Annex A.
Rob Avis
SW ILT operational manager
Mental health resource centre,
Abingdon hospital
07767 665383
To all General Practitioners in Oxfordshire.
Dear colleague, Date; 25.9.17
Reference; Flu Campaign 2017/18
As part of the preparation for the forthcoming Flu Campaign, I am writing on behalf of OHFT to outline a number of points agreed with the CCG regarding the role of the District Nursing teams in supporting the immunisation of your practice populations as follows;
Flu Campaign dates
· The district Nursing service will offer a flu vaccination to all patients they visit from 1st October 2017 to 31st January 2018, excluding those patients in nursing homes.
· The DN teams will plan the vaccinations for the patients on their caseloads and will regularly update practices in order for the information to be added to your systems.
· The practice will compile a non-caseload housebound list of patients they would like the DN’s to immunise, to ensure the information is as up to date as possible -
o The list overall should include any carers who would benefit from the vaccine and can be accommodated in the same visit.
o The patients on this list will have given consent.
· If a patient on this list is vaccinated by a practice team member, the DN team will need to be informed to avoid unnecessary visits.
· To ensure the plans run as smoothly as possible a DN will meet the PN or Practice manager to agree ground rules and how best to monitor
Nursing homes
· OCCG have confirmed that the DN service will not be immunising any patient in Nursing homes including those on the DN caseload. This is to minimise the risk ‘double dosing’.
Residential care homes
· The DN service will be offering the immunisation to DN caseload patients in care homes and will also immunise non-caseload patients if they are identified by practices on the non-caseload list above.
Access to vaccine’s
· Agree access to vaccine rules for DN teams who are both based in the practice and those who operate from independent buildings.
Data inputting
· Agree rules to for updating GP systems with key data about vaccines, batch numbers etc. Please can data entry be completed by practice staff wherever possible.
We look forward to working closely with you to ensure the vaccinations are completed in a timely way. Thanks for your support.
Yours sincerely
Rob Avis
S.West ILT operational manager.