AAC Committee meeting, Golden Rule 8/11/16
- Races. Rydal Round. This has been offered to the club after Pete Bland retired as organiser. As in important local race it was important to keep it going, and Carolyn Meschino has agreed to become the organiser.
Badger Bar Blast. Following the success of this is a one off race in 2015, and the demise of the Loughrigg Silver Howe race, this race is to be its replacement. The date is 26/02/17 at 11am., from the Badger bar. Parking will be elsewhere. Michelle is happy to organise it and thinks it can be done with minimal need for marshalls. The Badger Bar has offered to host it and provide some prizes and refreshments.
Both these races are listed in the FRA 2017 calendar.
- Winter Training has resumed from the rugby club (6.45pm Tuesdays) Hot showers are available, and parking. Numbers have been disappointing so far. Everyone is encouraged to participate and help get a thriving atmosphere. The after run pub is the Golden Rule.
- Commercial sponsorship and attempts to sell us things. 3 club races are currently sponsored (3 Shires, Langdale, Fairfield) by Pete Blands. Blands and Inov8 have asked if they can increase their sponsorship to £400 in vouchers for each of the 3 races. Since this seemed to require nothing extra from the club, and both companies have a big involvement with the local fellrunning scene, the club is happy to accept.
The club gets regular requests from commercial suppliers requesting a website link or publicity in return for 10% discounts or similar. Many of these are not specifically fell running gear suppliers, just outdoor or general running gear, and as such it was felt that we should not accept any purely commercial links. Michelle will look at the club website and delete any inappropriate links.
- Club radios. Ben has investigated if it would be useful for the club to purchase a set for use during races. This would avoid the need to hire Raynet and avoid that cost. The radios could also be useful for the juniors. Decent ones cost around £80 each, and ideally the club would have 8. Borrowing the outdated FRA radios could then be avoided as well. It was agreed to buy 4 and trial them at the Wansfell and Badger Bar Blast races. Ben to buy.
- The AGM will be at the Badger Bar on Tuesday 6th December, 8.30pm. All welcome. This follows the usual club run from the Rugby club at 6.45pm,.
- Kirkstone Handicap. Tuesday 13th December 7pm from bottom of the struggle in Ambleside. Meet at the rugby club from 6.30pm. Followed by sandwiches in the Golden Rule at 8.30pm.
- Christmas social do at the ODG Sat 17th December. Very nearly sold out. Contact Helen if interested.
- Dan is arranging a social run for the V40 men on Sunday 11th December there will be a run (meet 9.30am Elterwater Common lower car park) and refreshments after at the Britannia.
- Subsidies. The club is amenable to giving subsidies where an event is open to everyone or is to the benefit of the club. Firm rules are difficult to draw up, but requests can be considered at committee meetings or by the treasurer (Roger). This might include transport costs to Championship races, or small grants to runners who make a big effort. It was agreed that Dan’s Vets meeting can have £100 towards a venue or food – because gathering V40s then is a good way to make members feel valued and included, and could get more people actively involved.
- Social Media. The club closed Facebook is working well, and Twitter. Dan is the main poster but is happy for others to post – ask him for the password. The open Facebook is not used at the moment, but was felt to be useful, eg for non-club runners. Jim T agreed to take on updating it.
The closed group is just for the use of AAC members and parents of juniors.
- Encouraging new members on the committee. A social media secretary could be a useful position. To be discussed at the AGM
- Club PA system. Selwyn makes good use of one at the 3 shires, and Dan was keen to use one at Langdale. Cost £150 to hire it, or could buy one for £600. Would soon pay for itself, though would need to borrow a generator. Not essential for a PA at longer races, but useful. To be discussed at the AGM.
- A company has requested expressions of interest about using a new track at Kendal Rugby track. It would be useful for a few Kendal members. Too far away to be used by the juniors. A positive development for Kendal athletes but AAc could not commit to using it.
Lee Knight has suggested AAC get a team for the Kirkstone car pull next September. Apparently the organisers want to make it a bigger event. 14 people. 1 ton mini. 51 minute record.
Club Achievement Award. Usually discussed at the AGM and awarded at the xmas meal. Jane Reedy usually organises, so Dan will check with her if she still wants to do this.