Chairwoman Bernadette Baun called this meeting of the Planning Board to order at

3:00 pm in the Town Hall conference room. Members Earl Dye, John Sullivan, Rick Jones and Ron Johnson were present. Alternate Board Members Taylor Ryan and Jerry Larson were present. Council Liaison Bob Morrow and Staff Member Judy Hughes were also present.

Agenda Amendments and Approval of Agenda – Under “New Business”, the second item listed as “a” should be changed to “b” and the item listed as “b” should be changed to “c”. Earl Dye made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. All were in favor.

Public Comment – No public present

Approval of Minutes – Rick Jones made a motion to approve the February 26th minutes. All were in favor.

Board/Staff reports –

  1. Councilor Morrow – Councilor Morrow reported that the deer culling process is complete. 133 total deer were culled; 97 doe and 36 buck. Over 2,600 pounds of venison was donated to the local Food Pantry.
  2. Zoning Administrator – Judy Hughes distributed copies of the Staff report, prepared by Josann Campanello. Chairwoman Baun requested that Judy read the section of the report concerning the Land Use Plan Amendment.
  3. Planning Board Members
  1. Earl Dye – The Appearance Manual has been converted to a PDF file with the exception of the drawings. Earl is in the process of converting the drawings as well.

Unfinished Business –

  1. Review proposed language regarding clear cutting – There have been several e-mails by Board Members, regarding Rick Jones’ draft ( Article 7.9.4) for clear cutting. Chairwoman Baun contacted Vagn Hansen for advice on this matter and stated that it may be appropriate to have a professional, such as Vagn or Dale Holland, review this ordinance. There was a discussion regarding any changes to be made. Earl Dye made a motion to approve the new Article 7.9.4, as written by Rick Jones. The “note”, however, was not to be part of this motion. Rick Jones seconded this motion and all were in favor. Chairwoman Baun added that a definition of clear cutting should be written and added to the definition section of the UDO. Rick Jones volunteered to do this.

New Business –

  1. Discussion and Review of Planning Board Budget for 2009 – Josann Campanello had prepared a breakdown of Planning Board expenses to date as well as recommendations on the budget. After a thorough discussion, it was decided that a committee should work with Josann to better define the budget. This work must be done in time for the Town Council to act on it in June.


Ron Johnson and Jerry Larson will work with Josann.

  1. Discussion of Planning Board Responsibilities (Letter of March 3, 2009) – Chairwoman Baun read the letter from Mayor Lesher, dated March 3rd, regarding the review and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan and also development of a draft policy regarding future annexations; both voluntary and involuntary. The purpose of this policy would be to give guidance to the Town Council, both current and future, whenever an annexation action is being contemplated. This policy should be available to the Town Council no later than 12/31/09. Councilor Morrow stated that the Town Council will need more in-depth recommendations than was presented to them in May, 2008. Councilor Morrow also pointed out that there are pros and cons to annexation. Earl Dye made a motion to form a sub-committee, from within the Planning Board, to work with Josann and Dale Holland in preparing a report for the Town Council regarding annexation. All were in favor. Chairwoman Baun and Earl Dye volunteered to be a part of this committee. Councilor Morrow will give support when needed.

Chairwoman Baun asked for volunteers to work on the Comprehensive Plan. Jerry Larson and Ron Johnson volunteered to be on this committee. John Sullivan will serve as an alternate. Questions to be queried:

  1. where is the Town now
  2. what has been fulfilled
  3. recommendations
  1. Agenda for next Meeting –
  1. Review definition for Clear Cutting
  2. Sub-Committee Reports
  3. CAMA Plan Update

At 4:38 pm, Earl Dye made a motion to adjourn. All were in favor.