Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation, Inc.

Innovation Partnership Grant

Please complete the following before proceeding with the grant application:

I have told my principal/supervisor about the idea. He/she thinks it’s a good idea, and is willing to find or provide/seek matching funds, (through building funds or PTA funds, etc).

I have visited with district administration and received approval to submit the following application to the Partnership grant committee.

Date of Application:______

Project Title:______

Applicant(s) Name(s): ______


Address: ______

Contact Person responsible for project: ______

Phone number: ______Email: ______

Please address the following areas:

  1. Amount of Mini-Grant Request: $______
  2. Provide a brief overview statement of the project (include how project is innovative and follows the curriculum):
  1. Briefly describe the need for this project, general plans, and expected outcomes.
  1. Briefly describe how this project will impact student learning.
  1. List other sources of financial support for this project that you have applied for, as well as matching fundsource (school district, PTA, state, federal, private):
  2. Target Population (demographic):
  3. Number of people the project will impact:______
  4. Project Budget:
  5. Project Timeline (start to finish):
  1. What personnel, facilities, equipment and supplies of the school district will be required to carry out this project?
  1. Facility modifications (describe in detail and list costs) (Example ??):
  1. After the funding ceases (District financial responsibilities):
  1. New equipment required (list in detail):
  1. Indicate evidence of inter-school and/or community support for this project.
  1. Staffing implications:
  1. Type of program change
  2. Addition of a course of program
  3. Modification of an existing course or program
  4. Other (explain)


Signature of ApplicantsDate


Signature of PrincipalDate


Signature of SuperintendentDate

After project completion, Mini-grantees will complete and submit anInnovation Partnership Grant evaluation form, accompanied by photos, and a short quote for Foundation marketing purposes. Please email form, photos, and quote to .

Not required, but appreciated is any publicity you can give the APSF (item in school newsletter, American news article, scrapbook photo or letter to the editor - be creative!)

For office use:

Date grant application received:


Partnership Grant Cmte -

Foundation Board -