Committee Descriptions and Responsibilities

Membership: “Shall work to obtain and increase the membership of the Association through the renewal of old membership and the securing of new members through planning programs and events. It shall be responsible for drafting plans for the Annual Membership Campaign, managing funds of membership and for organizing adequate machinery.”

Finance: “Shall consist of the President, Treasurer and at least one other member, shall study the financial needs of the chapter and shall be responsible for drafting an adequate Annual budget." It shall initiate fund raising projects, propose grants, create fundraising ideas for the chapter, and act as a liaison between the executive board and committee members.”

Press and Publicity: “To secure publicity in the local press for the chapter, to publicize by means of posters, emails etc., the meetings and activities of the chapter, and be responsible for designing t-shirts and mapping out the costs. Shall update and keep up with the website and create and distribute our bi-monthly newsletter.”

Community Service: To address the needs of the local community and provide members with the opportunity to give back to the local community. Shall create at least two ongoing community service events each semester.”

Education: “Shall study educational conditions affecting Black people and other minority groups, as well as attempting to charter 3 new NAACP Youth councils in the 3 local Ann Arbor high schools. Shall continue efforts with all 3 councils but charter at least 1 by the end of the school year.”

Economic Development: “Work to inform Blacks and other minority people on campus of economic opportunities, personal financial assistance, and finding resources on campus directed toward these goals.”

Political Action: “Shall seek to increase registration and voting; encourage and promote voter education; and work for the enactment of municipal, state and federal legislation designed to improve the educational, political and economic status of minority groups. Shall continue the Minority Report and be ready to take action on current events and happenings on campus. Shall begin work with the Press and Publicity chair on the bi-monthly newsletter.”

Health: “Advocate for equal access to health educations, cure, treatment and research for all Americans. Sponsor health – related activities such as health forums, fairs and workshops highlighting issues of importance to people of color.

Juvenile Justice: To promote and bring to light inequalities and discrepancies in the juvenile and/or criminal justice system and work to accommodate juvenile youths of color by volunteering, work programs and peer assistance programs.

***Applications due Wednesday- September 17, 2008***

Interviews are Friday- September 19, 2008



Telephone Number(s):

Email Address: Birth Date:

Year in School:School or College:

Majors/Minors:Expected Graduation:

Life Aspirations:

Past Experience:

Committee you would like to chair: (please indicate 1st and 2nd choice, if applicable)



Activities that may conflict with this position: (Job, etc.)

Ideas/plans for your position as Committee Chair (please include ideas for each committee chair):

Why do you want to join NAACP?

Program Proposal (only for the 1st choice committee chair):



Target Audience:


Please use the space below to give a description of a program that you would like to implement that is related to the committee chair position you are applying for.

*Please submit a resume, if accessible.

** You MUST be available for the retreat Sunday September 21 2008 (10am-1pm)

***You MUST be available for the interview date Friday September 19th

**** Your $10 membership fee is due with this application. Applications without membership dues will not be considered. If you are having financial problems please inform us.