthy

  1. The police ……………… him with armed robbery.

  1. arrested
  1. charged
  1. penalised
  1. accused

  1. As a young actor he got a number of interesting parts but he ended his career in a soap ……………… .

  1. series
  1. opera
  1. commercial
  1. company

  1. “Are you a heavy smoker?” “Yes, I smoke ……………… .”

  1. much
  1. many
  1. a lot
  1. a lot of

  1. Here you are at last! I ……………… for you for over an hour.

  1. wait
  1. am waiting
  1. waited
  1. have been waiting

  1. “What’s the best way to get there?” “By air; the ……………… is by train.”

  1. more best
  1. next better
  1. second better
  1. next best

  1. “What did the teacher ask Jenny to do?” “To read the text ……………… .”

  1. loud
  1. in aloud way
  1. aloud
  1. lowdown

  1. I decided to move back to America because I was ……………… .

  1. homesick
  1. homebound
  1. homecoming
  1. homestead

  1. Do you think this blouse ...... with this jacket?

  1. matches
  1. fits
  1. goes
  1. clashes

  1. Maria got very ……………… with Harry when he refused to put his toys away.

  1. cross
  1. uncomfortable
  1. nervous
  1. irate

  1. I was a bit ……………… with my test results – I will have to work harder next time!

  1. worried
  1. nervous
  1. stressed
  1. disappointed

  1. The hairdryer broke the first time I used it to the store gave me a full ……………….

  1. receipt
  1. discount
  1. refund
  1. reduction

  1. Beat the mixture until it is ……………… and creamy.

  1. smooth
  1. flat
  1. low
  1. dry

  1. I’m thinking of joining the local cycling club but ……………… is quite expensive.

  1. membership
  1. fee
  1. benefit
  1. tax

  1. Jim had such a sore ……………… he could hardly speak.

  1. headache
  1. throat
  1. cough
  1. voice

  1. Tina used to ……………… gymnastics at school.

  1. make
  1. play
  1. exercise
  1. do

  1. Trees are often blown down by ……………… .

  1. thunder
  1. gales
  1. lightening
  1. gasps

  1. The rain was so ……………… over the weekend that the river flooded its banks.

  1. heavy
  1. strong
  1. high
  1. forceful

  1. Let’s get Dad this ……………… for his birthday. He’s not too keen on fiction.

  1. thriller
  1. horror story
  1. travel book
  1. romance

  1. Please tell me what the next ……………… says. I want to check that we are on the right road.

  1. crossroads
  1. signpost
  1. roundabout
  1. landmark

  1. “Has Henry arrived yet?” “I think that’s him ……………… the bell now.”

  1. rings
  1. that rings
  1. having ring
  1. ringing

  1. “When did she say she would be back home?” “……………… 11 o’clock, I think.”

  1. Till
  1. For
  1. By
  1. Since

  1. “What a nasty boy Tony is!” “Well, he’s ……………… the rest of the boys his age.”

  1. no worse than
  1. no worse from
  1. no worst than
  1. not bad as

  1. “I won’t be able to go to work tomorrow.” “Do you want me to ……………… you?”

  1. stand in
  1. stand in for
  1. stand up for
  1. stand down for

  1. George ……………… been at the scene of the crime because he was at my house.

  1. shouldn’t have
  1. can’t have
  1. needn’t have
  1. didn’t have

  1. Could you please answer the phone if anyone calls ……………… I am out to lunch?

  1. meantime
  1. throughout
  1. during
  1. while

  1. I would rather exercise ……………… television.

  1. than watch
  1. to watch
  1. than watching
  1. to watching

  1. There is so much traffic that even if we leave now, the show will have already started ……………… we get there.

  1. on time
  1. at the moment
  1. as soon as
  1. by the time

  1. Paul is really looking forward ……………… his mother.

  1. to seeing
  1. to see
  1. seeing
  1. that he sees

  1. The police ……………… every effort to find the missing boy.

  1. made
  1. did
  1. performed
  1. had

  1. Don’t be disappointed! You’ll manage ……………… .

  1. somewhat
  1. somewhere
  1. somehow
  1. sometimes

  1. John was so ill that the doctor gave him a(n) ……………… for antibiotics.

  1. inscription
  1. prescription
  1. note
  1. recipe

  1. It’s a ……………… of time trying to make my children do their homework. They are so lazy!

  1. lack
  1. waste
  1. period
  1. loss

  1. The thief ……………… with the money before the police arrived.

  1. was leaving
  1. left
  1. had left
  1. has left

  1. The important information ……………… given to us by the camp director.

  1. were
  1. was
  1. has
  1. have been

  1. If I hadn’t gone to downtown Athens yesterday, I ……………… bumped into an old classmate.

  1. would not
  1. would never have
  1. would never had
  1. never would