Appointment of Adjunct Staff Nomination Form
Section A to be completed by Head of School / Institute Director who then forwards along with
a Post Authorisation form and the Nominee’s CV to the College Principal to complete Section B.
Prior to completing this form please read the Appointment of Adjunct Academic Staff
Policy which is available on the UCD HR Web at
First Name: / Middle Initial: / Surname: / Title:
Current Position: / Contact Address:
Name of Institution:
Title Proposed:
PPS No. OR Date of Birth: / Note: This is required in order to set-up the appointee on HR system.
Term of Appointment Proposed: (maximum five years) / Start Date: /
/ End Date: /
Are there any financial implications associated with this nomination for School/Institute/College?Yes No
If ‘Yes please provide details of the financial implications attaching to the appointment (Please note that all expenses other than out of pocket expenses will require approval by the BRC. You should therefore discuss any proposed financial implications with your Finance Manager)
Note:An individual who has an association with the University in the capacity as an occasional lecturer etc. should not be nominated for appointment as adjunct staff.
Detail in what way the nominee will contribute to the enhancement of the University teaching research and professional activities:
Outline the qualities, standing and achievements the nominee possesses that are deemed appropriate for consideration, and those which are considered comparable to those expected at the relevant University level:
Outline the duties proposed by the School/Institute:
Please confirm that arrangements made regarding Intellectual Property complies with the UCD Policy on Intellectual Property (if appropriate):
Detail the facilities or resources to be provided by the School/Institute:
Name Head of School / Institute Director (BLOCKS):
Signature: / Date:
Please forward this Nomination form along with a Completed Post Authorisation Form and a copy the Nominee’s CV to the College Principal.
Executive Head of Schools are not required to obtain the approval or the signature of the College Principal.
(B) To be completed by the College Principal
I support the nomination as proposed by the Head of School:
Yes No (The UCAATP will not consider a nomination without the support of the College Principal)
Statement of Support from the College Principal:
College Principal Signature: / Date:
The College Office should forward the following documents to UCD HR, Promotions & Grading Office (please see list of closing dates for receipt of documents for the UCAATP meetings, which is posted on the HR website):
- This Completed Nomination Form
- Copy of the nominee’s CV
- Completed Post Authorisation Form
(C) Processing (UCD HR, Promotions & Grading Office Use Only)
Input & Checked HR / Signed: / Date: