Section A - Athletic Director
The duties of the Athletic Director shall be as follows:
- Carry out the day-to-day operations for the Athletic Policy.
- Arbitrate disputes, which might arise during the day to day running of the Athletic Program.
- Act as official coordinator between the school and the NSSAF.
- Schedule gym/field practice times for all school and community teams (through principal)
- Monitor & enforce athlete eligibility and inform teams of athlete status.
- With administration, approve of and/or interview all athletic program head coaching positions prior to the start of team entering operation.
- List of all coaches/team members to the principal as soon as team is picked.
Section B - Grievances
- Grievances resulting from decisions by coaches and or administration regarding protest or disciplinary action must be submitted in writing to the Athletic Director within 24 hours of notification of the decision.
- Upon receipt of the grievance a meeting must be called within seven days, during which the Athletic Director and School Administration will meet with the grieving parties to discuss the matter.
Section C - General
- Selection of activities for each school year will be determined in June for the upcoming year by the Athletic Director and Principal.
- Selection of coaches shall be made by the Athletic Director/School Administration.
- Teams will be permitted to organize and participate in completion with NSSAF approval even though no plans were made for that team in September. However these teams will be responsible for their own budget.
- Grade 9 students are permitted to play on a senior high teams regardless of whether there is junior team established, given the fact that the student athlete is successful in making the senior team.
- All coaches and athletes are bound by the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation (NSSAF) Code of Ethics. In addition, each member of the coaching staff must complete the NSSAF 'Keeping the School in School Sport Workshop' presented annually or within the Tri County Regional School Board.
- Once an NSSAF Champion has been declared all school sponsored teams in that sport shall be terminated.
- YCMHS athletic teams starting dates must comply with the NSSAF starting dates and will depend on availability of facilities. Priority will always be given to the first sport in season.
- For overnight trips, approval must be sought from the School Administration. If the trip is out of province, then proper NSSAF forms must be obtained from the Athletic Director and submitted to the NSSAF for approval. Proper TCRSB paperwork must also be submitted. The following information must be given to the principal:
- Destination & purpose
- Departure and return times
- Transportation arrangements
- Accommodations arrangements
- Medical Forms are available upon request from the office administration or Athletic Director. Extended athlete insurance forms are also available at the office and are highly recommended.
- Accident Forms are at the office and should be used at all times.
- Teams may use PE Department equipment with approval by the PE staff provided it is returned immediately following each practice and game.
Section D - Coach Responsibilities
- All coaches are responsible for informing athletes of their eligibility responsibilities, collecting athletic/team fees, and submitting all monies collected to the office.
- Coaches are to follow the NSSAF starting dates. (See the Athletic Director or the NSSAF Website) and count all games or days of competition prior to NSSAF Regional play downs. NOTE: Tournament play involving 3 or more schools shall be counted as one game for each day of competition to a maximum of 3.
- Coaches must advertise tryouts within the school and establish a tryout schedule consisting of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 tryouts. Every effort must be made to entertain tryouts for those athletes involved in other school based activities. Student athletes can be added to team rosters following tryouts but must have the pre-approval of the Athletic Director.
- Coaches are responsible for checking their athlete’s eligibility prior to and during the season with the Athletic Director. This includes: the YCMHS academic eligibility and NSSAF eligibility. Rosters must be submitted to the Athletic Director immediately following the 3-5 established tryout dates. Coaches are asked to inform all athletes of their eligibility status as directed by the Athletic Director.
- The coaching staff must establish a season schedule including all practices, games and tournaments prior to the competitive season to the following: Student Athletes, Parent/Guardian, Athletic Director, School Administration.
- Coaches are to keep accurate inventories of all team equipment and uniforms. All uniforms and equipment must be accounted for and stored at the school following the duration of the season and over the summer break. The inventory list must be provided to the Athletic Director at the start of the season and end of the season.
- Coaches are responsible for their athletes and their behavior to, from, and at all practices, games & competitions. Coaches must also be in attendance with their athletes at all practices, games, and competitions. If attendance by the coach cannot be met, only pre-approved coaches by the athletic director who have taken the NSSAF (KSISS) workshop may step in.
- When the team is traveling during school time, the coach is required to post a list of team members that will be absent from school in the staff room and to school administration one day prior to the event. Coaches must also indicate what time the students are permitted to leave and the length of time they will be away. (see APPENDIX A)
- Coaches are responsible for having each of their approved adult drivers complete and submit an TCRSB Transportation 'J' Form (See APPENDIX D) to the office prior to leaving the school for competition. Once a driver has completed a transportation form, they do not have to fill out another for the duration of that sports season unless vehicle information changes.
- Coaches must ensure that students do not drive other students to or from any school/team sanctioned event including practices, games, tournaments, socials, etc. If a coach knowingly is found to allow such a practice, it could result in the player, coach or program being suspended from competition.
- A coach must not knowingly allow a student to leave one team to take part on another team when that athlete is a member of two or more teams operating at the same time. The athlete must always honor their commitment to the first team. (Regular season and playoff schedule) (under severe cases the principal will uphold or revoke this).
- When an athlete quits a team without the consent of the coach, the coach must write a letter informing the Athletic Director. Failure to do so will result in no action being taken by the Athletic Executive.
- A coach, at his/her discretion, may release at any point during the season, a player from a team and/or team responsibilities with just cause. This release may be an honorable or dishonorable release. An honorable release is a mutually agreed upon departure from the team between player & coach which does not prevent the player from participating in other YCMHS athletics programs. In the case of a dishonorable release it is the coach’s responsibility to write a letter informing the athletic director of the release and reasons for this release in case further action is required. This player will be ineligible from all other school athletic programs for the duration of the school year.
- All programs sponsored by YCMHS must support the use of the Vikings team name, school mascot and school colors.
- Coaches must submit the names of any student athletes still owing money, equipment or uniforms to the team to the Athletic Director and School Administration following the duration of the season.
- Coaches shall strictly follow the NSSAF policy on recruiting. (See NSSAF Handbook - Code of Ethics)
- Any players having their picture portrayed in any media (paper, website, etc.) must complete a media release form (See APPENDIX E). It is recommended the coach get these completed at the beginning of the season for each for all players and bring them to the office.
- Coaches must ensure that athletes do not engage in any conduct that can be interpreted as team/player hazing or initiation by the general public. Such an offence
- may result in the suspension/termination of the coaching staff, student athletes or the sport from the athletic program.
- Coaches must have general release forms signed and on file for each player for the season to permit the athlete to travel with the team (See APPENDIX C)
- Coaches are encouraged to become familiar with the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation (NSSAF) Handbook/Website. The following are of particular interest:
Section E - Student Athlete Responsibilities
- All athletes must meet the NSSAF Eligibility Standards (See NSSAF Handbook - Regulation IV - Student Eligibility)
- Sign a YCMHS Athletics contract (See APPENDIX B)
- Pay their pre-approved and established athletic/team fee.
- Be in attendance for the entire duration of the school day on all established competition and practice dates and the day before.
- Display superior sportsmanship and conduct at all times and strictly follow the NSSAF Code of Ethics.
- Attend all practices and games, unless prior excuse is delivered personally to the coach. Failure to do so may result in the player being suspended or removed from the team.
- Student athletes must be full-time students and officially enrolled at YCMHS. Full-time status means the student is enrolled in three or more courses in the semesters the team is operational. (NSSAF Policy)
- The age limit for all student-athletes is under 19 years of age as of September 30th of the current school year.
- Student athletes have three years of athletic eligibility starting on the academic year they enter Grade 10. This means years of opportunity to participate in athletics, not years of service.
- Where the athlete is a member of 2 or more in-school teams operating at the same time, the athlete will discuss conflicts with both coaches and will always honor the commitment to the first team. Teams starting at the same time will follow the rule of playoff games over practice, exhibition, or league games/tournaments.
- Student athletes must not leave one in-school team to take part on another in- school team when that athlete is a member of two or more teams operating at the same time. The athlete must always honor their commitment to the first team according to the NSSAF calendar. (Regular season and playoff schedule)
- A student athlete quitting/leaving a team will forfeit their right to compete on any other team for 12 successive months from the time of the incident.
- Travel arrangements are arranged by the coach/team manager/school liaison. The student athlete must travel with the designated and approved adult driver (TCRSB 'J' Form signed/submitted). (APPENDIX D)
- Under no circumstance can a student drive another student to and from practice, competition or team function. Such an infraction may result in the suspension of the player(s) from the athletic program or the suspension of the team from NSSAF play.
- If a student has been suspended from the athletic program due to conduct, suspensions can be appealed through a request submitted in writing to the Athletic Director and School Administration after 6 months have been served. Following the appeal submission, an interview will be conducted with the student athlete where the appeal will be granted or upheld. The decision of the appeal will be final.
- Strictly Adhere To The Following School Policies:
a)All school-sponsored events are considered extensions of the school day. Student/School rules apply on all trips, athletic events, on buses and at school functions. Students who are suspended from school may not attend or participate in extra-curricular activities held on the day(s) of the suspension.
b) A student athlete who has been habitually disruptive due to their personal conduct and behavior at school (more than two internal suspensions; more than one external suspension) will immediately forfeit their eligibility for extra-curricular activities for three consecutive academic months. Depending upon the severity of the suspension(s), students may lose eligibility immediately or for an extended period of time. This is to be determined by the school administration in co- ordination with the Athletic Director.
Academic Eligibility:
- If a student athlete is failing more then one course at any time during the semester, they will be placed on academic review. The review committee will be comprised of the coach and/or staff advisor, Athletic Director, and the school principal (or designate). Teachers in all subject areas will be asked to report on the student’s overall academic performance, lates, absences, and classroom behavior. At this time, the review committee will recommend a probation period or immediate suspension from athletics. When on academic probation, a student is still allowed to participate, but will be monitored for improvement. If after two weeks the student athlete does not show signs of improvement, they will be suspended from athletics until he or she has met the academic requirements stated above. Suspensions from athletics may last for the remainder of the season, or for a period of time determined by the review committee.
- Previous academic reporting periods: Any student athlete having failed more then one course in the most recent reporting period will be placed on academic review and the same procedure will be followed in
Section 7.A.of AcademicEligibility. (Probation or immediate suspension) - If you wish to play a fall sport, then you must have been successful in June of preceding school year.
- If you wish to play a spring sport, then you must have been successful in the first semester.
- If you wish to play a sport covering both semesters (hockey, basketball cheerleading), then you must fulfill the requirements mentioned in i) and ii).
XVII. Student athletes must maintain an 85% school attendance record throughout the academic school year. Failure to maintain this standard will result in the student being declared ineligible for 20 consecutive school days where attendance will be monitored. If the standard is met during this time, students will gain back eligibility.
e) An ineligible athlete is permitted to participate in 3 established try out sessions for a team that begins before they gain back their eligibility. However, they still remain ineligible for practices, games, and all team functions until they gain back eligibility at the end of the reporting period. Failure to comply with the above could result in the following:
- Removal from the team, or
- Suspension from the athletic program for 12 consecutive months
XVIII.Violation of the TCRSB drug/alcohol abuse and/or race, culture & heritage policy will result in the student being ineligible for extra-curricular activities for a 12- month period. Suspension can be reviewed through formal appeal after 6 months.
XX. Students must strictly avoid taking part in any conduct that can be interpreted as team/player hazing or initiation. Such an offence, may result in the suspension/termination of the coaching staff, student athletes or the sport from the athletic program. This would make the student athlete ineligible for all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the school year.
Section F - Social Media
Any student-athlete/coach utilizing online mediums (ex: Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, internet message boards, etc.) to threaten, intimidate, harass or entice students, coaches, officials or family members of any school, will be suspended from the athletics program until an investigation can be conducted. This includes posting images depicting the use of alcohol, drugs or suggestive behavior that is not deemed conducive to the image expected of a YCMHS student-athlete/coach. Depending severity, the student athlete may be removed immediately/permanently from the athletics program for an established duration of time as directed by school administration.
Section G - Finances
- All financial decisions regarding the YCMHS Athletics budget will be made by the Athletic Director in partnership with school administration.
- An annual athletic budget will be prepared by the Athletic Director in consultation with Student's Council & School Administration. The budget will be prepared early in the school year.
- Each athletic team/program has a bank account established through the school office. Monies needed for team expenses (registration fees, referee costs, travel costs, equipment, etc.) must be requested through office staff using a cheque request form. This must be done a minimum of 5 business days prior to the date required. In accordance with TCRSB policy, teams are not permitted to operate their own bank accounts. Funds raised are to be handled by the school office staff.
- Team budgets will only cover the following if funds are available:
- Referee Fees
- Tournament Fees
- Facility Rentals
- League Fees
- Transportation (Buses are booked one week in advance at the office)
- Accommodations Student accommodations must be paid for by the student or fund raising.
- Chaperones will be compensated using the agreed upon structure of that team as identified by the coaching staff.
- MINOR equipment purchases (i.e. one ball, one ball bag, etc.)
- Meals - No compensation for meals, however you may do so through fundraising or within the agreed upon structure of that team as identified by the coaching staff.
- All monies generated through fund raising, sponsorship, canteens, etc. must be deposited into the established school team account immediately upon being generated. An official deposit slip must be filled out and submitted to office staff with all enclosed monies. Official receipts for team purchases/expenses must be signed and a cheque request form must be filled out and submitted to the office for reimbursement. Receipt books are available from the school office.
- Team business sponsorships must be presented in writing to the Athletic Director and School Administration for approval prior to being accepted by the program.
- Uniform requests and other major team purchases are to be made in writing through the Athletic Director.
- Athletic Fee Structure:
- Athletic Fees will be determined by each team coaching staff and/or team managers. This amount must be submitted in writing to the Athletic Director for final approval before fees can be collected from their athletes.
- Coaches are responsible for collecting these fees and turning them over to the office staff within one week of the first competition. Failure to do so will result in the team’s budget being frozen until all fees are paid.
- Requests for additional funds can be made in writing indicating the reason, to the Athletic Director. Emergency funding may then be granted by the Executive Committee.
- Coaches must stay within their budget and not operate with a negative account. Failure to do so may result in:
- Reduction of the next year’s budget by the amount over budget.
- Termination of the program.
- Coaches will not use team fees or athletic budget money for team parties/social events or team awards.
Section H - Transportation