Yale Secondary School

Planning 10

Course Outline & Expectations

Teacher: Ms. Hayhoe

Planning 10 provides relevant and experiential learning opportunities, helping students relate their learning in school to the demands of the working world and the expectations of society. It also provides opportunities for students to develop those skills, attitudes and behaviours that will allow them to manage their lives more purposefully and effectively, enhance their personal well-being and realize their full potential.

More information about the expected learning outcomes for the course can be found at planning10.pdf

Course Content

  • Unit 1: Graduation Program

-Course Requirements for Graduation

-Internal/External Credits

-Exam Requirements

-The Eight Focus Areas

-Grad Transitions

  • Unit 2: Education and Careers

-Personal Interests and Attributes

-Post-Secondary Education and Training

-Labour Market Information

-Job Seeking and Job Keeping

-Employment Standards and Workplace Safety

-Support Networks and Resources

-Transition Plan

  • Unit 3: Health

-Healthy Living

-Health Information

-Healthy Relationships

-Health Decisions

  • Unit 4: Finances

-Financial Literacy

-Costs of Education and Career Options

-Financial Plan


Marks will be posted on checkmymark.com and will be cumulatively recorded in the Term 1 bin. This allows for students who have not completed the learning outcomes at the prescribed time to complete them and receive credit for them. It also allows students and parents to see year-to-date progress at any time.

Please note that NM indicates that an assignment demonstrating the completion of a learning outcome HAS been handed in but not yet had a mark assigned. NHI indicates that evidence of a mastered leaning outcome has not been handed in.


Students must come to class each day prepared to work. They will need a pen, pencil, binder, calculator, and note paper.


  1. No food or drinks in the computer lab!
  1. Cell phones will be collected at the beginning of class and returned at the end of class.
  1. No hats in the classroom!! They will be confiscated and given to an administrator if you break this rule.
  1. No Facebook. No downloading programs. These are notyourcomputers, though they are here for you to use.
  1. Be in the classroom BEFORE the bell with all of the supplies you need. Detentions will be assigned on the SAME DAY for those who are late. You may choose to do push-ups instead of a detention, but they must be done right away. Anybody who speaks to you while you are doing them will be assigned to do double the amount of time or push-ups you are assigned.
  1. No one will be excused from class without a written note from a teacher or administrator (or a coach’s email with field trip or sports team list) BEFORE the scheduled dismissal. If you are going to be absent, the day’s work will be due before you leave for the field trip or game.
  1. Do not skip class. It makes much more work and confusion for you and your teacher, who worries about you when you are away. You will be assigned to the Attendance Centre for a minimum of three lunch periods for each class skipped.
  1. Keep all of your work. Don’t throw it out when it is returned to you. You will be creating a portfolio of your work for Transitions 12.
  1. There will be a seating plan. Remain in your assigned seat during class, unless you are given permission to do otherwise. Be in your seat by the time the bell rings.
  1. When the bell rings, you are silently listening for instruction.
  1. Do not turn on the computers until you are instructed to do so.

12.When the teacher/adult is speaking, you are quietly listening.

13.When another student is called upon to speak/answer questions, you are quietly listening.

14.Classroom time is work time, not visiting time. The result of this is that you will seldom be assigned homework. You should be able to complete the assignments within the given time. If you do not, it is your responsibility to complete them at lunch or after school on the same day they are given or are due.

15.If you wish to be treated like an adult, then behave like an adult. Do not throw things, call out to other students, or make a mess in the classroom. If you borrow something, put it back where it belongs.

  1. Raise your hand if you wish to ask or answer a question. Do not just call out. Adults do this in meetings too.
  1. Be courteous and polite to everybody in the classroom. Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. No bullying – this includes name-calling, nasty comments, insults. This includes respecting their property – leave it alone.
  1. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense – students are aware of its definition, and the consequences are spelled out in both the District and Ministry of Education websites.
  1. Ensure that your full name (first and last) and block are in the top right hand corner of all work BEFORE you begin the assignment, and that a title is given to the work to identify what it is. Two marks will be deleted off of every assignment that is unidentified.
  1. Answer all questions in complete sentences that restate the question. For example, “What colour are the walls in room B121?” would be answered “The walls in room B121 are blue.” If the questions are on a computer worksheet, simply give the answer in point form under the question.
  1. When you finish an assignment, check it over. Are the spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure correct? Have you answered all questions completely? If it is more than one page in length, have you stapled the sheets together neatly?

22.When you have finished an assignment, the teacher will instruct you to either:

a)place it in the block slot at the front of the room, or

b)pass it down the row so that the first person in the row can place it in the block slot at the front of the room.

23.If you are away, check with somebody else in the class to find out what was done in class. Check the schedule that was handed out on the 2nd day of class. Check Ms.Hayhoe’s website to see what is listed for that day. Being absent does not mean that you are not responsible for the assignments that you’ve missed. There are many ways for you to find out what you have missed – this is your responsibility.

  1. Assignments should be handed in on time. (If you are home due to illness, email the assignment in.)
  1. If you finish your assignment early, work on something else quietly. Do not disturb others around you who may be completing the assignment.
  1. If you have not finished an assignment that is due, come in before school, lunch and/or after school to complete it. I am available to help you daily at these times. It should be handed in no later than the following day. Meeting deadlines is a required skill for adults. You must master that skill also.

27.At the end of the class the teacher will tell you it’s time to clean up. Shut down the computer properly and turn off the monitor. This does not mean that you are dismissed. The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Remain in your seat until you are dismissed. Then tuck your chair in or put the chairs up if it is the end of the day.

Sensitive Topic Policy

The Health component of the course (Unit 3) as prescribed by the British Columbia Ministry of Education, address topics that may be a source of sensitivity for some students and their parents (e.g. self-image, human sexuality, or violence in relationships).

In the above-mentioned cases, students, with their parents written consent, may choose not to participate in classes where these topics are discussed and, instead, address the topics in an agreed upon, alternative manner. This option is only available in the Health Unit of the course.

Two options for alternative instruction include:

1) home instruction using a school pre-determined package of materials,

2) distance or self-directed studies.

I understand the above course outline and expectations.

Student Name (printed):______Date:______

Student Signature:______Block:______

I have read the course outline, expectations, and schedule, and give my son/daughter permission to cover all topics in Planning 10, including Unit 3 on Health.

I do not give my son/daughter permission to cover the Health Unit 3 topics in class and will be personally responsible for teaching all the learning outcomes for this unit as prescribed by the BC Ministry of Education to my son/daughter. I will arrange those alternative options with the school.

Parent/ Guardian Signature

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