True Jesus Church
Saturday, Dec 17, 2011
2011 TJC Toronto
ExpansionPlan Annual Report
IV.Action Plans
The Church Expansion Plan Committee (CEPC) was established at the 2009 AGM to plan for the church expansion. The Committee comprises of four members appointed at the AGM - Sis. Cathy , Br. Bill , Br. Conrad, Br. Jeffrey and three Church Council members who were appointed at the Church Council Meeting on Feb. 22, 2010 - Dn. Tsai, Br Mark, and Br Eric. The three CC members will be re-appointed every two years to comply with the tenure criteria stated in TorontoChurch By-law.”
The outline of progress report:
- Hold Friday services at Br. He's house twice a month
- Continue to look for suitable property for establishing a second church. Based on the discussion in the CEPE and CC joint meeting of July, 2010, the ideal property should meet the following criteria:
a)Location: within or close to the boundaries of Hwy 7, Green Lane, Hwy 400, and Hwy 404
b)Lot size:sufficient for the growth in next 2 decades, ie. at least 250 members, and training facilities. Prefer to have building on land for immediate worship use
c)Zoning: potential to be rezoned in the next 3 years
d)Parking capacity:based on criteria b), the minimum parking space will accommodate at least 40- 50 cars
e)Budget: Less than 2 millions
- Work with church council to raise funds for the church expansion.
Friday Services:
- Every first and third week of the month since July, 2011, at Br. He's house. Averagely around 35 members from east and north of GTAattended, with a prospect of more attendance in the future; the maximum accommodation at Br. He's house is 45.
Looking for property:
- CEPC and CC are looking for suitable property located at north of Steels Ave., east of 404, south of Stouffville Road and west of Kennedy Road, an area accessible by members living in east and north of GTAwithin 30 minutes.
- CEPC has viewed 5 potential locations in the past 6 months, the size of lot from 0.5 acre to 4.5 acres and price from 0.8 million to 1.9 millions.
1 / 19th Ave and Warden Ave. / 7000 square feet / 1.54 millions / 0.5 acres with 35 parking spaces / Not considered since it is not in commercial zone and the building was built in 1884.
2 / Elgin Mills and Kennedy Road / 3200 square feet / 1.8 millions / 3.37 acres with 10 parking spaces / Not considered since there is a creek dividing the lot into two and too many trees.
3* / North of Stouffville Road and Woodbine Ave. / 2000 square feet / 0.99 millions / 0.78 acres / Considered subject to the buildinginspection and zoning for church use. The negative view of this one is the building occupied in the middle of the lot, lot size and parking space will be an issue based on the criteria we defined.
4* / North of Stouffville Road and Woodbine Ave. / N/A / 1.3 millions / 2.89 acres / Considered subject tozoning for church use. The positive view of this one is there isno building, no trees.
5 / South of Stouffville Road and Warden Ave. / 2500 square feet / 1.8 millions / 4.5 acres / Considered subject to zoning for church use.
#1 ~ #5 are zoned for commercial use with no sewer nor water pipe. But there is a potential to be rezoned for church use in the future.
*We confirmed with Stouffville City Hall that north of Stofffville Road belongs to Stouffville City and there is no plan to install sewer and water pipe system along the road from east of 404, so the zoning for church use is negative even the area is commercial zone.
In order to achieve theultimate goal to establish another Church/HOP in GTA and also try to resolve the problems our present church building faces now,CEPC proposes short term, intermediate term and long term plans as follows:
Short term (by end of 2012):
- Look for a suitable place(renting or borrowing) to start Sabbath services with RE classes at least twice a month.
Intermediate term(by end of 2013):
- Acquire a property as a second location to start regular Friday and Saturday services with RE classes.
Long term (by the end of 2020):
- Complete the construction of second church with training facilities, including accommodation, for events like SSC, NATS, NYTS and so on.
IV.Action Plans
Plan for Sabbath services at a separate place:
- Looking for a rental property with an existing building for separate Sabbath services with RE classes.
- Targeted directions: North/East, and/or West (Kitchener).
Acquire property for the second church:
- Looking for suitable location to establish a second church for members living in east and north of GTA.
- Property with an existing building is the first priority; land without building is also considered.
- The estimated budget: 1.5 - 2 millions (Our church building fund is around 0.5 million now).
Training Workers:
As reported by the church council, the workers we’ll need for the second church in the next 5 years, and training programs, are shown below. The church council is training potential sermon speakers, translators and pianist on every Wednesday night services.
Additional workers required in the next 5 years to meet expansion needCategory / Number of workers
Sermon Speakers / 6 ~ 8
Translators / 6 ~ 8
RE Teachers / 6 ~ 8
Pianist / 4
Others / 4
The total budget may change to reflect the economic status when the time starts project.
Short Term / Rental place for Saturday Services / 10,000
Intermediate Term / Acquire property / Up to 2 millions
Long term /
- Establish second church and training center
- The cost to purchasea property in GTA has been increasing in the past years. It is advisable not to defer the purchase of the property.
- The proposed budget is much more than what we have now. The church will likely finance the purchase. Before that, our own contributions are greatly needed. Let’s pray for the guidance of the Lord to direct our work.
- A few listings for reference.
Location / Lot Size / Price
1 / 274 Weston Road, Toronto / Building 4500 sq ft and no parking lot. / 0.81 millions
2 / 6540 Kingston RdToronto M1C1L4 / Building 3400 sq ft and lot size 0.64 acres, / 1.65 millions
3 / 8832 The Gore RdBrampton, L6T3Y7 / Lot size 5 acres and Building 13800 sq ft. / 4.5 millions
- Due to zoning by-law changes in GTA that restrict the use of the properties, it is very difficult to find a property for church use.
- All church members need to be prepared for the separation of membership.
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