Present : Cllrs. Mrs. Aston (Chairman), Mr. Armitt, Mr. Fell, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Moore, Mr. Sharp, Mr. Truesdale, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Young

1.  Apologies : Mrs. Goss, sickness. A letter of resignation, due to ill health, had been received from Mrs. Goss. Thanks were given for her involvement with the Parish Council.

Great sadness was expressed at the passing away of Mike Cousins, who had been a great asset to the Parish Council, and will be greatly missed. A minutes silence was held.

2.  The minutes of the meeting held on 7th November, 2011 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

3.  There were no declarations of interest pertaining to items on the agenda.


(a)  The precept for 2012/13 was agreed at £91,961. This includes £5000 capital asset fund, £5000 for the Library and £5000 for the continuation of the Youth Club.

(b)  Application for annual grants had been received and the following agreed:

Haddenham Darby & Joan Club £300

Dial-A-Ride £300

Haddenham & District Age Concern £300

Chiltern Air Ambulance £300

Haddenham Parochial Charities £300

(c)  Haddenham Airfield – information received that Booker Airfield must shut their operations completely for the Olympics. They had approached Lands Holdings and The Upward Bound Trust for permission to use Haddenham for gliders, and had been informed they must also receive permission from the Parish Council. Lands Holdings had agreed. There would be approx. 100 flights a week, towed by planes. Mrs. Aston declared an interest. Mr. Young would be meeting representative of Booker this week. Concerns to be raised : parking; if a risk assessment had been undertaken; would planning permission be required? Agreed in principle, subject to clarification of these points.

(d)  Quote received for refurbishment of BMX track at a cost of £2020 plus VAT. An application for a grant of up to £1000 had been submitted to AVDC. Agreed this should be undertaken and should be an annual occurrence.

(e)  A request had been made from the Tennis Club for funding towards the provision of additional netting to protect the tennis courts from footballs landing on the courts. The PFMC are funding half. The sum proposed is approx. £500. Agreed - to be paid from Banks Park Trust funds.

(f)  Agreed delegated powers be given to the Clerk in consultation with Parish Councillors for the month of December.

(g)  AVDC – there is concern that the front doors of the development on the Spicer Hallfield site are only a few feet away from Banks Road. Mr. Truesdale declared an interest. BCC to be asked if they have any objection to the developer installing railings for safety purposes. AVDC is formulating a policy on wind farms which will be complete in a year’s time.

(h)  Youth Centre – an Extraordinary Meeting had been held at which is had been agreed in principle to proceed to run the project “Youth for Christ” one evening a week. This is very well attended by young people of the village at the moment. A Constitution had been agreed and a Business Plan had been adopted. An application had been submitted to BCC for funding of £25,000, and various other applications for funding had been made to local organisations. Thanks were given to David Palmer for all the work he has put into this project.

(i)  PFMC – nothing to report.

(j)  SCMC – nothing to report.

(k)  BALC – nothing to report.

(l)  Library – still in negotiations with BCC regarding support and funding. It is proposed to be a charity. Applications are being made for funding from Bucks Foundation and Community Impact Bucks as well as local organisations. BCC has increased its funding to £19,500. Contact is being made with those people who have volunteered to help run the Library to see what commitment they can give. A Business Plan will be completed in a few weeks time.

(m)  Letters of thanks had been received from students for educational grants.

(n)  The following cheques were approved for payment :-

E-On – street light energy 562.34

BT – internet services 56.16

Printshop – Newsletter and questionnaire 1281.00

Complete Tree Services – stump grind Library trees 240.00

ACE Pest Control – ponds and allotments 65.00

Ian Parkinson – mow and bale Snakemoor 156.00

Wooldridge & Simpson – repair dentist & MP room roofs 1176.00

J. Wheeler – storage box for litter picking equipment 9.99

Inland Revenue – J. Ayers & G. Dudley 821.06

G. Dudley Sal. 1094.20, phone 4, post 14.32, trav. 6.26,

Refreshments Dec. meeting 19.74 1138.52

Digley Association – playground inspections 162.00

Ivor Miles – tractor fuel 99.61

Geo. Browns – linemarker etc. 39.92

J. Ayers 1291.73

Burgess Office Equipment 116.99

Geo. Browns 15.42


(a)  All allotment rents have been collected and there is no waiting list.


(a)  Fort end parking issue – a meeting will be held with residents in the New Year. Agreed that a “Keep Clear” sign should be painted on the road at the entrance of Stockwell. Resident informed that the road is badly eroded in this area and will need attention before marking. BCC to be informed.

(b)  Several requests had been received from residents adjacent to the Sheerstock amenity area asking that trees be lopped as they are overhanging gardens and causing a loss of light. Agreed Mr. Young would meet with the Tree Warden and Tree Surgeon to discuss and obtain a quote.

(c)  Refuse freighter – AVDC had informed that it is proposed to stop this service. If we wish to have a freighter we will have to pay between £170 and £200 per half day. Agreed not to do.

(d)  Complaint received from resident regarding speeding vehicles along Stanbridge Road. BCC had been asked if the 30 mph signs could be made more prominent.

(e)  Garden refuse bags – AVDC had informed that this service will be discontinued from September 2012. They will be introducing an opt-in garden bin service in April 2012. Residents who are interested in the service can register their interest on AVDC’s website www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/binsaskus

(f)  SW&CG had requested that a cycle rack is installed by Woodways entrance to the Playing Field. Agreed PC would support but do not have funds available to purchase at the present time. There is a cycle rack by the Pavilion.

(g)  BCC - nothing to report.

(h)  LAF – meeting had been held, Priorities for action next year were discussed and various presentations made.


(a)  Meeting held on 21st November at which 12 applications were discussed.

(b)  Vale of Aylesbury Plan. A questionnaire “Planning the Future of Haddenham” had been delivered with the Newsletter. Response to be submitted to AVDC by end December.


(a)  Newsletter – we were 200 short on delivery but these had now been received. 42 Planning questionnaires had been completed on-line.

(b)  Website – work has commenced on putting in up and coming events. It is intended eventually to have events for a whole year.

(c)  It was felt the Home Page needs refreshing and this is being looked into.

(d)  Parish on Line Mapping – Mr. Hannaford and Mr. Rankin have reviewed and endorsed. Trial period is coming to an end and the package will be purchased.

(e)  BCC is offering free bunting for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Mrs. Aston has put in a request for Haddenham.

(f)  Lord Williams’s School had asked if Parish Councillors would like to attend their Community Action Morning from 8 am – 1 pm on Tuesday, 31st January. Mr. Moore would attend.


9th January, 2012.