ASEWU Council Work Session – November 13, 2013

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ASEWU Work Session Minutes

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

PUB 307, 4:00 p.m.

  1. Chair calls meeting to order at 4:01pm
  1. Roll Call

D.J. Jigre, ASEWU President

Frank Navarro, Executive Vice President

Samson Hatton, Finance Vice President

Cassie Bratton, Council Representative, Academic Affairs

Kyle Dodson, Council Representative, Athletic Affairs and University Advancement

Mariana Garcia, Council Representative, Diversity Outreach

Samantha Frank, Council Representative, Graduate Affairs

Kelsy Kelly, Council Representative, Legislative Affairs

Kendal Davis, Council Representative, Student Activities

Brendan Hargrave, Council Representative, Student Health and Safety Services

Ryan McCulloch, Council Representative, Student Services

James Reisenauer, Council Representative, Technology Advancement

Nick Fell, Superior Court Chief Justice

All members present

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Announcements – finals week activities at Riverpoint – Samantha Frank
  3. Item L on discussion item – Final Survival kits
  4. Item M on discussion item – Task force committee goals from Leadership training retreat
  5. Chair entertains motion to approve agenda, James Reisenauer moved to approve, Kendal Davis seconded. Motion is approved.
  1. Chair reminds the Council members that they will be limited to three turns of two minutes on each subject, with the exception of the first speaker on each subject, reports, and guest speakers, all of whom will be allowed five minutes to open. The Speaker reserves the right for further debate. If members of the Gallery have questions, comments or concerns, please speak up during “Gallery Participation.”
  1. Gallery Participation: NONE
  1. Guest Speakers
  2. Housing and Residential Life—Chief Housing Officer Josh Ashcroft
  3. Live on requirement for new students for fall 2014
  4. Voting on Dec
  5. EWU policy page
  6. First year students, to be successful should live on campus, be more involved and engaged – student success
  7. 21 and over, medical reasons, financial issues, living with relatives – exempt
  8. Provided board with research and documentation
  9. Student or two wanted for the exemption appeal process (Appeal Board)
  10. Ask ASEWU what position it would fall under
  11. During spring quarter met with faculty, staff and students – possible value for campus, culture and so on
  12. Other schools have live on requirements
  13. Letter of support from Council, submitted to the board for review
  14. Ryan – before charged to move out of the dorms earlier
  15. Hasn’t been decided, key discussion to figure out
  16. Kyle – campus environment, will RHA host different events and activities
  17. More students living on campus will raise the attendance of students for events on campus
  18. Students on campus are most important in getting students involved
  19. Get involved early, they stay involved for their college experience
  20. Build confidence
  21. Nick – what percent of students currently live, and enough facilities for living
  22. 60-62% freshman class
  23. 70 – 75 % maybe 80% percent with the new policy
  24. 10 – 15% jump, ways to manage
  25. Ryan – help with local businesses, more people willing to buy
  26. D.J. – take effect, ASEWU gives letter, policy effective
  27. Board will vote on Dec 3rd meeting, decision would implement fall 2014, if not would push it to 2015
  28. Working with admissions
  29. Jan/Feb meeting would ask for implementation in 2015
  30. Kendal – financial reasons, additional scholarships
  31. Could appeal for that, students have special needs
  32. Room rates are competitive, depending on living situation
  33. Dorm cost come in lower than other places, and bills needed to be paid
  1. EWU M.E.Ch.A.—Amy Nunez, Jackie Vaughn and Mikaila Leyva
  2. Each member introduces themselves and their positions
  3. Talk about the background of MEChA, and what MEChA is and does
  4. Reminds the council of the letter they all received and states will go in depth about it in the presentation
  5. Present on the events that MEChA puts on for EWU students
  6. Collaborate with other orgs for events
  7. Gives historical background on CEP
  8. Only university that has its own program in the PNW
  9. Resource for Chicano and Latino students, provides tutoring, mentoring as well as helps students of color to graduate and to help students to be successful
  10. Wants help get their CEP the way it was in previous years
  11. Will present demands they are asking
  12. Elaborates on demands
  13. Dismissal of current CEP interim director
  14. Required to be there only 30% of the time
  15. CEP did not elect director, elected by dean
  16. Asking for a director that is qualified
  17. Immediate search and hiring of a full time director
  18. Full time director by fall 2014
  19. University is not taking action in hiring a director
  20. Asking ASEWU to help put pressure to have a new director hired immediately
  21. Not getting adequate funding
  22. Program has lost 71% of its funding in 7 years
  23. Last year ASEWU funded two day high school conference, which was more than the CEP has
  24. Maintenance of basic structure of the CEP
  25. Go back to the basic structure, and look like what it looked like before
  26. Currently understaffed, events suffer,
  27. Day of the dead hosted 130 students, CEP hasn’t been able to fund for the past 2 years
  28. Lack of communicating and outreaching
  29. The end of marginalization of all Chicano students
  30. Students are being favored
  31. Why is it important
  32. Students need resources
  33. Fair and supportive program needed
  34. Largest minority population on campus
  35. 12% Latino population
  36. Would like support, a letter of support
  37. Met with Dean and she has not responded and shows no sign of wanting to move on

-Stacey – approach dean of students

Dean of colleges, and provost

-Ryan – dismissal director and replace, then communication will be better, main goal is to get someone new

-D.J. thanks for presenting, will discuss more

  1. Reports
  2. Nick Fell, ASEWU Superior Court Chief Justice
  3. NONE
  1. Report of the Officers
  2. Dahir “D.J.” Jigre, ASEWU President
  3. Talking to clubs & orgs – ASEWU will assist them in any events and so on
  4. Thanks each cabinet members for everything they’ve done so far
  5. Francisco “Frank” Navarro, ASEWU Executive Vice President
  6. Will talk about it in discussion items
  7. Tomorrow – diversity training that has been discussed
  8. Mariana, sandy and frank have helped plan
  9. 7:15 breakfast, 7:30 will start ended by 8:45
  10. Count as office hours, 10 office hours a week
  11. Samson Hatton, ASEWU Finance Vice President
  12. Finance committee is settled
  13. Needs appointing
  14. Setting members
  15. Stacey – SNA
  16. Can send in, 6 members already
  1. Discussion Items
  2. Housing and Residential Life recommended policies
  3. Kelsy – part of discussion with RHA, pros and cons, lived on campus, thinks it’s great, council should consider the letter of recommendation
  4. Brendan – agrees, kicks in with library open until 12 and will be utilized
  5. Ryan – agrees, help with the commute school, living in Cheney, help businesses
  6. Kyle – agrees, negative aspects?
  7. Josh – cons – policy has addressed most of the concerns
  8. Pros – people don’t agree, impact students to not want to come here, financial element,
  9. Alex – Greeks can’t move out, have to live on campus closed Morrison, using revenue, need more students, needing to retain more students
  10. Best environment for student success – motivation, Morrison is closed because it does not need to be open with the new facility, upgrades to on campus facilities, change the way campus looks and feels
  11. Cassie – clarify undo financial hardship – group of people (committee) will look into it
  12. Samantha – joined Greek, could move out first quarter
  13. Been changed, requirement, leadership roles, people would move into house sophomore year and so on
  14. Stacey – retain students better happens in Greek life, having them live on campus and then Greek houses,
  15. Ryan – agrees if only and only fee, find solution for parking which is a huge factor, alternatives to be changed if not could cause a lot of problems (Student services rep)
  16. Josh – board approves, Josh & Ryan met to discuss
  17. Brendan – break housing plans
  18. Depends on the quarter
  19. Mariana – how lengthy exemption process, before, weeks or how long if you can’t afford
  20. Incoming students, submit appeal, appeals committee meets every two weeks meet regularly starting May
  21. Kyle – RHA budget for help funding with EE to bring bigger events
  22. Each students pays 15 a quarter and is dispersed with halls and RHA, collaborated with other orgs
  23. Kendal – Bigger involvement with RHA,
  24. Rates that students pay
  25. Board rate, other resources, collaboration with other events

Chair asks members to raise hands if they agree, to move on, agree if we can work on certain things

Brendan leaves 4:54pm

No task force, ideas for fixed or improved to DJ

Josh – letter of support, policy has been written already, can voice concerns, if board approves talk about parking and so on, later discuss what students will be on the appeal board

Council agrees

  1. M.E.Ch.A.'srequest for a full time director at the Chicano Education Program
  2. D.J. – letter of recommendation, and support from ASEWU – help move the process faster
  3. Correct
  4. Kelsy – great that presented, ASEWU should look into it more, have other programs budget and if they have declined
  5. Have declined but not as much as CEP
  6. Ryan – ask administration why it’s been so prolonged, and ask where the process is at
  7. Kyle – how many kids
  8. Open to all students – 1200
  9. Kyle - Diversity courses, Chicano course is a required, faculty part of the CEP, students been robbed from the Chicano experience
  10. Talking about the director not the rest of faculty
  11. Nick – writing letter, make it general,
  12. Ryan – not a removal but instead review his progress, during review M.E.Ch.A. can present so that ASEWU doesn’t ask for the removal of a person
  13. Cassie – has there been a problem,
  14. Talked to dean, and they are aware of it
  15. Stacey – Students sitting on hiring committee, ASEWU sitting on the hiring committee
  16. Kelsy – wait until meeting with them and do more research, then draft letter
  17. Ryan – Stacey help talk with them
  18. Mariana – cant be part of the committee because part of mecha
  19. Provide recommendations as diversity outreach rep
  20. Gallery guest – someone well informed about the issue from mecha be there at the meeting,

Draft letter – Cassie and Stacey, coordinate with M.E.Ch.A.members

Chair – M.E.Ch.A.collaborated with ASEWU and took many students to lobby day last year

  1. Format of Council Representative's Monthly Report—Stacey Reece
  2. Talking to Grace about a more effective method, drafted ideas
  3. DJ – monthly report from October had many errors
  4. Stacey – change on council reports – students at large was to pick up report they need more information about what reps are doing, more information better for students, help superior court with reviews, paperwork that can be collected for reviews, Grace has to submit quarterly reviews to Stacey than to administration, incoming council has to do annually reports for those council members, hard to put them together
  5. Proposes new change
  6. James – likes new format, didn’t like the format last year, isn’t just a list, old one doesn’t tell you a lot
  7. Stacey – look it over, up to exec team to decide for council
  8. Samson – last one doesn’t explain enough, new format forces to engage in meetings and so on,
  9. Grace – when elected my students, many don’t know what position it is, bottom line you’re a student but are you serving the rest of the students, Riverpoint students don’t know there is a student government, improving on RVPT students, they feel they are important,
  10. DJ – Grace sent the proper format that the University uses, encourages everyone to write reports with the new format, double check
  11. Stacey – Grace will send new updated version when it is agreed
  12. DJ – Samson, Frank agrees it’s a go
  13. Discussion of quarterly reviews by ASEWU Superior Court – Nick Fell
  14. Almost review time, before Tuesday of thanksgiving break, own packet in mailbox, fill out, self-evaluation, 1 assigned peer, all anonymous, want more make copies, before Tuesday of thanksgiving break will be in box, due Monday Dec 2 at 5pm, almost a week to get them done, sign-up sheet in 303 by next week for one on ones with superior court, sign-up sheets Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, packets back will get a final letter back by finals week, by Tuesday Dec 10
  15. Kendal – don’t know person you are assigned
  16. Do your best
  17. James – transparent is required
  18. Nick – review packet isn’t difficult, no need to freak out because everyone should know what everyone is doing, as well as yourself
  19. Stacey- Read bylaws and so on, should know what everyone is doing
  20. Nick -Not your problem
  21. DJ – hesitating, honesty is the best way

Questions about bylaws or how to implement talk to nick, soon!

Nick – don’t say you don’t know, not an excuse, nothing to be scared, grow as an org, winter quarter best when everyone is comfortable

  1. Quarter to semester follow up discussion –D.J. Jigre
  2. Long process, cabinet worked on it hard, BOT great remarks, majority of faculty have said it’s been a great thing that has happened in a while, look through the document, 15 pages – result, rest is surveys, 86% percent students have said quarters, has their voice we are advocating for that, feels like it’s a dead topic after meeting, opinion BOT will take students opinion into consideration. He thanked the cabinet for their assistance. Frank thanked Court for the help they provided in the open forum. Frank also felt that we did the best that we could do.
  3. Update on International Student Fee—Mariana Garcia

She met with Yvon long and they felt it was disrespectful, online haven’t posted on line, wondering why such notice, GIO has been cut on funding and are now charging students more, meeting with Frank and Katherine – director of global initiatives, write letters students and members about this, meet with Julia smith, frank and D.J no later than next week

  1. Bingo night, candy apples update –Samantha Frank
  2. Was great, 220 students attend, EWU 30-40 students, students enjoyed, packed house, candy apples was successful, 140 students from EWU,
  3. DJ – great opportunity to, students bring up concerns when you meet them, enjoyable moments, highly encourage to attend events and hear students voice, had a blast, address issues, making progress on concerns, Samantha frank great job on hosting, studentswant events
  4. students want more
  5. Ryan – breakfast for dinner – ASEWU
  6. Stacey – RHA, ask for sponsorship, ask ASEWU for funding, open to students on campus, encourage more partnership
  7. Kelsy – RHA last year, reached out to other orgs,
  8. Stacey – SNA dollars has to be open to all students
  9. DJ thanks Samantha for all hard work
  10. Military/Veterans appreciation t-shirts—Kyle Dodson
  11. T-shirts ordered, process of printing, should arrive Friday, hand out to students, veterans center will get some as well, students sign 4x5 poster in thanks of veterans, end of game will give to veterans affair office, fill up with appreciation to veterans, shirts to draw students attention,
  12. Frank – two stations, entrance and by the box
  13. Kyle – entrance, will get shirts, one up top for alumni, two images in much larger scale for students, alumni and others, needs help, game at 2:45 students can enter 1 ½ before, help handing out shirts until kickoff to draw students to sign,
  14. Cassie – what time
  15. 1pm to set up, donate 30mins
  16. DJ – printed off?
  17. Gone to veterans affair office for approval but person hasn’t been there
  18. DJ – ASEWU logo
  19. Will be added as well as veterans affair logo
  20. DJ – just white?
  21. Yes
  22. Stacey – white be thicker, for girls, make sure they weigh it for thickness
  23. Committee updates—D.J. Jigre
  24. 20 committees, you can see which have been approved/appointed, discusses which have been approved and which still need more people and so on
  25. James – having troubles with library advisory committee
  26. During summer Nicole asked, student representation has been lacking
  27. Nick – chair committees, look into how many times a committee meets because we’re in week 8
  28. DJ – have not received and stamped, make sure to bring to DJ ASAP, so that they can be approved

Chair encourages

Mariana – meet with members or until

-Approved members, start meeting

Samson – 5 students at large need to be approved, council reps count as students at large, Kendal approved for the food committee

-students at large, council doesn’t count, Kendal shouldn’t have been approved can still be part but no need to approve

UAC needs reps ASAP

  • Cassie – emailed but class conflicts, can go and give reports but needs someone that can attend all meeting, every other Thursday at 3 – 5 pm
  • Chair – reps schedule conflicts
  • Cassie – for this quarter only, council rep
  • D.J – council meetings, committee reports must report
  • Chair – section for committee reports if any for your committee that you’re heading
  1. PUB remodel—Francisco Navarro
  2. Thursday open forum opportunity for ASEWU to get more info on the project, ideas, bus station and so on attend so that you can, 5-6pm, make sure council members to attend,
  3. Mariana – state top 10 most ugliest buildings on flyer
  4. Stacey – agrees, because its true
  5. Chair – give me ideas for flyers and campaigns,
  6. Grace –
  7. Cassie – outside look different
  8. Completely brand new
  9. Ryan – google UW hub, some idea of our new pub
  10. Chair invite friends, spread word, next session will be outside of PUB
  11. Ryan – PUB remodel, rumors of Panda Express, ASEWU needs to decide if that is still happening, talk to him for future plans,
  12. Chair pub committee will discuss, MPR state of the art facility for outside businesses to rent and make revenue of our facilities, students should know what’s happening to the money, review PUB policies
  13. Office holiday festivities – LinetMolinero
  14. Dec 4 – 11 – 1, pub 307, SAIL potluck
  15. D.J – down for secret Santa,
  16. James – join with potluck for better communication,
  17. Kendal – potluck but also something else as ASEWU, weekday night
  18. Cassie – use her house
  19. Kyle – ugly sweater day in the URC
  20. Ryan – Christmas movies as well
  21. DJ – dinner in Spokane with everyone, Samson will buy
  22. Kendal – white elephant, secret Santa the whole week with a limit
  23. James – week type thing, max $20

Samson, James, Kendal, Linet, Cassie will work and plan