Creating a new Service Page

To create a new Service page, login and hover your cursor over “My Workbench”, then hover over “Create content” in the drop menu which will displaya fly-out menu with several options. Click “Service” from this fly-out menu.

This will bring you to a screen similar to the view shown below:

We will use “Mining Water Management” as a Service page example.


First, enter the Title of your page. This is the plain language description of your page. Don’t worry about the page URL description of your page. Drupal will automatically generate the all-lowercase version of the page name with hyphens in place of spaces for use as the page URL.


Next, enter the body text. Please see the document “Creating-basic-pages.doc” for detailed instruction on how to paste from Microsoft Word or from another web page.


Teaser text displays on the service page below the header image. It’s essentially keywords or a phrase to describe the focus for this service.


You can enter a short article summary (10-40 words) if you wish to include this page as one of the featured links on the homepage.

Image Prep

Before you upload, use an image editing program such as Adobe Photoshop or Corel Paint Shop Pro to crop and scale images to 1550 pixels W x 572 pixels H (for the header image) and 179 pixels W x 109 pixels H (for feature article image on the homepage, if applicable) and save to your hard drive. It’s best practice to organize your images in folder sets so you can locate them quickly when you’re ready to upload them.

Header Image

In the Header Image field, clickthe “Add” button.

This will open the “Select a file” window, where you can click the Browse… button to select the prepared image on your local drive and upload it to the server.

Alternatively, you can click the “Library” tab to choose an image, which has already been uploaded to the server.

Assuming you haven’t yet uploaded this header image, select the “Browse…” button under “Upload a new file”. The specifics will vary depending on your network connections and folder structure, but the window will look something like this:

Navigate to the image on your local drive; click the file name and click “Open” in the lower right corner, which will return you to the “Select a file” window. You’ll see the file name of your image displayed in the text field to the right of the Browse button.

Click the Upload button.

Once the progress bar is complete, click the “Next” button, which takes you to this window:

In the “Alt Text” field, enter a simple description of the image and in the “Tags” field enter keyword descriptions of the image. For more information on Tags/Alt text, please see the document “importance-of-alt-text.doc”.

Under “Media Folder” select “-header” from the dropdown menu.

Click “Save”. Your image is now uploaded to the web server and the editor window will automatically refresh, displaying the image you just selected and uploaded:

If you use the option to “Add another item” Drupal will automatically create a slideshow that transitions from one image to the next for as many as you add (similar to the home page rotator).

Feature Image

Although a Feature Image (displayed on the homepage) does not pertain to this particular page, it is essentially same process as uploading a header image.However, the Feature image is prepared to 179 pixels W x109 pixels H and you select “-feature” rather than “-header” in the Media Folder selection menu.


Up to 5 example projects related to this service can be added in the Projects field. The example projects must already exist on the server to be added. You’ll need to check the node ID for the project to add it to your service page.

Important: You should save your Service page before going to check the Project node ID number.

To find the Project node ID number, click the Content link in the Drupal toolbar and filter results by choosing “Project” in the “type” selection menu under “SHOW ONLY ITEMS WHERE”. Then click the “Filter” button.

This will display a list of all Project pages that exist on the server. To check the node ID number, hover your cursor over the “edit” link under the OPERATIONS column for the project you want to add. When you hover over “edit” you’ll see the node/number in your browser status bar in the lower left corner as you see below.

Make a note of this as well as the page title for the project.

Now return to your service page, click Edit and scroll down to the Projects panel.

In the first field enter the project page title as well as the node ID number in brackets as you see below. You don’t need to include the quotation marks — Drupal will generate these when you save the page.

Add additional projects in the same way to a maximum of 5.

Once you save your service page, the projects will populate the lower right portion of the right column as you see below.

People who view the page will be able to use the icons to click between the example projects.

Important note: Projects and Link pages need to be available for the domain you’re adding them to. In the Domain access tab at the bottom of the Project or Link page you’re adding, make sure your domain is checked or the link to that page will not display.


Other web pages that are pertinent to this service can be linked. Use the same method described above to get the node ID number and enter the page title and node number in brackets as you see here:


If there is a specific contact for this page, you scroll to that person’s name in the Contacts selection menu and click on it. If you want to add multiple contacts for this service, hold the Ctrl key (PC) or Command key (Mac) and click the additional name(s).

To remove a contact that has been selected previously, hold the Ctrl key (PC) or Command key (Mac) and click the name.

Selecting names in the Contact menu will display the person’s name and the SRK office they work in as you see below.

Clicking the contact link will expand the information to show their email address as well as a link to their bio page.


Click the “Save” button in the lower left corner of this window and your browser window will refresh, displaying the new Service page.