Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation, Inc.
Innovation Partnership Grant
Please complete the following before proceeding with the grant application:
I have told my principal/supervisor about the idea. He/she thinks it’s a good idea, and is willing to find or provide/seek matching funds, (through building funds or PTA funds, etc).
I have visited with district administration and received approval to submit the following application to the Partnership grant committee.
Date of Application:______
Project Title:______
Applicant(s) Name(s): ______
Address: ______
Contact Person responsible for project: ______
Phone number: ______Email: ______
Please address the following areas:
- Amount of Mini-Grant Request: $______
- Provide a brief overview statement of the project (include how project is innovative and follows the curriculum):
- Briefly describe the need for this project, general plans, and expected outcomes.
- Briefly describe how this project will impact student learning.
- List other sources of financial support for this project that you have applied for, as well as matching fundsource (school district, PTA, state, federal, private):
- Target Population (demographic):
- Number of people the project will impact:______
- Project Budget:
- Project Timeline (start to finish):
- What personnel, facilities, equipment and supplies of the school district will be required to carry out this project?
- Facility modifications (describe in detail and list costs) (Example ??):
- After the funding ceases (District financial responsibilities):
- New equipment required (list in detail):
- Indicate evidence of inter-school and/or community support for this project.
- Staffing implications:
- Type of program change
- Addition of a course of program
- Modification of an existing course or program
- Other (explain)
Signature of ApplicantsDate
Signature of PrincipalDate
Signature of SuperintendentDate
After project completion, Mini-grantees will complete and submit anInnovation Partnership Grant evaluation form, accompanied by photos, and a short quote for Foundation marketing purposes. Please email form, photos, and quote to .
Not required, but appreciated is any publicity you can give the APSF (item in school newsletter, American news article, scrapbook photo or letter to the editor - be creative!)
For office use:
Date grant application received:
Partnership Grant Cmte -
Foundation Board -