Emerging Leaders Program

Application Form

Getting started.The right mix of participants is critical in creating an environment where all experiences and perspectives are exchanged, and a broad view of the world–wide industry can be brought into focus. As space is limited to 35 rising stars, applicants for the program will be selected to participate based on meeting a majority of the criteria below:

  1. 15-10 years’ professional experience
  2. Age range: 27-35 (+/- 2 years)
  3. Cross-functional fresh produce industry background
  4. High potential individual with demonstrated leadership skills
  5. Strives to go beyond their job description

Please note: proficiency in English is essential for successful participation.

You will be notified of your application status within three weeks of receipt of your application. All applications must be completed and submitted to no later than 30 June, 2013.

Please fill in this form in BLOCK LETTERS.

Emerging Leader Program

DATE: Commences afternoon Sunday 22 September; concludes midday Wednesday 25 September

VENUE: University of Auckland

Applicant Information

Full Name: / / / / Age: /
Last / First / Salutation
Company Address: /
Street Address
City / State / Postcode
Phone: / () / E-mail Address: /
Job Title / / Company Name /
Company Address: /
Street Address
City / State/Country / Postcode

Direct Supervisor's Information

First and Last Name / / Title: /
Email: / / Telephone: /

Your Role

1.Please describe your objectives (in relation to participating in the ELP)
2.What are your job responsibilities?
3.Do you supervise employees? If so, how many?
4.Do you lead a team/s within your organisation? If so, please explain.
5.How many years have you worked in the produce industry?
6.What are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
Note: information provided will be used to help guide programming and discussions.
7. What are some of your interests outside of your job responsibilities?

Higher Academic Education

Highest Degree Earned: /
Institution: /
City, State, Country: /
Year Received: /
Participant Fees (select one):

E PMA A-NZ Member: Tuition fees, all tuition materials, three nights’ accommodation (adjacent to University of Auckland campus) and all meals: A$4,750 (plus GST if applicable)

Leader Program

PMA A-NZ Non- Member: Tuition, three nights’ accommodation (adjacent to University of Auckland campus) and all meals (arrival Sunday 22 September, departure Wednesday 25 September): A$5,250 (plus GST if applicable)

Payment Method
Upon acceptance, your company will be invoiced, with payment to be made by 31st July 2013
Cancellation Policy – There will be no refund for any cancellation after payment has been received; however the company will be entitled to nominate another delegate.
Signature: / / Date: /
The Emerging Leaders Program for Australia-New Zealand is conducted by the Thunderbird School of Global Management, in association with PMA Australia -New Zealand Limited and PMA Foundation for Industry Talent.
The Emerging Leaders Program for Australia-New Zealand is proudly sponsored by Monsanto Limited