Town of Maxton

Board of Commissioners Meeting

July19, 2011

7:00 PM

The Town of Maxton Board of Commissioners held its regular meeting on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 with the following members present:

Mayor Gladys M. Dean

Mayor Pro Tem Emmett Morton

Commissioner Vivian Morrison

Commissioner Victor Womack

Commissioner James McDougald


Commissioner Ray Oxendine

Staff Present: Town Manager Long, Police Chief Williams,Town Attorney Nick Sojka and

Town Clerk/Finance Director Tyndall


Mayor Gladys Dean gave the welcome and called the July19, 2011regular meeting of the Town of Maxton Board of Commissioners to order at 7:05 p.m.

Invocation: The invocation was given by Commissioner James Mcdougald.

Adoption of Proposed Agenda

Mayor Gladys Dean asked for a motion to adopt the proposed agenda. Commissioner Mortonmotioned to adopt the proposed agenda. Commissioner McDougald seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes:May 17, 2011 Meeting Minutes

June8, 2011 Meeting Minutes

June 21, 2011 Meeting Minutes

  1. Tax Releases
  2. Update on Fire Contract Negotiations – Attorney Nick Sojka.

Attorney Sojka discussed negotiations with Queheel, but the Town was not pleased with the way Queheel conducted themselves and with the limited services they are willing to provide. The Board authorized the Town Manager to contact other fire departments to find out what they would charge to provide services to Maxton. Also, the managerwas authorized to contact the state fire Marshall’s Office for assistance in resolving issues between the Town and Queheel

  1. Laurinburg Maxton Airport Commission Appointment. Cynthia Johnson is requesting to be re-appointed. Her term ended June 30, 2011. Application is in packet for review. No other applicants applied.

There were two additional applications received before meeting. Wylis Oxendineand Joe Clark. Commissioner Morton nominated Wylis Oxendine and Commissioner Womack nominated Joe Clark. Oxendine received three (3) votes and Clark received one (1) vote.

  1. New Officers

a. Myra Tyndall was sworn in as Town Clerk.

b. Town Manager Vince Long was appointed as Zoning Administrator.

  1. R-11 Street Improvement Project- Manager Vince Long.

B&B Construction was awarded the R-11 Street Improvement Project toin the amount of $145,000. Commissioner Morton made motion commissioner McDougald seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried

  1. Parks and Events Committee – Chair-Commissioner Ray Oxendine Vice-Chair – Commissioner Vivian Morrison

Commissioner Vivian Morrisonsaid the Independence Day celebration was a great success. She also thanked Shelia Pipkin and Minnie Miller for a great job done. Commissioner Morrison stated that the seniors enjoyed the activities that the Town provides them.

Discussion about old gym ended with a motion from Commissioner Morton asking the Town Manager to work with the activity group to setup petition and resolution asking the Board of Education to give the gym to the County Recreation Department and Town of Maxton as joint users of the gym. Womack seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried.

  1. Economic Development Committee Chair-Commissioner James McDougald Vice Chair- Commissioner Victor Womack Vice-Chair

Commissioner McDougald reported that Greater Maxton Area Economic Development Corporation was working with the Ministerial Alliance to incorporate all Greater Maxton. Also, Commissioner McDougald is in discussions with William Britt to open an office in Maxton.

  1. Public Safety Committee Chair-Commissioner Victor Womack Vice-Chair – Commissioner James McDougald

Chief Williams told the Board that the caninesare in possession and training taking place. Also, Commissioner Womack ask that new Police vehicles to be properly maintained for longevity.

  1. DPW and W/WW Committee Chair - Mayor Pro Tem Emmett Morton Vice-Chair – Commissioner Ray Oxendine

Mr. Long updated the Board on work at lift station #2 stating that the work should be complete by the next week.

Discussion ensued concerning the Waste Management performance/contract. Board ask TM and Att. Sojka to communicate with WM on Town’s displeasure.

  1. Intergovernmental Relations & Community Relations Chair – Commissioner Vivian Morrison Vice-Chair – Mayor Pro Tem Emmett Morton

Commissioner Morrison stated that the store had new hours starting August1, 2011 and that interviews were being conducted to hire new manager and clerk. The store was making changes to ensure the NC ABC Board statues were in compliance. She will provide more updates in the August meeting.


  1. Commissioner’s Reports

Commissioner Morrison commented that the Freight Building was still used by citizens.

Commissioner McDougald asked about student’s progress with 21st CCLC program and Commissioner Morrison said Mike Cannon would bring report to the Board in August meeting. Campbell Soup gave 21st CCLC a donation of $6000.

Commissioner Womack asked about the status on street signs and Mr. Long they were ordered and being posted.

  1. Library Report

The Library presented a play on July 13th by Jennifer Ikner and had great attendance.

Also, the summer programshows great success with a lot of children attending the program.

  1. Police Chief Report

Pal’s summer program is a success with 50 students attending. They have visited the Town’s facilities, planetarium, university and the 82nd Airborne. Also, career speakers have been to speak with the students.

CPR and self defense classes are going to take place in the near future.

  1. Manager’s Report

No reports.


Public Forum

Joyce McRae told the Board that the Chamber had a new life and new focus. That they would work with the Greater Maxton Area Economic Development Corp. to help Maxton move forward. They have appointed new members and are working on a new strategic plan to move forward.


Commissioner Morton made motion to adjourn meeting. Commissioner McDougald seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous. The motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:58p.m.


Mayor Gladys Dean Town Clerk, Myra Tyndall