November 21, 2004

ATTENDEES: Mickey Burleson, Albert H. Creasy, Myrna B. Liddell,Wendell J. Wolfenbarger O’Reilley, Robert J. Wolfenbarger, W. Frank Wolfenbarger, Rudolf A. Wolfensberger, David E. Wolfersberger, and Bill Wolfinbarger. Not attending: Gretchen Doll,Richard L. Evans, Barbara Jackson, William F. Spargur, Peter Wolfensberger, Wolf Wolfensberger,

CALL TO ORDER: Myrna Liddell called the meeting to order at 3:33 PM CST.

MINUTES OF THE BOARD MEETING: David Wolfersberger presented the corrected minutes (issued November 18) from the meeting of the Board of Directors held on October 30, 2004. A motion to approve the minutes as corrected was made by Al Creasy, seconded by Bob Wolfenbarger, and passed.


WFA 10th Anniversary:

  • Visit to Larry: Al reported that he had contacted 5 WFA members living in the Oklahoma City area to see if any were interested in being part of the visit with Larry to commemorate his role in the founding of the WFA. Two volunteered to participate – Wayne Bowman and Lory Lewis. One other (Earl Sparger) is a bit too old – he is 99 years old, so won’t be able to participate. Frank and Gretchen also plan to attend. It is also possible that Charlotte Lucas and her niece can be present.

Myrna later contacted Reynolds Jones to establish a tentative time and date. Frank will take responsibility for planning all of the details and coordinating with those attending. Rey also agreed to work with Bob Wolfenbarger to get newspaper coverage of the event.

A motion to authorize spending up to $125 for a fruit basket or other gifts for Larry was made by Frank Wolfenbarger, seconded by Bob Wolfenbarger and passed.

  • Myrna will prepare a proposed toast to be used by family members on our January 15 anniversary. This will be published in the next Newsletter.
  • Myrna and Buzz have been working on a design for the coffee mugs and have one that looks good. She will send a copy of the design to all Board members. Work on getting the graphics done and a quote for production is in progress. They will keep the Board informed as this moves forward.

Family History Project:

  • Myrna will contact Bill to determine the status.

She requested that each board member prepare a short write-up of their family history. Myrna will send out an e-mail reminder after she talks to Bill to see what should be included.

Policy Revisions:

  • David Wolfersberger reported that he omitted in the minutes of the last meeting to stipulate that the policy regarding election of Board members is effective next year (2005) not this year. This was added to the corrected minutes.

Archaeological Exploration at the Wolfsberg

  • After much discussion, Myrna appointed a committee consisting of Bob Wolfenbarger (chair), Rudi Wolfensberger, Wolf Wolfensberger, and Wendell O’Reilly to look into possible historical investigation into the history of the area, other topics that might be of interest, and/or preparation of study guides all the while being mindful to be respectful of our family and other in Switzerland. The committee will report back to the Board with a recommended course of action and any costs associated with it.

A motion to approve the committee’s work was made by Frank Wolfenbarger, seconded by Mickey Burleson and passed.

The Thistle of Glasgow

  • A question was raised as to any information available regarding The Thistle of Glasgow, the ship that brought Johannes Wolfersberger and family to North America. David Wolfersberger subsequently provided some data. Myrna will provide a copy of Fritz Braun’s booklet to Wendell for translation and to see if his wife might be able to find more information on one of her visits to London.


Heritage Awards

  • William Murlin Creasy and Myrtle Braun were recommended by Myrna to receive the Heritage Awards in January 2005. It was also agreed that each recipient should get a framed certificate commemorating this as well as mention in the Newsletter. David Wolfersberger suggested recognizing George Wolfersberger. He will provide a write-up to Myrna for her consideration.

A motion to accept the recommendations for Heritage Awards and to authorize purchasing certificates and frames was made by Frank Wolfenbarger, seconded by Bob Wolfenbarger and passed.

Nominations for the 2005 Board of Directors

  • Bob presented a list of those who had agreed to serve on the Board for next year. Bill Spargur is pending since Bob has not been able to talk to him. The list of nominees will be published in the next Newsletter along with the opportunity for write-in votes.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be on Sunday,January 23 at 1:30 pm PST, 2:30 MST, 3:30 CST, 4:30 EST, and 10:30 pm in Switzerland. Please mark you calendars now.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of the Board of Directors was adjourned at 4:51 pm CST.

Respectfully Submitted,

David Wolfersberger
