Autumn 2 2016, Year; 5/6, Topic; ‘Has there ever been a better time to live here?’
TopicActivities / Week 1
31st October
1st November-NSPCC 9.35am / Week 2
7th November
8th Badgers start swimming
9th School Photos / Week 3
14th November
17th November 1.30-2.30 NSPCC workshop
18th November-children in need. / Week 4
21st November / Week 5
28th November
28th Into university day yr 6
1st December-Christmas Fayre / Week 6
5th December
7th-Yeo Valley assembly / Week 7
12th Dec
14th KS2 production
Mathematical Understanding / Numeracy
Multiplicative reasoning / Numeracy
Multiplicative reasoning / Numeracy
Multiplicative reasoning / Numeracy
Geometric reasoning / Numeracy
Geometric reasoning / Numeracy
Number sense / Numeracy
Numbers sense
Understanding English, communication & languages –
English, Sp&L, reading, writing & MFL / Literacy
A drop of Honey Yr 5
Story with a flash back-Kidnapped Yr 6
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure. / Literacy
A drop of Honey Yr 5
Story with a flash back-Kidnapped Yr 6
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure. / Literacy
A drop of Honey Yr 5
Story with a flash back-Kidnapped Yr 6
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure. / Literacy
Non fiction
Persuasive writing-Why to live in Bristol
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure. / Literacy
Non fiction
Persuasive writing-Why to live in Bristol
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure. / Literacy
Non fiction
Persuasive writing-Why to live in Bristol
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure. / Literacy
Daily: Handwriting,
Sentence Structure
Understanding the arts –
Dance, Music, Art & Drama / Rough plan of Bristol- drawing Bristol / Painting map of Bristol / Christmas card making / Christmas calendar making
Understanding geographical & social understanding / Introduction lesson; 10 historical times; what makes a good life
What is good about life in Bristol / Research tourist attractions
Google Earth-famous landmarks
Make a leaflet on Bristol / Famous people
Fact file on famous people in Bristol / Q and A with Pat Triggs Withywood; comprehension questions to follow.
Comparing life WW2 to today
Comparing food WW2 to today / Preparing for the debate; research independently
Debate between year 5 and 6 classes to see when was the best time to live in Bristol / Christmas production / Christmas production
Physical development, health and wellbeing – PE, / Invasion Games
Throw and catch / Invasion Games
Passing and moving around the room / Invasion Games
Introduce dribbling with a basketball / Invasion Games / Invasion Games / Invasion Games / Invasion Games
Scientific and technological understanding – science & DT; discreet science lessons
We are market researchers / Lesson 1
Creating a survey to find out information / Lesson 2
Collecting and analysing results of a survey / Lesson 3
Planning interviews / Lesson 4
Running the interviews/ focus groups / Lesson 5
Analysing interview information / Lesson 6
Presenting findings
Spanish / Lesson 1
Understand buildings in a high street in Spanish-Similarities and differences between Spanish and English high streets / Lesson 2
Directions-learn two or three sentences describing a high street / Lesson 3
Asking where places are.
Giving directions / Lesson 4
Revision of days of the week
Times of day / Lesson 5
Revision of hobbies/days of the week. / Lesson 6
Learn the differences between Christmas celebrations in Spain and England
Special Events & Visitors / Walk to Dundry / Pat Triggs