AT 11:00am ON SUNDAY 9th August 2015

1. Welcome / The President welcomed all present and opened the S&S34 Association’s 2015 Annual General Meeting at 11:10am.
2. Attendances & Apologies / Present: Roger Raymond – Le Jag (President), Caroline Michelides – Miss Cath (Treasurer), Andrew Waldby - Swagman (President), Jim Putt– Morning Tide,Simon Torvaldsen – Blondie(Webmaster), Colin Sanders– Perie Banou III (Past President), Mark Horswill – Sunset on Fire, Rob Elliott-Lockhart – Individual, Michael and Heather Thorpe – Soon, Phil Somerville-Ryan – Huckleberry
Apologies: Vera Waldby – Swagman, David Mitchell – Seashell, Geoff Connor- Kungari, Dick Newnham – Sulphur, Phil Michelides- Miss Cath, Connor Moran – Roma II,Peter Russ – Granma Bluey.
Proxies: Nil received
3. Minutes of Previous AGM / It was resolved to adopt the minutes of 2014 Annual General Meeting held on 29th June 2014. Torvaldsen/Sanders
4. Reports / President's Report: Roger Raymond delivered his 2015 President’s Report to the meeting. A copy is appended to the 2015 AGM minutes.
Treasurer's Report:Caroline Michelides tabled and spoke to her Treasurer’s Report and copies were handed out to those present. It was agreed that the Association would maintain the annual subscription at $30.00 per annum. A copy is appended to the 2015 AGM minutes.
Webmaster's Report: Simon Torvaldsen tabled and spoke to his report outlining the status of the Association’s website and copies were handed out to those present. A copy of the report is appended to the 2015 AGM minutes. The issue of hosting the website by the Association (probably from the webmaster’s home) was discussed. It was felt that external hosting of the website and to some extent the Discussion forum by people now several degrees removed from the Association represented a loss of control and a risk that should be addressed if possible. Also that a dedicated S&S34 email address would be desirable. It was decided that Simon should present a proposal to the Committee for hosting on-site.
Yachting WA Delegate’s Report: In the absence of Conor Moran, Andrew Waldby (who had attended every YWA meeting representing RPYC) indicated the following:
Yachting Australia One Sailing proposal (see appendixed documentation for summary).
Discussed Yachting Australia Numbers and Benefits Program – Sailor ID Number (the old “Silver Card”). Information confirmed post meeting identified that to hold a Sailor ID Number, a person must register via an affiliated club. See Yachting Australia website – then “Information & Services” – then “For Club Members”. Yachting Australia does not preclude a member of one yacht club sailing regularly at another yacht club. Yacht club membership criteria may limit what can and cannot be done. Effectively a person can seek out the cheapest affiliated yacht club to gain a Sailor ID Number so as to crew on a yacht at another affiliated yacht club. Further information can be sought from the YWA Office.
5. Election of Office Bearers (to constitute Committee) / President
Roger Raymond, being eligible to stand for election, was re-elected as President.
No Vice-President was elected, as allowed by the Constitution.
Carol Michelides indicated that as she was moving to Queensland shortly she would be unable to continue in the role. Jim Putt, being eligible to stand for election, was elected as Treasurer.
The position of Secretary was discussed. Simon Torvaldsen indicated that as he was now performing many of the traditional duties of Secretary in his role as Webmaster, he would be prepared to take on the remaining duties and stand for the position of Secretary and was duly elected.
Committee Members
Rob Elliott-Lockhart & Michael Thorpe were elected as Committee members.
6. Appointment of other Positions / YWA Delegate
Andrew Waldby was appointed as YWA Delegate
Simon Torvaldsen was appointed as Webmaster, with Rob Elliott-Lockhart as proxy.
7. General Business / Social Calendar
Xmas Twilight would continue at RPYC sometime in December. Col Sanders to forward appropriate information to Simon Torvaldsen to communicate to members in due course.
It was agreed that another potential opportunity for as association gathering was around the time of the Commodore’s race. The Committee to look into options regarding this
Racing Calendar
Swan River Racing series would continue. Andrew Waldby will promote the SS34s for the series and will forward appropriate information to Simon Torvaldsen to communicate to members. It was felt that participation in last season’s events was quite good, with a total of 7 yachts competing. It is an easy series to run as it is in combination, with the respective club’s Div. II fleets. Division II boats. The series was won by Colin & Eleanor Sanders in Perie Banou III. Overall results available in the Presidents report attached and on the website. Next seasons race dates are: 24/10/15 – RPYC, 5/12/15 – SoPYC, 12/1/16 – RFBYC.
It was felt that the Swan River Retro Yacht Series had been a fun race series that the Association should promote to members as a option for those who want good jib and main racing on a Sunday. Webmaster to put details in next season’s calendar. Dates: Race 1 - 25th October, Race 2 - 22nd November, Race 3 - 13th December, Race 4 - 17th January, Race 5 - 14th February, Race 6 - 13th March, Race 7 - 17th April.
Other potential race dates of interest are: RPYC Governor’s Cup 21/11/15 and Diggers Cup 25/5/16. Also the Annual regattas at Cockburn Sound and Geographe. Also the RFBYC/RPYC/SoPYC Swan River Windward/Leewards 7th November, 6th February (Algal Bloom).
As for calendars, most of these are available from the YWA website - On the right hand side is a link to the offshore section of the website:
  • On the YWA Offshore Sailing section is a menu item “Calendar of Events” – then “Offshore Calendar” – then “Offshore Program 2015-2016”:
  • As for the Coastal Calendar which can be accessed back on the YWA home page - under the menu item “Sports Services” – then “Coastal Calendar” – the “Coastal Calendar 2015-2016 V6”
  • As for the Swan River Racing Calendar which can be accessed from the same “Sports Services” menu – then “Swan River Racing Calendar” – then “SRRC Recurring Events July 2015” “SRRC Calendar July 2015”
Cruising Calendar
Cruising club calendars and organised events should be communicated to members. Jim Putt & Dick Newnham who are regular cruisers should forward this information to Simon Torvaldsen to communicate to members. Resources include:
  • Jim Putt reminded members of the Quindalup Cruise in February (3wks).
  • Fremantle Sailing Club cruising calendar:
  • Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club cruising calendar.
It was identified that the Saturday 14/03/2015 before the Commodores Perpetual Trophy Race is another potential cruising opportunity for the association. It was resolved that the committee would work on options and communicate to members.
Commodores Perpetual Trophy Race
The 2015 event was a great success despite some anxiety getting enough boats and Commodores, it all came together on the day. Results are posted on the website. Next year’s race is on 13/03/2016. The following items were discussed:
Sub-committee should be set-up to assist in organising the race with the FSC sailing office.
It was noted that the race is a FSC race and as such the running of the race and invitees is a FSC responsibility, the Association role is to provide suitable boats. However, the Association view if our opinion is requested is to run the race similarly to last year with Commodore or flag officer representative. Jim Putt suggested any club member coulod represent a Commodore, but the majority opinion was that tom preserve the standing of the event that any representative should have flag officer status.
It was agreed to continue the policy of aiming for too many boats rather than too few, with an Association pennant to being awarded to the winning boat in the event that no Commodore was on board.
8. Other Business / Jim Putt put a proposal to the meeting that “the S&S 34 Association support young sailors as follows:
  • Annually an award be given to the most consistent junior helmsman and crew of a dinghy for their continued involvement in sailing
  • The youngsters be members of either Maylands or Shelley Yacht Clubs or alternative clubs as the Association may consider from time to time.
  • The award be a donation of money
  • Annually either the Saturday preceding the commodore’s Cup OR the Saturday following the Commodores Cup, S&S34 Association members and yachts take junior members from either Maylands or Shelley yacht Clubs for a sail in Cockburn Sound concluding with a light dinner at FSC.
As Jim had to sail he left the meeting early with a request for these points to be considered in due course. The meeting resolved to put these proposals on the Agenda for the next Committee meeting. Simon Torvaldsen pointed out that the Association had already made a commitment to Chris Goldacre at RPYC for the Association to provide a trophy for the junior sailor with the best participation record.
Rob Elliott-Lockhart – to follow up on Association T shirts. Costings – 20 would cost approximately $600, including embroidery. If the order was for 100 shirts the cost per item would come down.
Attendees thanked the outgoing Committee, especially Caroline Michelides for her service as Treasurer.
9. Closure / There being no further business the meeting closed at 1pm.

APPENDIX - YWA to proceed with Phase 3 of One Sailing

The Board of Yachting (WA) is obligated by its constitution to, amongst other things:

Clause 3(a) assist members to cooperate and coordinate their activities for the promotion and betterment of boating as an enjoyable sporting recreation;

Clause 3(f) promote co-operation and co-ordination between Member bodies and other interested parties;

Clause 4(f) enter into such agreements as are necessary and reasonable for carrying out any of the objects of Yachting WA;

Clause 4(i) take such action in the interests of boating which is not inconsistent with (its powers).

Consistent with these obligations, the Board has resolved to participate in Phase 3 of the One Sailing initiative as set out in the 2014 Agreement between Yachting Australia subject to the following assurances being given by YA:

Assurance 1: The Board and Management of YA will ensure that YWA is consulted during the formulation of the YA strategic plan for the future development of yachting nationally and in particular in WA, as is required under Clause 4.4 (a) of the Constitution of Yachting Australia.

Assurance 2: The capability, skill and standing of senior staff in Western Australia should not change or be influenced to change in any way whether by remuneration restructuring or other means that would diminish their existing work output, diligence and outcomes.

Assurance 3: The YWA EO should report directly to the YA CEO.

Assurance 4: The senior staff in YWA should be given national roles of responsibility that report direct to the YA CEO

Assurance 5: The Cost of services provided by YA will be agreed in advance by YWA; be on a cost recovery basis only; and exclude the existing annual fee.

Assurance 6: The YA membership fee payable by YWA ($165,000 in 2015/16) is not to increase by more than CPI for at least the next 3 years, unless specifically agreed by the Members of YWA.

Assurance 7: Any grants, sponsorship income or surpluses generated by activities in WA (such as continuation of its RST line of business) will be reinvested in WA.

Assurance 8: The reserves of YWA (including those held in the Ron Tough Trust) and the associated income will not be accessed by YA.

Assurance 9: The following YWA programs and events will be retained unless otherwise agreed:

 Junior Sail (Bicsail)

 Mirror Sail

 Lasersail

 Optisail

 Westsail

 State Youth Championships

 Schools Team Racing

 Tackers Champion Lakes

 Offshore Racing program

 Power Yacht Time Trialling

 RST RTO accreditation

 YWA Yachting Awards (Meet the Champions)

Assurance 10: The Development and Training, Race Management, Racing Rules, Safety, Swan River Racing, Coastal Sailing, Offshore Sailing, and Cruising and Power Yachting Sub-Committees are to continue to operate and be supported by YA unless otherwise agreed.

In essence Phase 3 involves proceeding with the functional alignment and re-assignment of roles and secondment of personnel between YWA and Yachting Australia (YA), which is the core of the One Sailing proposal presented to the representatives of Member Clubs and Associations at the forum held on Monday 13 July.

The clear sentiment of those delegates who spoke at the forum was that moving forward with the implementation of the One Sailing proposal, subject to close scrutiny by YWA of the detail of every initiative, program and policy, is in the best long-term interests of our sport.

Equally it was clear that many Club and Association representatives harbour sincere concerns as to the executional capacity of YA and the loss of autonomy of YWA. So the obligation of the Board of YWA to our Members is to ensure that YA delivers – that the opportunities for improvement identified in the One Sailing proposal manifest.

It is in order to do so that the above assurances are required to be given to YWA by YA as a condition to YWA participating in Phase 3 of the One Sailing proposal.

The Board of Management, and a clear majority of our member Clubs and Associations, believes that adoption of a strong national governance mechanism, ensuring efficient management of resources, and improving consistency, effectiveness and relevance of services provide to our Clubs and Associations will result from proceeding with Phase 3 of One Sailing. The obligation of the Board of YWA to our Members is to ensure that YA delivers – that the opportunities for improvement identified in the One Sailing proposal manifest.

YWA will co-operate fully and constructively with YA and the other MYAs in our joint endeavour to implement Phase 3 and deliver the opportunities for improvement identified in the One Sailing proposal.

For the sake of clarity, during Phase 3 of “One Sailing”, it is envisaged that the scope of activities of YWA will not be diminished, but the qualitative and quantitative outcomes will improve. The Board of YWA will undertake regular reviews to assess how well the One Sailing program is working. The YWA General Manager and his staff, along with the Sub-Committees of YWA that will remain in place, will report to

the YWA Board on the progress and outcomes from Phase 3 independent of the reports that will be provided by YA’s CEO.

This assessment will form the basis of its decision by YWA whether or not to progress to Phase 4 (adoption of a One Company structure). The decision to opt out can be taken at any time, although it is not envisaged that this would be before Phase 3 of One Sailing has been in place for at least six months.

Next Steps

At the Federal Assembly of YA to be held on 1 August 2015, the members of YA (the 7 MYAs) will be asked to pass a resolution to proceed with Phase 3 of One Sailing. At this time the position of each MYA is:

 Yachting NSW – Board has agreed to move to Phase 3

 Yachting QLD – Clubs have approved a motion to progress to Phase 3, with safeguards as agreed by the YQ Board and YA

 Yachting VIC – Board have issued a statement supporting moving to Phase 3 following agreement on safeguards. The Board meets on 21 July to formalise their position

 Yachting NT – Board has agreed to progress to Phase 3

 Yachting TAS – Board have agreed to progress to Phase 3

 Yachting SA – Board meets 22 July – expected to agree to progress to Phase 3

 Yachting ACT – Board meets 24 July - expected to agree to progress to Phase 3

Following this, the MYAs and YA will proceed with the functional alignment and re-assignment of roles and secondment of personnel between YWA and Yachting Australia (YA). The steps to be taken, set out in the Case for Change previously circulated, require:

1. Scoping of an Integration Plan for each MYA by function, including the operational requirements of YA to support each function.

2. Development of a detailed organisational structure for One Sailing that takes into account the particular requirements of each MYA.

3. Scoping of detailed Transition plans – overall and by MYA.

4. Review of YA and MYA committees to ensure appropriate integration into the new structure.

5. Based on the Transition Plans the financial arrangements between MYA and YA and provisions for staff transition can be determined.

What do we ask of you?

First, keep an open mind to the changes that will be made, and cooperate in their implementation.

Second, critical to the success of Phase 3 is securing the sailing participation development funding from the ASC for 2015/16. A decision at the Federal Assembly of YA on 1 August to proceed with implementation of the One Sailing reforms will result in Yachting receiving $546,000 from the ASC in 2015/16. That’s the good news!

The bad news is that as part of the ASCs participation game plan the ASC has developed a new participation investment model based on a categorisation approach and framework.