International Journal of Psycho-Educational Sciences: Reviewer Evaluation Form
This form is a mere suggestion. You can freely use a separate sheet.
Editor-in-Chief Prof.Dr.Mourad Ali Eissa Saad Email:
Yes / No / not apply1 / Is this an original contribution? / / /
2 / Is the title suitable? / / /
3 / Is the abstract sufficiently informative especially when read in isolation ? / / /
4 / Is the statement of the objectives adequate and appropriate in view of the subject matter? / / /
5 / Is the material clearly presented? / / /
6 / Are the results presented clearly and discussed satisfactorily? / / /
7 / Are figures and tables adequate in quality and number? / / /
8 / Is the statistical analysis sound and carefully chosen ? ( If applicable) / / /
9 / Are scientific reasoning, argumentation and interpretation adequate? / / /
10 / Is reference to previous work adequate? / / /
11 / Is the length of the paper satisfactory? / / /
12 / Is there any repetition in the article? / / /
13 / Please suggest changes or brief additions or deletions (Words, phrases) that could improve the style of this paper? / / /
14 / Are scientific writing style and language clear and correct? / / /
* / Other comments: You can freely use a separate sheet. /
15 / Please select the type of the researchwork / Article / Review Article / Brief Article(short note)
Reviewer's recommendation .
( ) Acceptable as it is. ( ) Requires minor revision.
( ) Requires substantial revision. ( ) Inacceptable.
Reviewer 's Name :