Lottery Promoter

1. The promoter shall be an officer of the 100+ Club, selected in accordance with the Club rules. The promoter shall be responsible for the operation of these lottery-specific rules. The promoter shall be responsible for ensuring that the Club's lottery is administered in compliance with the requirements of the Gambling Act 2005 and other relevant legislation or statutory requirements. The promoter may propose to an appropriate meeting of the Club any amendments to these or the Club's rules necessary to achieve such compliance.

Draw Tickets

2. A limited number of draw tickets number shall be in issue. (The maximum number of tickets in issue is recorded in the 'Current operations' section below.)

3. Only members of the 100+ Club may buy 100+ Club draw tickets. (The cost of each draw ticket are recorded in the 'Current operations' section below.)

4. Each member who purchases one or more draw tickets is allocated a number for each ticket purchased. Each such number is unique and shall remain allocated to that member for the duration of the membership year, and in subsequent years if the member renews his or her purchase. The promoter shall keep records of which 100+ Club member has purchased which draw ticket numbers.

5. If a unique number falls vacant through non-renewal, it may be reallocated to another member or a new member who wishes to purchase draw tickets.

6. Only those draw ticket numbers that have been sold to Club members shall be included in the Club's draws. If a member renews too late to participate in one or more draws, the ticket price shall not be reduced but the ticket shall participate in all remaining draws. Should a member die then their number will be immediately withdrawn from draws.

Draws and Prizes

7. There shall be one prize draw per month plus an additional Christmas draw in December.

8. The draw for each month shall be made towards end of each month as arrangements reasonably allow.

9. The draws will be made in a Public House local to Whiteparish, in the Village Store, at any 100+ Club social event that may be organised by the Club or at or after any Whiteparish Memorial Trust meeting.

10. Prizes will be awarded according to the prize structure from time to time chosen by the Club's officers. The annual prize fund will be between 40% – 44% of the total membership fees paid for that year. The Christmas draw fund should be at least three times the monthly draw fund. Changes to the prize structure will be communicated by the Promoter in July alongside the first draw results. (The current prize structure is recorded in the 'Current operations' section below.)

11. The results of all draws will be publicised within Whiteparish, by inclusion within 'Steeple & Street' (the parish magazine), and may also be posted on the Village notice boards or Village website.

12. The promoter will attempt to pay or post prizes to the winning Club members soon after each draw, and ideally within the same calendar month as the draw takes place.

Expenses and Net Proceeds

13. The following expenses may be met at cost value out of the income of the lottery:

(a) Printing costs (for renewal and other letters, membership cards and publicity material);

(b) Postage (of letters and of prizes that are not hand-delivered) and stationery;

(c) Hire fees – for hire of the Village Hall for a Club event, or for a stand to promote the Club at the Village Fete, for instance;

(d) Bank fees or charges incurred in the running of the lottery, or other expenses that may be incurred by the promoter and agreed by the officers of the Club and approved at a Club meeting as necessary for the running of the lottery.

14. The profits from the running of the lottery shall be part of the 100+ Club's overall profits, and as such shall form part of the proceeds paid over to Whiteparish Memorial Trust each year, in accordance with the Club's rules.

Current operations

15. The current promoter of this Lottery is Richard Burr.

16. There shall be a maximum of 300 draw ticket numbers in the 100+ Club draws (this being the number of uniquely numbered plastic discs currently available).

17. The cost of each draw ticket is £15 for one year's participation in all of the Club's draws.

18. The Club's lottery prize structure from 2017 is as follows.

(a) For each of the twelve monthly draws, the prizes consist of a first prize of £30, a second prize of £20, a third prize of £10, and six fourth prizes each of £5. Total £90.

(b) For the additional Christmas draw, the prizes consist of a first prize of £100, a second prize of £60, two third prizes of £30, and four fifth prizes of £20. Total £300.

Compliance with Gambling Act 2005 - Exempt Lotteries (Advisory Notes)

Tickets may only be sold by the promoter or another Trustee of Whiteparish Memorial Trust.

The lottery may only be promoted for a purpose for which the society is conducted.

Rights conferred by ticket numbers are not transferrable and cease upon the death of the member.

Each ticket must state the name and address of the promoter and the class or persons to whom the promoter can sell tickets.

The price of each ticket must be the same, must be shown on the ticket and must be paid to the lottery promoter in advance.

Whiteparish 100+ Club: Lottery Rules Page 2 of 2 August 2017