January 20, 2010



The meeting was called to order President Lou Achille at 7:30 pm. An invocation was given by Dave Aman. Introductions by those present. There were 17 in attendance including representatives from the following clubs: Legionnaires, Merry Mixers, Pacesetters, Peach Blossoms, and Pendleton Swingers.

MINUTES: Minutes of November 18, 2009 meeting were approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Anne Coble reported the income from November 18, 2009 to January 16, 2010 as $760.00 and the expenses to the same period as $850.07 for a loss of ($90.07). The general checking account balance is $3,292.31. The treasurer’s report was approved.

PSDA Half-Way Dance had 16 students and 80 club members attending. Total proceeds from this event were $238.81, which was donated to Hospice of the Upstate.


1. The PSDA committee for awards for outstanding club members presented a draft of the suggested guidelines for honoring members who have made significant contributions to their club and to the overall activity of square dancing. The draft is attached to the minutes. Clubs are encouraged to periodically review their clubs for outstanding members and honor those members at special dances such as their anniversary dance.


1.  Ben Grizzard has received responses to a questionnaire sent to all clubs for the clubs to use in determining if they want to sponsor programs for ladies interested in learning to dance the man’s part at square dances. There have no problems reported. Club representatives are requested to find names of those interested and send to Ben. Callers may object to using same sex partners in new student classes but PSDA members noted that they have seen this done without any problems.

2.  Merit Award bars are available for those who have not received them. See Jerry Shaw.

3.  Club dues for PSDA membership are due in January. Mail $25 to PSDA treasurers, Anne and Virginia Coble, 324 Robin Hood Rd, Greenville, SC 29607.

4.  Club representatives need to let club members know what is going on at PSDA meetings by emailing the minutes of meeting to all members.


  1. Pat Achille has received representative dangles for PSDA representatives. Representatives are requested to turn in dangles at end of their term.
  2. Discussion was tabled until next meeting as to whether 2 Distinguished Service Awards should be given each year – one award to caller other award to member.
  3. Billie Aman requested that clubs having noteworthy pictures, activities, or charitable events should send the information to her to include in the Showcase of Ideas for the National Convention.
  4. Dean Kinion, Virginia Coble and Anne Coble were appointed to the nominating committee to nominate officers for upcoming PSDA year from Jan 2010 to Jan 2011.


ACEY DUCEYS: Club dances are every first and third Tuesday of the month at St. John Methodist Church on Pine Creek Drive. Their regular caller is Stan Russell.

LEGIONNAIRES: Club dances are every first and third Friday of the month at Landmark Hall from 8-10:00 pm. Free Plus Workshop at 7:30 with Donnie DeVore. Their regular caller is Donnie DeVore and the cuer is Lou Krech for rounds and lines. Legionnaires now offer a free dance to all dancers who have 5 paid dances.

Special Events: Feb 5 – Mardi Gras Dance- Raffle/Fund Raiser for Cancer Society

Feb 19 – Graduation Dance

MERRY MIXERS: Club dances second Friday and fourth Saturday of the month at Main Street United Methodist Church from 8-10 PM. Their regular caller is Don Franks, cuer is Jan Franks for Lines and Dean Kinion for Rounds. Casual attire June thru September except Anniversary Dance in August.

Special Events: Feb 12 - Sweetheart Dance (No Rounds)

Feb 27 – Hot Dog with Chili Dance

Mar 12 – St. Patrick’s Day Dance

PACESETTERS: Regular dances are every Monday night at 8-10:00 pm at Woodman of the World Bldg., 102 Northwest Dr., Anderson. Stan Russell is our caller. Early rounds beginning at 7:30. Club now has guest cuers first Monday of every month. Matthew Temples cues 3rd and 5th Mondays and special dances. Karen Grimes (2nd and 4th Mondays) cues lines.

Special Events: Feb 15 – Sweetheart Dance

Mar 15 – St Patty’s Day Dance

April 10 – 33rd Anniversary Dance

PAWS & TAWS: Regular dances are held every 2nd, 4th and 5th Friday at the Seneca Senior Solutions Center in Seneca, SC from 8-10pm. Caller: Willis Cook and Line Dance Leader: Carolyn Cook.

Special Events – Jan 29 – Back to 50’s _Caller: Donnie Devore

Feb 12 Valentine’s Dance – Caller: Jimmy Roberson

Feb 26 – Graduation Dance

PEACH BLOSSOM SQUARES: Regular dances are the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 8-10pm. Tom Pustinger is our club caller. Club dances at Inman Elementary School, Park Rd/ Oakland Avenue, Inman, SC. Dances are mainstream with plus tips. Nancy Pustinger cues line dances between tips.

Special Events – Classes for new students starting in February.

PENDLETON SWINGERS: Dances are held on 1st and 3rd Friday nights at Woodmen of the World, Anderson, SC

Special Events: Feb 5 Walt Puckett Calling

Feb 19 Food Drive – Admission for donation of non-perishable food items -Tom Pustinger calling.

Mar 5 - Glenn Walters calling

Mar 19 – Graduation – Tom Pustinger calling

May 21 - Graduation Dance

SIMPSONVILLE PIONEERS: Dances are held on 2nd and 4th Friday nights. Don Franks is our regular caller. All dances are casual except for special pre-announced dances.

Special Events: Feb 12 - Stan Russell Caller – Camp Courage Fund Raiser

SPARTAN SPINNERS: Regular dances are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 8-10pm. Tom Pustinger is our club caller. Dances are mainstream with announced student and plus tips. Nancy Pustinger offers line dances between tips. (Check their website for dance locations)

Special events: Feb 6 -Halfway/Reunion Dance

Feb 10 - Mardi Gras

Mar 5 - SPIHN Benefit Dance

Mar 20 -Graduation dance

April 17 - Anniversary Dance with Jerry Biggerstaff

THUNDERBIRD SQUARES: Regular dances are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday nights each month at Landmark Hall in Greenville, SC from 8-10pm. On 2nd, Dean Kinion will be cueing Rounds. Club callers are Glenn Walters and Tony Simmons who donate all net proceeds to the Cancer Society and the Shriner’s Children Hospital.

Special Events: Feb 13 - Classes before dance 6:30-8:00 pm.

Feb 13 - Valentine’s Day Dance 8-10:00 pm.

Mar 13 - St Patrick’s Day Dance

Apr 8-10 - Spring Fling, Gatlinburg, TN

Special Events and Advanced Planning: The following clubs have special plans for the following dates. Other clubs in their area should avoid scheduling major callers for these dates or should consider canceling their dances.

April 10, 2010 - Pacesetters – Anniversary Dance

April 17, 2010 - Spartan Spinners – Anniversary Dance

April 23, 2010 - Simpsonville Pioneers – Anniversary Dance

May 21, 2010 - Pendleton Swingers – Anniversary Dance

Next PSDA Meeting: March 17, 2009 at RYAN’S Steak House at 2426 Laurens Rd., Greenville.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Jerry Shaw, Secretary