
Councillor Mr Andrew Round Parish Council Chairman (AR)

Councillor Mr. Andrew Slater Vice-Chairman (AS)

Councillor Mr. Adrian French (AF)

Councillor Mr. Ray Rose (RR)

Councillor Mr. John Bevan (JB)

Councillor Mr. Terry Smissen (TS)

Councillor Mrs Dot Pullen (DP)

Parish Council Clerk/RFO

Mrs. Marion Scott

Also Present

Ward Councillor Mr Bob Matthews (Arrived 7.45pm. Left 8.15pm). One member of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm

1.0 Apologies for Absence:

Apologies were received from Dr. Richard Baxter and Mrs Emma Baxter due to business and family commitments. No apologies received from Mr. Paul Burridge.

Locality Steward Mr. Mike Gill not present.

No presence for the local police.

2.0 Declaration of Interest & Dispensations

2.1 No declarations of interest received.

2.2 No applications for dispensations received.

The Chairman, Mr. Andrew Round brought forward Item 4 for discussion

4.0 Public Question Time

Mr. David Sherrard stated that he wished to join the Parish Council as a co-opted member. He was keen to help initiate a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Credenhill. The Parish Clerk informed him that the two latestCouncillors to join the Parish Council were also keen. It was suggested that a meeting be arranged by the Parish Clerk. Proposed by TS and seconded by JB that Mr. David Sherrard be invited to join the Parish Council.

3.0 Speakers - Opportunity for visiting speakers to address council.

3.1 Ward Councillor Mr. Bob Matthews provided the following up-dates:

  • A letter had been received from Hereford Council regarding the works BBLP were carrying out in Yazor Brook next to the Social Club. Pads would be installedfor Yazor Brook flow monitoring equipment in the two culverts at this location.
  • Pre-application order had been submitted for development at the camp-site, and officers would be attending the Parish Council meeting 21st December 2016 to discuss the development.
  • Speed trackers had been installed near the school and discussion took place regarding 20 mph speed limit and possibility of double yellow lines.
  • Dara Mullin (Officer of the Woodland Trust) had sent an e-mail stating that an application for dog fouling and litter bins at the car park at Credenhill Wood had to come from the Parish Council. The Parish Clerk was requested to apply to BBLP for the bins and to state that the Woodland Trust would be responsible for the cost and emptying of the bins.
  • Hereford Council was looking to borrow £10 million and many Bus Services would be cut drastically in addition to other cuts being proposed.

5.0 Minutes

Following a proposal by AD and seconded by DP it was resolved that The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on the 19October 2016 having been previously distributed were unanimously confirmed as true records and signed by the Parish Council’s Chairman.

6. Financial Information:

Account balance 28th September 2016

Current account: £1,122.36

Reserve account: £23,912.25

Total bank balance: £25,034.61

Direct Debits

British Gas 23.61

Welsh Water4.50

British Gas 25.73

Total payments £53.84

Payments received:

HerefordCollege 100.00

Rent 03.10.2016 750.00

Total received £850.00

Cheques to authorise:

C Powell 166.22

Pip Printing (October) 355.27

Pip Printing (November) 318.40

M. Scott PC/RFO 400.00

M. Scott – Expenses 42.76

HMRC 100.00

Countrywide Maintenance (September) 1051.20* Note 1

D. Tyler (Hedgecutting) 910.00

Grant Thornton (Audit) 240.00*

Balfour Beatty VAT 1658.83 Note 2

Total £5242.68

* Vat reclaimed @ 20%

£5000 to be transferred from Deposit to Current Account.


Community Hall £112.11

Rent £3500

Closing balance £20,588.09 (Opening balance £25034.61 -4446.52)

Community Account: £19,113.09

IS Account: £725.00

Deposit – CredenhillPre-School: £750.00


1 Includes grass-cutting to 30 September and weed-killing (1) 7 September 2016.

2 Balfour Beatty have reissued the Invoice for the Vat element of the works carried out at Roman Park 8 December 2014 which is fully reclaimable.

6.2 Receipts. See above.

6.3 Invoices for payment. Following a Proposal by DP and Seconded by AS it was resolved that the above payments are paid from the parish funds.

6.4 Discussions took place as to whether to increase the Precept, currently £18,500 should be increased. The Parish Clerk had prepared a projection to 31st March 2017 which showed a small surplus, but the original budget had included works to be carried out at Roman Park of £6,000, and due to lower rental receipts no improvements had been carried out. It was proposed by TS and seconded by AS that the Precept be increased to £21,500. The Parish Clerk was requested to submit the appropriate form to Hereford Council.

7.0 Planning Applications Received

None received.

8.0 To Receive Reports

i Community Hall AF had attended the last meeting at the Community Hall. Nothing to report.

ii Footpaths Nothing to report from PB as he was not present.

ii Planning Nothing to report.

iv Shops/Business Letters to each of the businesses had been given, asking that the area should be tidied up.

v Flood Alleviation SchemeCouncillor Bob Matthews hadalready given an up-date on the proposed works to be carried out at Yazor Brook. A letter has now been sent to Hereford Council stating: a) that the Parish Council is in dispute over the land that we own and the land that Hereford Council says they own. b) request for a copy of all documentation relating to the scheme. c) An invitation to attend the next Parish Council meeting to be held 21 December (an Extra-Ordinary Meeting if deemed necessary).

vi SchoolsNothing to report.

viii Roman Park – General The Chairman commented that there were a lot of mole-hills. The Parish Clerk was requested to contact a mole-catcher.

9.0 Business arising since last meeting

9.1RR suggested any contractor who had to carry out any works be notified that Craig Powell was the key-holder, thus avoiding the need for a Parish Councillor to be contacted. Proposed by RR and seconded by TS. The Parish Clerk was requested to send a letter to the Locality Steward asking for an application form for Road and Pavement sweeping. It was also noted that the fence opposite the shops was damagedand to notify the Locality Steward. It was also noted that the dust-bins were in a poor condition, although remedial work was carried out some twelve months before.

9.2 The Parish Clerk stated that Sovereign Playgrounds had visited the site and had suggested thatthe Manufacturer be contacted as it should still be within warranty. JB suggested that the Parish Council discuss the possibility of obtaining the wood from Pontrilas Saw-mills and contact a local contractor to repair the Zip Post.

9.3Work to be carried out at Yazor Brook. Dealt with under Item 3 by Ward Councillor Bob Matthews.

9.4 Noted the resignation by Jamie Dover on 21 October 2016. Hereford Council to be informed and the appropriate notification shall be issued to be displayed on the Parish Council notice-board. TS had prepared a draft inviting members of the public to join the Parish Council and the Parish Clerk was asked to send this to CCN for inclusion in the December 2016 issue.

9.5 A list has now been drawn up of Annual dates for Inspection and Insurance. Proposed by TS and seconded by RR that the Parish Council arrange for the service of the gas boiler. The Parish Clerk stated no Risk Assessment had been carried out and Mr. David Sherrard kindly offered to carry out this work.

CLOSED SESSION – Clarification of Terms and Conditions for Parish Clerk as Line Manager, Councillor, Mr. J. Dover had resigned.

10.0 Confirmation of the next Ordinary Meeting, Time, Date and Venue for the next meeting

The next meeting was confirmed as 7.30pm on 21st December 2016 to be held in the Youth and Resource Centre.

The Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm

Councillor Mr Andrew Round Parish Council Chairman




Marion Scott – Parish Clerk to Credenhill Parish Council E-mail: