ASME Executive Board Meeting

October 15, 2013

Attendees: Mike S., Jim G., Ed L., Ken Gregg, and Tony N.

Minutes submitted by Tony Nerone – please alert the distribution list if anything is in error.

Treasurer’s Report

Several changes to budget were made as a result of last meeting. One remaining item – the Scholarship expense needs to be reduced to $1000.

Treasurer will re-organize the report with the new funding system codes, allocated versus non-allocated issues, etc. as well as possible. To be presented to the Board as soon as possible to help with budget and spending decisions.

A motion to accept the budget with these changes was made by Tony, seconded by Jim, and approved by all.


·  February 11th is the tentative date for the round table with the Board of Governors. Their schedules appear open for that date. A letter will be sent to the BOG asking for their attendance.

o  Mike presented the letter that will be sent with an agenda and some examples of moderator questions—some modifications were made to the questions and then the letter is ready to be sent.

·  October 24th will be the tour of the Parker Motion Lab at Cleveland State.

·  The Maritime museum program was excellent—there was a guided tour of the museum complete with model ships, and model Hulett Ore Loaders.

·  November20th is a plant tour of Die Corp.

·  December Social to be planned by Ed at the Chalet and Brew Kettle as in years past.

·  H&H—Tony to start planning—perhaps in the April timeframe

o  Dental museum at Case?

o  Medical Mart downtown?

o  Michaelson/Moreley experiment?

·  Go Karts in May is a possibility

Old Business

·  A survey will be sent to membership

o  Jim indicated that the survey is ready to go on Survey Monkey

o  There will be an entry for each survey submitted for a drawing to win $100

A motion to adjourn was made by Jim G., seconded by Tony, all were in favor. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:30.