Area Efficient Double Edge Triggered Double Tail Comparator

Greeshma A G 1, Sajithra S I 2 and Surya kumari V 3
1 Post Graduate Scholar, Department of ECE, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Thamilnadu, India.
2 Post Graduate Scholar, Department of ECE, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Thamilnadu, India.
3Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Thamilnadu, India.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2013)

Abstract— Comparator is one of the main building blocks in most analog-to-digital converters. Many high speed analog-to-digital converters, such as flash ADCs, require high-speed, low power comparators with small chip area. In low power, area efficient, and high speed analog-to-digital converters we need dynamic regenerative comparators to increase speed and power efficiency. In this paper, a new dynamic comparator is proposed, where the circuit of a low voltage low power double tail comparator is modified for area efficient and double edge triggered operation. The simulated data presented is obtained using TANNER EDA tool with 180 nm technology. It is shown that in the proposed dynamic comparator both the power consumption delay time and are significantly reduced.

Keywords— Double edge triggering, double tail comparator, dynamic regenerative comparator, high speed analog-to-digital converters.


Developing new circuit is preferable for low voltage operation, especially if they do not increase the circuit complexity. The circuit of a low voltage low power double tail comparator [1] is modified for area efficient and double edge triggered operation while delay and power consumption. The structure of double tail dynamic comparator first proposed based on designing a separate input and cross coupled stage. This separation helps in fast operation over a wide common mode and supply voltage range.

The comparator compares the voltages that appear at their inputs and outputs a voltage representing the sign of the net difference between them. The comparator is a circuit that compares an analog signal with another analog signal or reference and outputs a binary signal based on the comparison. If the +, INP, the input of the comparator is at

a greater potential than the -, INN, input, the output of the comparator is a logic 1 and vice versa. Comparators are important elements in modern mixed signal systems. Speed and resolution are two important features which are required for high speed applications such as on-chip high frequency signal testing, data links, sense amplifiers and analog-to-digital converters. On-chip testing of high frequency pseudo random binary sequences (PRBS) requires a high speed comparator at the electrical interface stage.

A clocked comparator generally consists of two stages. In that first stage is to interface the input signals. The second (regenerative) stage consists of two cross coupled inverters, where each input is connected to the output of the other. In a cMOS based latch, the regenerative stage and its following stages consume low static power since the power ground path is switched off either by an nMOS or a pMOS transistor.

In many applications comparator speed, power dissipation and number of transistors are more important. If comparator speed is a priority, the regenerative stage could be designed to start its operation from midway between power supply and ground, for example, pre-amplifier based clocked comparator.

However, the static power consumption is relatively high. If comparator was designed with priority given to power reduction, then number of transistors increases thereby reducing the speed, for example double tail latched comparator.

Comparator design largely depends on the target application. However, an input-referred latch offset voltage (hence offset voltage), resulting from the device mismatches such as threshold voltage Vth, current factor β (=μCoxW/L) and parasitic node capacitance and output load capacitance mismatches, limits the accuracy of such comparators.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II investigates the operation of the existing comparator. The proposed comparator is presented in Section III. Simulation results are addressed in Section IV, followed by conclusions in Section V.


Fig. 1 Main Idea of Low Voltage Low Power Double Tail Comparator.

Almost all comparators are based upon two symmetric sub circuits. Clocked comparators are often called Dynamic Comparators. Regeneration is obtained by symmetrically cross coupling across axis of symmetry from an output to an input. Clocked regenerative comparators have wide applications in many high speed ADCs because they can make fast decisions due to the strong positive feedback in the regenerative latch. Here existing low voltage low power double tail comparator is analyzed first and then a modified comparator is proposed.

Fig. 2 Low Voltage Low Power Double Tail Comparator.

The operation of the comparator is as follows. During reset phase (CLK = 0, Mtail1 and Mtail2 are off), M3 and M4 pulls both fn and fp nodes to VDD, hence transistor Mc1 and Mc2 are cut off. Intermediate stage transistors, MR1 and MR2, reset both latch outputs to ground.

During decision-making phase (CLK = VDD, Mtail1, and Mtail2 are on), transistors M3 and M4 turn off. Furthermore, at the beginning of this phase, the control transistors are still off (since fn and fp are about VDD). Thus, fn and fp start to drop with different rates according to the input voltages. Suppose VINP > VINN, thus fn drops faster than fp, (since M2 provides more current than M1). As long as fn continues falling, the corresponding pMOS control transistor (Mc1 in this case) starts to turn on, pulling fp node back to the VDD; so another control transistor (Mc2) remains off, allowing fn to be discharged completely. In the proposed structure as soon as the comparator detects that for instance node fn discharges faster, a pMOS transistor (Mc1) turns on, pulling the other node fp back to the VDD. Therefore by the time passing, the difference between fn and fp (∆Vfn/fp) increases in an exponential manner, leading to the reduction of latch regeneration time.

Despite the effectiveness of this idea, one of the points which should be considered is that in this circuit, when one of the control transistors (e.g., Mc1) turns on, a current from VDD is drawn to the ground via input and tail transistor (e.g., Mc1, M1, and Mtail1), resulting in static power consumption. To overcome this issue, two nMOS switches are used below the input transistors [Msw1 and Msw2, as shown in Fig. 2]. At the beginning of the decision making phase, due to the fact that both fn and fp nodes have been pre-charged to VDD(during the reset phase), both switches are closed and fn and fp start to drop with different discharging rates. As soon as the comparator detects that one of the fn/fp nodes is discharging faster, control transistors will act in a way to increase their voltage difference. Suppose that fp is pulling up to the VDD and fn should be discharged completely, hence the switch in the charging path of fp will be opened (in order to prevent any current drawn from VDD) but the other switch connected to fn will be closed to allow the complete discharge of fn node. In other words, the operation of the control transistors with the switches emulates the operation of the latch.


Fig. 3 Proposed Double Tail Comparator.

In the proposed comparator circuit complexity is reduced. Number of transistors is reduced from 16 to 12. The new comparator is double edge triggered. It works for both the positive and negative edges of clock.

Working principle of the proposed comparator is same as that of low voltage low power comparator. When clock is high M1 and M7 are off and M6 and M8 are on. When clock is low M6 and M8 are off and M1 and M7 are on. An input dependent differential voltage ∆Vfn(p) will build up depending on change in input values. The intermediate stage formed by MR1 and MR2 passes ∆Vfn(p) to the cross coupled inverters and also provides a good shielding between input and output. Depending on the difference in inputs we will get the output.


The proposed circuit was simulated using Tanner EDA tool with 180nm technology. The supply voltage used in simulation is 1.8 volt. From table 1 it is visible that average power consumption, EDP and PDP of proposed comparator reduced.


Performance Parameter / Existing Comparator / Proposed Comparator
Average Power / 1.77×10-4 W / 8.37×10-8 W
Maximum Power / 2.27×10-3 W / 6.06×10-5W
Minimum Power / 1.77×10-10 W / 8.46×10-11 W
Static Current / 1.26 ×10-3A / 3.37 ×10-5A
Power Delay Product / 4.54×10-8 Ws / 12.12×10-10 Ws
Energy Delay Product / 9.08×10-13 Ws2 / 24.24×10-15 Ws2
Area / 704µm2 / 528µm2

Fig. 4 shows the simulation result of the proposed comparator and the power result of the proposed comparator is shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 4 Simulation Result of Proposed Comparator.

Fig. 5 Power Result of Proposed Comparator.


In this paper, an analysis for clocked dynamic comparators is presented. One structure of double-tail dynamic comparators was analysed. Also, based on analyses, a new dynamic comparator with low-voltage low-power capability was proposed in order to improve the performance of the comparator. Simulation results in 0.18-μm CMOS technology confirmed that the delay and power consumption of the proposed comparator is reduced to a great extent in comparison with the existing double-tail comparator.


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Greeshma A G received the B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) from SNMIMT Engineering College, Maliankara, India in 2010. She is currently pursuing the Master Degree from PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Anna University, Chennai. Her current research interest includes low power, high speed and area efficient design of comparators for low supply voltages.

Sajithra. S. I. completed B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Vins Christian College of Engineering under Anna University in 2012. She is currently pursuing the Master Degree from PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Anna University, Chennai. Her current research interest includes clinical diagnosis of malignant melanoma.