NOTES & NEWS: A CLVN publication highlighting membership meetings and events

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Member Notices

1.  CLVN will be selling signs for $2 to post to remind individuals to pick up after their pets. Send Marsalek an email if you want to purchase and the signs will be for sale at the meetings.
2.  Remember to water the corner near your house to make our neighborhood look nice and colorful.
3.  Attend the Summer Movie on June 7th (rain date June 14th) at Hawthorne School for cartoons and the movie at dusk. Weisman Park Advisory Council will sell refreshments to raise money for the park renovation fund.
4.  The CLVN block party will be held on Saturday August 29th and volunteers are needed.

Membership Meetings held on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except August)

At Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital on the 7th floor / Clarke Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.


Come to the meeting to vote on the Planned Development of Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital. Please note we will meet in the Olson Auditorium due to the expected size of attendees.

Agenda for June 11, 2009

1.  Second presentation by Advocate on Planned Development. This will be a voting item.

2.  Presentation of Clark and Halsted (NE corner) over outdoor signage

3.  Approval of May minutes

4.  LVCC Report-Marsalek/Sticher

5.  Treasurer’s Report-Zenoff

6.  CDDC Report-Poppy

7.  Standing Committee Reports- By-Laws committee update and vote of proposed changes

8.  President’s Report/Announcements

9.  CTA update-Tatro

10.  New Business

11.  Old Business

12. Adjournment

Up-Coming Events

6-7 Summer outdoor movie at Hawthorne School with

(6-14 rain date) cartoons and the movie at dusk. Weisman Park Advisory

Council will sell refreshments to raise money for the

renovation fund.

6-15 Lake View Bike Tour 6p.m. Meet at Wrigley in bike lot and

A reception will be held after the bike ride.

6-11 CAPS meeting 7p.m; CLVN meeting 7:30p.m.

7-9 CLVN meeting 7:30 p.m.

7- 19 Lake View Garden Walk. Weisman Park Advisory Council will

Have lemonade stands throughout the garden walk and all

proceeds will go to the park renovation fund.

7-19 CLMA Garage Sale. Weisman Park Advisory Council is

looking for donations of items that can be sold at the event.




CLVN President, Diann Marsalek called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Officers in attendance: Laura Kotelman-Recording Secretary, Alan Zenoff-Treasurer, Area Directors-Marie Poppy, Jim Masini, Joe Ravelingeen and Jeannie Sticher. Excused officer was Terry Diamond-Vice President, Christy Sinnott-Corresponding Secretary, Area Directors-Aaron Harkin and Frank Nussbaum. A quorum was present.

Advocate Hospital Update: Marsalek reported that due to scheduling conflicts the CLVN Planning and Zoning Committee was not able to meet with the hospital in early May but will now meet with the hospital representatives on May 28th. The hospital will defer their presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission until after they appear at the June 11th CLVN meeting. The issues remaining unresolved are parking and the underlying zoning of the parcel. Marsalek indicted the portion of the minutes from the presentation at the April 9th meeting so everyone will have the opportunity to review the proposed modifications to their plan:

April 9th Presentation by Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital for their Planned Development:

Larry Wrobel, VP of Operations, introduced Susan Nordstrom-Lopez-President, Jack George-Lawyer, Gerg Heiser-Architect and Troy Hogard-Primary Designer, as part of his team on the project. Wrobel presented an update on the Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital’s Planned Development.

The presentation addressed five main areas.

1. The building setback from the Barry Quadrangle: The original design had a five-foot setback and the addressed this by modifying the footprint of the building. The revised plan takes five feet off the east side for a 26 foot span from the property line south and a ten-foot space in the front. The hospital offered to add some landscaping and decorative lighting between the buildings to soften the transaction.

2. Mechanical Penthouse: Barry Quadrangle residents expressed concerns with the placement of the mechanical penthouse on the east side of the third floor roof. The revised design moves it to the 4th floor and to the center part of the building. The new mechanicals will be quieter than current outdoor equipment and will be totally enclosed in masonry.

3. Height of the building and casting shadows in winter: The building height was changed from 11 floors to 10 floors so it will be 11 feet shorter and lower than the height of the existing Barr Tower.

4. Design of Building: The revised plans addressed comments that the design was too modern, there was too much glass and it was not compatible with the architectural style of the neighborhood. The facade along Barry will have some faux windows or texture in the brick and the changes break up the visual of a wall of glass on Barry.

5. Parking: The hospital would like to create more green space. The plan is to vacate Wilton and create a park and that means loss of parking. Do we want green space or parking? The community as a whole needs to decide. The hospital continues to offer a community parking program during off hours. When CTA is done, neighbors will have an opportunity to lease spaces under the El tracks.

The hospital has filed an application for the Planned Development, met with Dept. of Planning, Dept of Transportation and the Mayors Office of Persons with Disabilities. They will change the zoning from C zoning to R zoning and the land would revert back to RM-6 as the underlying zoning versus the RM4.5 which it is now. A 3.8 FAR is needed so the zoning needs to be RM-6. The sunset clause is the last provision in a Planned Development and indicates the zoning that the land would revert to if the project does not proceed. There was a question about pushing footprint off of Barry. The Hospital indicated the need for a turnaround on Nelson making it impossible. It was suggested to move the emergency drop off under the building or cantilever the building over it. The hospital representatives indicated that the current proposal is the most effective use of the space and cost. Nelson will have 2-way traffic and all hospital campus traffic will be routed to Nelson making it the main entrance to the campus. All emergency traffic from the perimeter and has been internalized under the plan. In regard to a question about designated smoking areas, the hospital is a non-smoking campus so there will not be any. Construction would not likely begin until the capital markets improve. Advocate must pull building permit within 7 years under the Planned Development provisions. They are not sure when it will be, but it will happen before 2016. Jim Simonian of 920 W. Oakdale and the Lakeview Action Coalition raised concern about what the hospital is doing for the underinsured and uninsured. Susan Lopez indicated that the hospital provides primary care and general clinics for the community.

On April 22, 2009, representatives of Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital will make a similar presentation at CDDC. The meeting will be held at Ann Sather’s from 6:30 pm to 8 pm. On April 29, 2009, representatives of Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital will meet with the CLVN Planning & Zoning Committee. The CLVN vote on the proposed Planned Development will take place at the May or June meeting. Notice will be provided by CLVN prior to any vote on this issue.

Approval of Minutes: Poppy presented changes to the March minutes to reflect that zoning for the property on Diversey and Lincoln should be C1-5 not C103. Poppy also presented a correction to the April minutes that the Weisman Park Shop and Share at Jewel will donate a 5% return not 15% for the fundraiser. Joe Ravelingeen made a motion to approve the two months of minutes with the changes offered by Poppy. Jackie Price seconded the motion and the motion passed. The March and April minutes will reflect the changes.

LVCC Report: Marsalek reported the LVCC offices will be moving to 3350 N. Clark as of June 1st. The elections of LVCC officers and the Board of Directors will be held on Monday May 18th at St. Luke’s. The speaker will be Bard Head of TRAC, to talk about property tax assessments. Also representatives of Resurrection St. Joseph and Advocate will provide free medical screenings. LVCC along with CAPS staff from the 19th and 23rd Districts, Chicago Cubs and Alderman Tunney are coordinating a bike through Lake View on June 15, 2009 at 6 p.m. with a reception after. Go to for further information. Individuals will meet at Wrigley and tour Lake View on their bikes with the police leading the tour. A reception will be held after the event. August 22 & 23 is the LVCC Music Festival on Sheffield between Waveland and Addison. All branches will be offered the opportunity to work the beer tent and all tips collected will go to that branch. Other charities will be asked after the branches. Weisman Park is also being offered a slot to work the beer tent and volunteers will be needed. In the fall we are planning a bowling party. LVCC is keeping apprised of the large zoning projects in the area. Representatives of the 2016 Olympic Committee will attend the June LVCC meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Zenoff reported the checking account holds $7435.46 and some of the funds are restricted for $1352 for the beautification fund and $2000 for the legal defense fund. The funds available for general use are $4083.46. The CD is $2125. Zenoff distributed the 2009 projected income and expenses with a net income of $2,565.00.

Alderman’s Report: Bever reported that City stickers expire June 30th and their office will be selling the stickers on June 3rd and June 26th from 10-6 p.m. The City will mail out pre-printed forms if you are in the system and these forms will be mailed in early June. Stickers can be purchased on-line and will be mailed. The color this year is blue. This year both the city sticker and zone permit will be on the same form so you will only need one sticker.

CDDC Report: Poppy reported for two months of meetings. On March 25th the Cubs presented an expansion of the café-now Captain Morgan’s. Also a presentation was made about an experimental affordable housing in which basements are converted and used for rental units only to individuals with an income under $40,000. About 35 units have been created in the city. There were questions on this would work and be managed to keep the units designated as affordable. The presentation was made by a representative of Jamison Reality. In April Advocate made the same presentation they made to CLVN. The new County Commissioner, Bridget Gainer, introduced herself to the CDDC members.

Announcements: Marsalek reported CLVN’s and Weisman Park’s Advisory Council’s Wine Tasting was very successful thanks to the efforts of the businesses who donated raffle prizes and to Kirkwood for hosting the event. Thanks to those who attended and to those who purchased raffle tickets. Approximately $880 was made and 50% of the profit will go toward the Weisman Park renovation fund. The CLVN plant/flower sale was recently held and the profits will be split 50-50 with the Weisman Park renovation fund which should be about $250 to each. Thanks to all who purchased items to make this a success and to the volunteers who helped-Jackie Price, Karen Gaus, Lawry Price and Keri Christensen. SELVN (South East Lake View Neighbors) is reviewing a proposal by the developers of the former Dominick’s site to seek B3.5 zoning due to the economic times and their proposed sale of condos is failing. Dominicks wants to build a 3 story building over 75% of the front part of the property as residential development will be on the rear of the property. The developer wants to build a 20-23 story building over 25% of the property. Permits in CLVN were issued for porch repairs, replace drywall and upgrade medical offices. Triangle Neighbors approved a zoning change for 3532 N. Halsted to build a five story building with mixed use. Triangle also approved a zoning change from B1-2 to B3-2 for the former Linens and Things site. B1 only allowed for 25,000 feet of commercial space and the former space is 27,000 square feet. The owner also wants to place a massive advertising sign on the front part of the building and Marsalek provided a rendering of the proposal. Marsalek asked the lawyer for the property to come to CLVN to make a presentation and provide details on the signage. Volunteers will be needed to work the beer tent at the LVCC Music Festival on August 22 & 23 and for the CLVN block party on August 29th. Send an email to Marsalek if you can assist. Lake View Lutheran Church will be holding a MidSummerfest July 11 & 12 at 835 W. Addison with food, refreshments and music. Call 773-837-1122 for more information. Marsalek is working with Ald. Tunney’s office to remove duplicate newspaper boxes along Belmont. The Lakeview Garden Walk will be held on Sunday July 19th. Contact Deb Peter for more information on this event or to enter your garden at 773-935-9685 or . Weisman Park Advisory Council is looking for volunteers to host lemonade stands during the walk. Proceeds from the stands will go to the park renovation fund. Contact Renne Thomas at if you would like to host a lemonade stand. A meeting will be held with the City on the Union on June 11th at City Hall. Contact Marsalek if you plan to attend. If anyone would like to serve as a representative to LVCC on behalf of CLVN let Marsalek know. This would require you to attend one meeting a month.