Health Services

Private Duty Nursing Guidelines

Every student and every classroom has unique characteristics. Therefore it is important for the nurse to establish a relationship with the classroom teacher and work out routines, communication and guidelines that are specific to their student and classroom. We strive to provide an educational environment which balances between the student’s need for more intensive care and monitoring and having optimal access and participation in educational activities and opportunities to develop independent living skills. To do so requires a collaborative approach that respects the roles of the educational and nursing staff in helping the student get the most out of his/her experience at Perkins.

Daily Routines, Classroom Environment and Interactions

§  Work with the classroom teacher to establish an appropriate daily routine that incorporates the student’s medical needs into the educational and related services activities that the student will be participating in according to the student’s IEP

§  Work with the classroom teacher to establish appropriate accommodations and level of participation for the private duty nurse within the classroom and other settings throughout the day.

§  Nurses are asked to remain present, and be involved in educational activities at the request and direction of the teacher. In order to allow the student to be fully engaged in educational activities with classroom staff, refer student non-medical communication to classroom staff unless the classroom teacher has asked for assistance.

§  Nurses are asked to refer all communication and interventions regarding behavioral issues to classroom staff and to seek and follow guidance when behavioral issues arise. Consistency and safety in approach is critical

§  Cell phones are not permitted in classrooms unless used for an emergency

§  Inform the classroom staff anytime there is a need for a brief break or need to leave the classroom


§  Good communication with classroom teacher

§  Good communication with the Perkins program nurse

§  Keep teacher and program nurse informed of changes in health status

§  The Private Duty Nurse should only be a conduit for health information between the parent/guardian and Perkins staff as directed by the parent/guardian. All other information and communication should be done directly between the parent/guardian and Perkins educational staff

§  Remain with or near (within earshot) the student at all times

§  Immediately alert teacher anytime changes in health status affects activities or schedule

§  Teaching staff will immediately alert the private duty nurse of any concerns regarding health status or need for medical interventions that they become aware of while working with the student

§  Immediately alert teacher if student needs immediate medical treatment or care due to changes in health status

§  Immediately alert teacher anytime additional support is needed from Perkins Health Services

Nursing Tasks and Procedures

§  Assisting student with all nutrition, fluids

§  All medication administration

§  All medical procedures such as vital signs, oxygen, nebulizers, care of g-tubes, trachs, vents and other medical devices

§  Seizure monitoring and care (Perkins seizure records should be completed and passed on to the program nurse)

§  Accompany the student to all activities

§  Assistance with transfers and placing in positioning equipment

§  Personal care related to toileting

§  After consultation with Physical or Occupational Therapist, providing passive range of motion or stretching

§  Assisting with splints and orthotics

§  Other therapeutic procedures as outlined in the student’s 485 medical care plan


§  Maintain confidentiality at all times regarding the assigned student while ensuring that the Program Nurse and education staff have information necessary to perform their responsibilities with the student

§  Interactions with other students must respect their confidentiality and therefore remain limited

§  All information and observations regarding the student receiving care and all other students in the environment remains confidential

Telephone and Electronics

The Private Duty Nurse will not use the School’s equipment such as computers for personal needs. The Private Duty Nurse will limit the use of the School’s telephone to the student’s medical needs. Personal use of the School’s telephones or personal cell phones is limited to family emergencies.

ID Badges

The Private Duty Nurse will wear an ID badge at all times when present at the School.

The Private Duty Nurse agrees that he/she will be responsible for any and all acts or omissions of care by the nurse.

I have read above and agree to comply.

Signature of Private Duty Nurse: Date

Name of Student:

Name of Teacher:

Name of Private Duty Nurse:

Name of Program Nurse:

Program Nurse Signature:

Perkins School for the Blind | Health Services Policies / 1 revision 6/27/13