AGENDA / worksHop / 17/05/2016 / UNCLASSIFIED
format / EVENT TYPE / ISSUE Date / Classification
Agendav 0.03
Title: / ATO-SwD partnership Event – Strategic Working Group (SWG)
Venue: / ATO, 52 Goulburn St, Sydney (L17 Room 12 & 13)
Event Date: / 26 May 2016 / Start: / 08:15 for 09:00 AEST / Finish: / 12:30
Secretariat: / Gary Anderson / Facilitator: / Helen Hesse-Patching
Contact: / 0401 147 423 / CHAIR: / Mwaniki Wa-Gichia


  1. This SwD partnership event will be preceded the day before by the ABSIA forum.
  2. Places for this event were limited and filled by Expression of Interest
  3. A SwD Technical Working Group meetingby teleconference is to be held from 2pm to 3pm.


For ATO staff: Sharepoint

For external/SwD participants: Software Developer Home Page

Item / Time / SESSION / LED By
/ 08:15 / Registration, coffee/tea, meet, greet / SIPO
09:00 / Welcome, purpose, overview of the agenda and introductions / Facilitator
(25 min) / Delivery Experience: “ATO engagement with software developers is timely, purposeful, planned and ensures the right people are involved to drive effective collaboration and decision making”
Strategic Working Group (SWG) Operational Matters
  • Review of a draft charter for the SWG including a co-chair
Attachments: SWG Operating Documents (predistribution)
Engagement Framework(Handout) / Mwaniki Wa-Gichia
(20 min) / Delivery Experience: “There is a secure, reliable and easy to use access point
The Single Entry Point
  • Background of the Project
  • Feedback on research so far
Any artefacts will be distributed on the day. / Kate French
Eduardo Kranz
(20 min) / Delivery Experience: “The four year plan of delivering a client experience to the software industry”
Priority client experiences
  • Understanding the priorities in the evolving environment
/ 10:10
(15 min) / Break
(30 min) / SBR guidance on transport and messaging protocols
Consider at a high level the guidelines that show characteristics and standards associated with them (mainly pages 5-6 and 8-9)
Refer attachments:
Proposed SBR guidanceon transport and messaging protocols / Phil Schofield
Neil Tothill
(via phone)
(50 min) / Delivery Experience: “Develop a strategy to foster innovation through facilitating connections”
Software Industry input to Digital Services Priorities
The third of an emerging process for enabling input by the software industry into the ATO’s prioritisation of the program of work for digital services.
  • Positioning of the Tax Institute of Australia (TIA) influenced program of deliverables for the year ahead.
  • How to generate ideas/suggestions from other software industry Segments?
  • How to be involved in the design process for delivery of these services
1. TIA Program of work eCommerce delivery (under development)
2. SDHP web-form for suggestions:
3. Community info: / Customer Services and Solutions:
Robert Lumb
Gary Anderson
(20 min) / Delivery Experience: “The ATO and software developers collaborate to ensure that any change delivers benefits to users and encourages usage”
International VAT/GST reforms, Australian developments and impacts for software developers
The OECD has developedInternational VAT/GST Guidelinesthat recommend that jurisdictions require non-residents to tax supplies of digital suppliers and services into their jurisdiction. These Guidelines also recommend rules be adopted that identify the place of taxation (by using data captured by the supplier), a simplified and streamlined registration and reporting procedure. There are also potential impacts for invoicing, record keeping and other business administration considerations.
Australia has recently itself enacted changes to the GST to address this. Many international businesses (large and small), domestic retailers and tax software users will be impacted by this change. The OECD is also currently developing an implementation package and Australia is providing active input to this process.
Noting this:
  • From a software developers point of view, what are the major points that jurisdictions should consider when designing electronic registration and reporting systems?
  • What are the best ways in which jurisdictions can engage with software developers to ensure that business is able to comply with their law?
  • What other issues (e.g. data standards, security, authentication, machine-to-machine reporting, time constraints, etc.) are important factors to consider?
/ Michael Quirk
Ian Ayrton
(10 min) / Agenda Suggestions for next Strategic Group Meeting
  • brainstorming
/ All
(10 min) / Close / Chair