Corporate Directorate
Please ask for: Melanie Long
Telephone: 01530 454511
Fax: 01530 454506
30 October 2017
To:- All Parish Clerks
Dear Sir or Madam
As you may be aware, at its meeting on 12 September 2017 Council agreed to an Interim Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places being undertaken ahead of the 2019 Local Elections.
We are currently consulting and want to hear your views. We want to make sure we have suitable polling district boundaries which take into consideration the increase in population in certain areas following new development. We also need to make sure thatwherever possible, we are offering polling stations that are in suitable premises in the best location with good access and, good transport links.
In encouraging views, it is of course the case that the availability of suitable polling places is the key determining factor in the makeup of polling districts. We would where possible like to try to reduce the number of schools that have to close, and to find more permanent buildings so that we do not have to use mobile units as polling stations, as these are very costly. We welcome all comments but would also ask that any requests for changes include suggestions of alternative locations.
A list of current polling districts and polling stations can be found on the Councils website at . I would welcome any comments or views by close of play on Tuesday, 2 January 2018. These may be e-mailed to . Alternatively, please feel free to send your written comments or views marked for my attention to the address below.
Any proposals for change will be made available for public consultation from Monday 26 March 2018 until Friday 25 May 2018 at the Council Offices and on the Council’s website on the link above.
The Council will decide on the final polling arrangements at its meeting on 12 September 2018. Any changes to polling district boundaries or polling places will take effect from 1st December 2018 when the next electoral register is published ready for the District and Parish Council election in May 2019.
Yours sincerely
Melanie Long
Democratic and Support Services Team Manager