HC12 Basic Timer System

ME 4370/5370, ECE 4240


(From Cady and Sibigtroth, 2000). The M68HC12 timer system is based on the 16-bit free-running counter called TCNT. This counter uses the M-clock (the system clock) as its source and a prescaler of 1,2,4,8, or 16 to provide time information to the HC12. The prescaler can be controlled by seting the three bits, PR2:PR0 in the Timer Interrupt Mask Register 2 (TMSK2) (see the fig. below). The default setting is a prescaler of 1. The TCNT register can be read at any time to provide this time information. When the register reaches a count of 65,536 pulses ($FFFF), the counter overflows and is reset to 0 ($0000). At this point, a timer overflow flag (TOF) is set, which can be used to record longer periods of time. Note that with a 4 MHz clock and a prescaler of 1, the timer will go from $0000 to $FFFF in 0.0164 seconds. The counter is reset when the MCU is reset and runs continuously in general. The counter cannot be set when the MCU is operating in normal mode. The following paragraphs describe the procedure to use the timer in its most basic form.

Step 1: Turn on the timer: The timer is enabled by setting the MSB of the TSCR (timer system control register).

TSCR1 -- $0006 – Timer System Control Register 1

Bit 7654321bit 0

TEN / TSWAI / TSBCK / TFFCA / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Reset 00000000


TEN: Timer enable; 0 disables the timer including TCNT (default, reduces power consumption), 1 enables the timer

TSWAI: Timer stops while in wait; 0 allows timer to continue running during a wait (default), 1 stops the timer while in wait mode.

TSBCK: Timer stops while in background mode (same as above).

TFFCA: Timer Fast Flag Clear All

Step 2: Set any timer prescaling as desired on TSCR2 (Timer interrupt mask register 2)

Timer System Control Register 2 (TSCR2)

TOI = Timer overflow interrupt enable (1 enables interrupt when timer overflow flag is set)

PR2, PR1, PR0 = Timer prescaler select bits prescale the module clock to achieve the main timer counter according to the following table

TCRE: Timer counter resent enable (0, counter reset is inhibited and TCNT free runs, 1, TCNT is reset to $0000 when a successful output compare occurs on timer channel 7)

Step 3: Clear the timer overflow flag in TFLG2 (Timer interrupt flag 2) register (if needed)

TFLG2 -- $008F – Timer Interrupt Flag 2

Bit 7654321bit 0

TOF / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

Reset 00000000

TOF: Timer Overflow Flag. This bit is set when the TCNT register count goes from $FFFF to $0000. The timer overlow bit is reset by writing a one to bit-7 of TFLG2.

Step 4: Read the current time (contained in TCNT, timer count register), or count timer overflows (contained in TFLG2 register).

TCNT -- $0084:0085 – Timer Count Register

Bit 7654321bit 0

15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8
7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0

Reset 00000000


1)When timing via counting overflow flags, the TOF can be observed with polling or interrupts. Once a TOF is counted, be sure to reset it by writing to this bit (bit 7 in TFLG2).

2)If no prescale is used, then a TOF occurs every 8.19 ms (with 8MHz clock)

Real Time Interrupt

CRGINT –CRG Interrupt Enable Register

Bit 7654321bit 0

RTIE / 0 / 0 / LockiE / 0 / 0 / SCMIE / 0

Reset 00000000

RTIE – Real Time Interrupt Enable

0 = Interrupt request from RTI are disabled

1 = Interrupt will be requested whenever RTIF is set

RTICTL –CRG RTI Control Register

Bit 7654321bit 0

0 / RTR6 / RTR5 / RTR4 / RTR3 / RTR2 / RTR1 / RTR0

Reset 00000000

system clock; / 24000000
In Seconds
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
1 / 4.26667E-05 / 8.53E-05 / 0.000171 / 0.000341 / 0.000683 / 0.001365 / 0.002731
2 / 8.53333E-05 / 0.000171 / 0.000341 / 0.000683 / 0.001365 / 0.002731 / 0.005461
3 / 0.000128 / 0.000256 / 0.000512 / 0.001024 / 0.002048 / 0.004096 / 0.008192
4 / 0.000170667 / 0.000341 / 0.000683 / 0.001365 / 0.002731 / 0.005461 / 0.010923
5 / 0.000213333 / 0.000427 / 0.000853 / 0.001707 / 0.003413 / 0.006827 / 0.013653
6 / 0.000256 / 0.000512 / 0.001024 / 0.002048 / 0.004096 / 0.008192 / 0.016384
7 / 0.000298667 / 0.000597 / 0.001195 / 0.002389 / 0.004779 / 0.009557 / 0.019115
8 / 0.000341333 / 0.000683 / 0.001365 / 0.002731 / 0.005461 / 0.010923 / 0.021845
9 / 0.000384 / 0.000768 / 0.001536 / 0.003072 / 0.006144 / 0.012288 / 0.024576
10 / 0.000426667 / 0.000853 / 0.001707 / 0.003413 / 0.006827 / 0.013653 / 0.027307
11 / 0.000469333 / 0.000939 / 0.001877 / 0.003755 / 0.007509 / 0.015019 / 0.030037
12 / 0.000512 / 0.001024 / 0.002048 / 0.004096 / 0.008192 / 0.016384 / 0.032768
13 / 0.000554667 / 0.001109 / 0.002219 / 0.004437 / 0.008875 / 0.017749 / 0.035499
14 / 0.000597333 / 0.001195 / 0.002389 / 0.004779 / 0.009557 / 0.019115 / 0.038229
15 / 0.00064 / 0.00128 / 0.00256 / 0.00512 / 0.01024 / 0.02048 / 0.04096
16 / 0.000682667 / 0.001365 / 0.002731 / 0.005461 / 0.010923 / 0.021845 / 0.043691
In Hz:
10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
1 / 23437.5 / 11718.75 / 5859.375 / 2929.688 / 1464.844 / 732.4219 / 366.2109
2 / 11718.75 / 5859.375 / 2929.688 / 1464.844 / 732.4219 / 366.2109 / 183.1055
3 / 7812.5 / 3906.25 / 1953.125 / 976.5625 / 488.2813 / 244.1406 / 122.0703
4 / 5859.375 / 2929.688 / 1464.844 / 732.4219 / 366.2109 / 183.1055 / 91.55273
5 / 4687.5 / 2343.75 / 1171.875 / 585.9375 / 292.9688 / 146.4844 / 73.24219
6 / 3906.25 / 1953.125 / 976.5625 / 488.2813 / 244.1406 / 122.0703 / 61.03516
7 / 3348.214286 / 1674.107 / 837.0536 / 418.5268 / 209.2634 / 104.6317 / 52.31585
8 / 2929.6875 / 1464.844 / 732.4219 / 366.2109 / 183.1055 / 91.55273 / 45.77637
9 / 2604.166667 / 1302.083 / 651.0417 / 325.5208 / 162.7604 / 81.38021 / 40.6901
10 / 2343.75 / 1171.875 / 585.9375 / 292.9688 / 146.4844 / 73.24219 / 36.62109
11 / 2130.681818 / 1065.341 / 532.6705 / 266.3352 / 133.1676 / 66.58381 / 33.2919
12 / 1953.125 / 976.5625 / 488.2813 / 244.1406 / 122.0703 / 61.03516 / 30.51758
13 / 1802.884615 / 901.4423 / 450.7212 / 225.3606 / 112.6803 / 56.34014 / 28.17007
14 / 1674.107143 / 837.0536 / 418.5268 / 209.2634 / 104.6317 / 52.31585 / 26.15792
15 / 1562.5 / 781.25 / 390.625 / 195.3125 / 97.65625 / 48.82813 / 24.41406
16 / 1464.84375 / 732.4219 / 366.2109 / 183.1055 / 91.55273 / 45.77637 / 22.88818

#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */

#include <mc9s12dp256.h> /* derivative information */

#include <stdio.h>

#include "lcd.h"

#pragma LINK_INFO DERIVATIVE "mc9s12dp256b"


* Function prototypes


__interrupt void RealTimeInterrupt( void );

volatile int delay; //counter for interrupt

volatile int d1, d2; //array index of which number to output on display

volatile int counter;

int counting; //0=timer stopped, 1=timer running

void main( void )


char string[17];

//initialize global variables

counting = 0; //0=timer stopped, 1=timer running

counter = 0;

delay = 0; //set counter for interrupt to 0

//setup data direction port

DDRH = 0; //allow input from pushbuttons


//setup realtime interrupt

RTICTL = 0x28; //8MHz / (9 * 2^11) = 434.02778 MHz or 2.304 ms

CRGINT |= 0x80; // enable RTI interrupt

EnableInterrupts; /* Enable global interrupts */

while(PTH & 0x08); //wait for input from pushbutton 1 (sw2)

counting = 1; //start timer

while(1) //loop forever


if ((PTH & 0x04) == 0) //pushbutton 2(sw3) is pressed


counting = 0; //stop timer


else if ((PTH & 0x08) == 0) //pushbutton 1(sw2) is pressed


counting = 1; //start timer


sprintf(string,"%16d", counter);

writeLine(string, 1);



__interrupt void RealTimeInterrupt( void )


if (counting & delay < 434) //one second has not passed yet


delay++; //update one second delay counter


else if (counting) //update counter variable


delay = 0; //reset one second delay counter



CRGFLG = 0x80;/* clear rti flag */
