ICSMSU Exec Meeting

Wednesday 3rd September 2014 – 18:00pm

Reynolds Bar, Charing Cross Campus

Present: ICSMSU Exec

Apologies: Med, Steve,

Next Meeting:TBC


  1. Action Points:

AP: Ents handover to include document with timeline of stewarding ‘check-list’ and make sure at least onemale steward to check toiletsIN PROGRESS - FUTURE

AP: Dariush to speak to Carl about stewarding requirements with new SU ongoingIN PROGRESS - FUTURE

AP: for newly elected pres, DP, treasurer, ents team to sit down and design appraisal system for whole of ICSM committee & Clubs + Socs. Strike system of verbal warning, written warning, official meeting to meet the needs of poor performance by committee members.IN PROGRESS - FUTURE

AP: President, Sec, Treasurer to be added form each club to mailing list – for Med?IN PROGRESS - FUTURE

AP: more reminders for Reynolds Open Forum when they happen – for Ents?IN PROGRESS – FUTURE

AP: Med to sort out Sports Dinners Pictures ASAP – before this years!NOT COMPLETE.

  1. Matters Arising:

2.1 Bop Decision Committee

2.2Term 2 Review

2.3Any Other Business

2.1Bop Decision Committee: Ents Chair

Vote on re-jig of whos on Bop Decision Committee to change to:

  • President, Deputy President, Treasurer, Bar Managers (previouslyjust invited to meeting not given1 vote), Clubs and Socs Officer, Entz Chair, Social Sec,Sites and Services.
  • Whole SU will still get a chance to give an opinionnext year via email.
  • Sites, bar managers to get a vote.

2.2 Review of Term 2: All Officers

  • Bar plans – in motion. Klum is on it.
  • Next term, it was decided that meetings should remain on a Friday but be every 3 weeks rather than fortnightly.
  • Handovers to be done after exams.
  • Next SU meeting will be on 8th May.

AP: Dina to send out reminder for meeting.

AP: Dariush to sort out date for handover meal with incoming SU.

2.3Any Other Business

  • Sports dinner photos still not completed. Remind Med about action point – this needs to be done before this year’s photos are taken.
  • A plan to be made for next years e.g. google drive to record the information for who has bought what.

3. Officers’ Reports:

President: DariushHassanzadeh-Baboli

·Varsity: Many had fun. Huge shame about the way Sport Imperial and staff conducted themselves. Disgraceful behaviour! Advised the Women’s club captain on how to approach the situation. As far as I can tell it is being investigated by College.

·Finalised details for Affirmation. Sent 1st payment through. 570 tickets sold. Currently limiting to 3 per person. Will open up in a week or so.

·Attended Health Education Meeting with regards to moving the point of GMC full registration to the end of medical school. Overall consensus from many professionals in attendance that it should not change. Will see if our views were listened to. A report will be presented to the incoming government in a few months.

·Helping Med and Guggs with admin for Sports Dinner

·In 2 weeks’ time I will be on my pseudo-elective in Barbados! YAY!!!

Deputy President: Anju George

  • Organised Easter Egg Foodbank at Reynolds 16-22/3 with help of Mala
  • OrganisedCentralised Mock OSCE Booking system with help of Salma & Dina
  • Attended GMC & Health Education England Discussion Forum on Point of Registration with Dariush & Dina 17/3
  • Gave a talk to prospective medical students on ‘The Medical School interview’ at Merchant Taylors’ School 18/3

Treasurer: Alex Compton

  • Took sports dinner tickets offline after securing two for myself :)
  • Helped Anju with elective award annual expenses guidance for faculty
  • Organised Rhys and Dariush to bank RAG money
  • Attended budgeting appeals meeting- overall pretty successful for our two clubs that appealed
  • Attended Ents meeting for next year's team- arts dinner date will be decided after my exams
  • Started looking at women's hockey restructure- postponed til after exams
  • Planned handovers for after exams
  • Finishing up SU finance doc- postponed til after exams (I see a theme here). If anyone has any regular expenses that have cropped up let me know so they can go on my master spreadsheet
  • Had a long discussion with lawyer parents over sale of Teddington- postponed til after exams but would like to work with locals with their campaign over its sale. They've successfully put pressure on the right people within local council etc- we should be supporting this. Need to acquire original contracts etc as parents may have identified a hole. Given Sport Imperial is fully owned by college and after it's appalling behaviour at Varsity I would like to back the felix article and pressure college into asking for a proper apology/work with next year's ACC chair and DPCS to pressure them into being more student orientated. 20k sponsorship for varsity and all I got was an average tshirt…
  • Life restarts after exams. My arm may have dropped off by Friday due to sheer amount of notes writing
  • Started taking painkillers to numb the pain every time I try to write- someone diagnose me and write me a prescription for something stronger than ibuprofen. Otherwise a massage might help…
  • I'm going to be very unhelpful til after exams. If it's very important text me or I'll forget
  • If anyone wants to undergo a bit of plastic surgery and then take my exams for me that would be fabulous
  • Please feel free to send me the occasional joke/funny comment over the next few weeks as I'm definitely developing schizophrenia due to my lack of human contact

Secretary: Dina Saleh

  • Elected to be Deputy President 2015-16 woop
  • Normal newsletter/emails etc..should probably update calendar
  • Sent out various academic emails e.g. to 5th years regarding Mock PACES and tutorials
  • Helped with distributing information for Mock OSCEs for Salma and Anju
  • Sent out halfway dinner email – committee has now been chosen
  • Attended GMC & Health Education England Discussion Forum on Point of Registration with Dariush and Anju last week.
  • Helping out with S&P courseguide thing as one of SohagUsama’s volunteers. Sounds pretty cool!

Communications Officer: Dan Price

  • Did 2x sports nights in a row. Yay.
  • If sports night reserves could be in London on sports night that would be very helpful.
  • That is all.

Welfare Officer: Jen Watson

Clubs & Societies Officer: Med Harris

  • Photos - done. Some clubs to send over finalised number whodidnt get photos for further ordering. So far none.
  • Sports Dinner - tickets sold. Menu to go out shortly
  • Budgeting - is finally over.

Sites & Services Officer: KanchNiruttan

Academic Officer (Early Years): UsamaAsif


•I am currently chilling bare in project times

•S&P exciting times! I shall go into detail on the day

•Major failure on my part in first year tutes, am looking into Easter tutes…

•Need to handover, when does that happen?

Academic Officer (Science Years): CyinSan


oHave started practical handover with my successor Saloni i.e. have invited her to SSLGs/ECs + kept her in the loop of recent developments (though tbh both my Rep teams have been invited to keep in touch with each other’s issues over the year, esp. BMS -> BSc issues)

oEmail to be sent on Thurs or Fri to Ana and Chris to congratulate them on their appointment on behalf of both my Rep teams, and especially to welcome them as the incoming Course Leads for BMS


o2 post-Science Fair BSc talks (one by me as general overview of BSc year + Part C, one by BMSoc going through each Parts A/B pathway from student presentations) + BMSoc Careers event held successfully. Students found Part C talk particularly useful as there’s very little Part C info in previous years – have AP’dSaloni to support/host the same events next year + look into expanding to Y3 MBBS students

oMedical Humanities taster session was held in collaboration with #MedHummus students and Giskin Day, #MedHummus Course Leader on Mon 23rd based on student demand; initial feedback appears to be very positive and have AP’dSaloni into hosting the same next year + look into expanding to cover DAL and allow MBBS students to take part

oSorting out issues relating to feedback for Y1 Neuro, Y2 Globo modules with course leads; latter to be raised formally with FEO on Weds due to lack of engagement from course leads

oNSS is underway; have passed 50% mark according to Chris Harris but hope to match or beat the Y6 medics

oApparently my Reps like each other so much that 2 of them has became a couple

-BSc pathways

  • SSLG on Weds 25th to report on Rep Reports and Exam Reports; summary: generally very positive across all pathways with little exam concerns
  • Been working with Nicole to resolve feedback issues relating to Neuro, Immuno and Repro; first two aspects now resolved, third remains outstanding as Repro course leads can’t reach their M3 leads and issue has been raised formally with Nicole who I believe has passed it onto Alison
  • Have asked for a proper investigation into the issues regarding organization and communication for Immuno, which has generally be subpar over the past year
  • Projects survey expected to go out on Weds or Thurs; feedback from #MedHummus and #DALings appear very positive
  • Been working with specialist course leads (particularly Giskin) to identify key issues and questions arising from the new BSc plans; Giskin will be presenting new BSc details and curriculum on Weds 25th SSLG
  • Viva and resit arrangements have been confirmed with Exam Office; plan to discuss how best to communicate this to students at the pre-SSLG meeting on Weds 25th

Academic Officer (Clinical Years): Salma Haddad

Alumni & Careers Officer: Steve Tran

Entertainments Chair: CallumBrehany

  • Bar steering group coming together - next monday. Meeting with Carl this week for a catch up.
  • Open forum will be decided by then.
  • Think that's everything, not really sure.

Social Secretary: GugsLidder

Sports dinner organisation is going well – lots of tickets bought! Will fill you in properly at the meeting.

Social Secretary: Mala Mawkin

  • Got elected as Entz Chair 2015-2016.
  • Done a massive20 tab Excel Sheet on every day of Freshers, tasks and deadlines for each member of incoming SU involved.
  • Had an Entz Meeting for the incoming team. Freshers planned day by day, bits and pieces beginning to get organised, budgets starting to be made and things getting booked (eg the boat!). Theme ideas flowing...
  • Trying to jig around Freshers Ball/Dinner set up for next year so both happen in a classy external venue so ball occurs in same venue after dinner, hopefully will be hearing good news from Dariush and Med that it can work!
  • Can talk you all through every day of next freshers, few changes being made- not sure you all care about it yet but happy to chat to anyone interested!
  • More extensive info to come after second year exams!!

RAG Chair: Obi Abani

Summer Ball Chair: Anna Hurley

  • Planned post finals at fez. Just waiting for the amazingly talented Usama to make my banner for the fb group to publicise.
  • Been screwed over by the hotel already who have now put a booking before us so will have to move in the night before and be utterly stressed. Would avoid me for those couple of days.
  • Waiting for contract to be signed
  • Sorting all the other fundraising nights. Probably at fez too.
  • Getting excited as as soon as the contracts are sign the huge publicity drive will begin!!! Aaa!!!

AP:Dariushto follow up VAT stuff