Leadership Development Checklist
At the completion of this program, we should be able to demonstrate from scripture, the following concepts. Each concept should be supported by at least 3 scriptures and should draw on both the Old and New Testaments. Old Testament stories that reveal or demonstrate these concepts should be recognized as well.
Part A - Scriptural Understandings
God the Father
God is Love
God is a person
God is a Spirit
One essence revealed in three persons (Trinity)
Character of God
Christ, the Son
The Eternal Deity of Christ
Jesus is the Word made Flesh
God's Word Creates matter and circumstances
God's Word creates faith
His Virgin Birth
He bore our sickness
His physical death, burial and bodily resurrection
His ascension to the Father
He will return physically to earth
Final Judgement of Christ
The Rapture
His thousand year millennial reign
His office as judge of the whole earth
He is the Holy Spirit Baptizer
His Blood atones for the sin of the whole world
The Holy Spirit
Instances of the Holy Spirit Baptism in scripture
9 Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit and their uses
Offices of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teachers
What it means to be "anointed"
The Holy Spirit is a Person
The Holy Spirit is God
The Church
Is the Body of Christ
Believers are "baptized into His Body"
Empowered with Jesus' anointing
Commissioned to make disciples
Is indwelt by the Holy Spirit
Builds every member up in love
Called to unity of Faith
Man, Sin, Salvation
All men are lost apart from Christ
We are saved by faith
The blood of Christ washes away sin
Uniqueness of Christianity vs. other religions
Spiritual Regeneration & the New Birth
Man's three part being, Spirit, Soul and Body
We are new creatures in Christ
Believers are Spiritually resurrected, not "healed
Salvation is by grace alone, not by works
Explain the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Man's position and authority IN Christ
The Bible
Bible reading program checklist
The Bible is the inerrant Word of God
Christ is the Focus of Scripture
Summary of the Old Testament
Summary of the New Testament
List the 66 Books of the Bible
Rules of Bible Interpretation
Apostles Creed proven by scripture
Prove from scripture: WWOLC Statement of Faith
How to discern truth from error
Differences between the Gospels
Main theme of each Book
Spiritual Entities
Origin of Satan
Occult operations and counterfeit gifts
Who is the "Ruler of this World"?
2 Spiritual Kingdoms of God and Satan
Demons are subject to the Believer in Christ
The Armor of God
The believers position "In Christ"
Limitations and privileges of angels and demons
Heaven and Hell
The Power in Praise and Worship
Praying in the Spirit (tongues)
Spiritual Intercession
Types of Prayer
The Armor of God
Praying the Word Vs ineffective prayer
Fruits of the Spirit
Works of the flesh
Our battle in the realm of "Thoughts"
The power and effect of our words
Dynamics of Giving/prosperity
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
5 fold Ministry Gifts & Callings
Agape Love Vs human love
Motivation behind all of Satan's Kingdom (selfishness)
Demonstration of responsible stewardship
Provided to All by Christ's atonement
How to receive healing by the Word
Marriage = model of Christ and the Church
Water Baptism by immersion
Church Statement of Faith
In summary, the student should be able to demonstrate from scripture and his walk, the articles listed in the WWOLC Statement of Faith included here.
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Waldoboro Word of Life Church
Statement of Faith
We believe:
- The Bible to be the verbally inspired Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. (1 Peter 1:25, 2 Timothy 3:16)
- In the unity of the one true and living God revealed in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 43:10-11, Matthew 28:19)
- In the eternal deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, in salvation by faith through His shed blood, in His bearing our sickness and afflictions, in His death and in His bodily resurrection and ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His return to Earth in power and glory. (Hebrews 7:3, John 17:5, Matthew 1:23)
- That all men are lost apart from the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12, Romans 10:9)
- That sin is cleansed only through personal repentance and faith in the precious blood of Jesus. (Matthew 26:28, Acts 2:38)
- That personal salvation is the result of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, who baptizes the believer into the body of Christ. (Titus 3:5, 1 Peter 1:3)
- In water baptism by immersion as commanded by the scriptures. (Acts 22:16, Mark 16:16, Acts 10:47)
- In Holy Communion called the Lord’s Supper as observed in (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
- In baptism in the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4 with the evidence of speaking in tongues and/or the moving and working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of men, to bring each one into a walk of holiness and fruitfulness.
- In divine healing as provided for in the atonement and is for all who believe and call upon the name of the Lord through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 53:4-5, Luke 4:18, Matthew 8:16)
- In the church which is the body of Christ called of God to be a witness unto all the world. The church is to go out into the world and also to edify itself and build itself up in love through the ministry that God appoints and ordains for this purpose. (1 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2:8)
12.In the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this Earth and the catching up of the saints, of the literal establishment of His kingdom on this Earth, the thousand year millenium reign, and the final judgement, the white throne judgement, (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, Revelation 1-7, Revelation 19:11-14, Revelation 20:1-6, Matthew 24:27, Revelation 20:12, Matthew 25:46)
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Leadership Development Checklist
An understanding of Biblical principles and where they can be taught from the scriptures is important. Unless we posses the Character that reflects Christ, this knowledge alone is useless. Demonstration of these concepts in the believer's life is just as, if not more important than knowledge of the Scriptures. Parts B and C of this checklist seeks to address these issues.
Part B - Practical Skills Development
As a result of a Leadership Development Program, the following skills should be developing in the leader's life.
Development of a scripture memory system for easy recall and cataloging (3x5 cards?)
How to use a concordance/Greek, Hebrew Dictionary
How to use Vines
How to use a reference/study Bible effectively
How to demonstrate concepts visually
Effective Communication techniques
Pastoral counseling scenarios completed
Active participation in a successful ministry endeavor
Sermon preparation and outline development
Message delivery
Maintain a pure lifestyle
Manage his household well
Demonstrate appropriate dress and hygiene
The ability to write in a coherent and legible manner
The ability to articulate ministry goals
Ability to evaluate effectiveness of efforts
Able to organize and direct group meetings
Able to keep sound financial records and demonstrate responsible use of money
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Leadership Development Checklist
Part C - Attitudes
As a result of a Leadership Development Program, the following attitudes should be consistently evident in the leader's life.
A desire and effort to serve rather than to be served
A willingness and quick response to forgive when offended
A desire to see the team objectives reached more than one's own agenda advanced
A willingness to remain anonymous without the need for recognition
Understand the dangers of same sex counseling
Understanding of Ps 127:1b
Meets the Qualifications set forth for Overseers in Timothy and Titus
Maintaining a pure lifestyle
Demonstrate responsible and consistent commitment to service
Demonstrate the spirit of excellence
Demonstrates responsible stewardship of time and money
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Leadership Development Checklist
Resource List
Discipleship Objectives.doc 10/19/18 1
GodThe Holy Bible NIV
The Holy Bible NASB
The Holy Bible NKJV
The Holy Bible KJV
StrongExhaustive Concordance
VineBible Dictionary
HalleyHalley's Bible Handbook
Warren,The Purpose Driven Church
Stroebel,The Case for Christ
Hagin,In Him
McCrossanBodily Healing and the Atonement
HaginThe Woman Question
Hagin,Common Sense Fasting
BillheimerDestined For to Overcome
Destined For the Throne
Hagin,I Believe In Visions
Hagin,Bible in Light of Our Redemption
HaginThe Believer's Authority
Hagin,Why Tongues
AndersonThe Bondage Breaker
LittleKnow What and Why You Believe
PackerKnowing God
EimsBe Leader You Were Meant To Be
AbshireGet More From Your Bible
Clegg/BirdLost in America
Hagin,God'd Medicine
OsteenOvercoming Hinderances to the
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
PackerConcise Theology
MetroChurchThe Bride
HaginUnderstanding the Name of Jesus
HaginThe Believer's Authority (3 tapes)
CopelandThe creative Word of God (Gloria)
CappsProsperity Series
CPMMessiah in the Passover
Audio Tapes:
MizeThe Spirit of Faith
MizeSpiritual Authority
HaginUnderstanding Series
HaginBeliever's Authority
Hagin,Tongues: Their Scriptural Purpose
Hagin,Intercession By Precept & Example
CopelandGifts of the Spirit
MisslerLearn the Bible in 24 Hours
HosannaThe Bible, Old and New Testaments NIV
Courses of Study
Rhema Correspondence Courses
Learn The Bible in 24 Hours - Missler
AACC Ministry Training Courses
Salvation Scriptures pages A,B,C
Spirit-Soul-Body list
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