
Sacred Heart School, Morwell

ABN 68 481 560 440

266 Commercial Rd Morwell / Telephone: / (03)51343718
P.O. Box 842 MORWELL 3840 / Fax: / (03) 51339240

Koorie Education Worker:


The placement of KEWs in Catholic schools and their ongoing employment will be of great assistance and value in these key areas:

• positive role models for Aboriginal students

• nurturing cultural identity

• improving the awareness of the diversity of Aboriginal cultures, languages and pedagogies

• family and community connections

• student support: individual and group mentoring

• teacher support: cultural understanding relating to students and curriculum.

It is recommended that schools conduct regular policy and program reviews to inform the appropriate placement of KEWs to ensure that the needs of all Aboriginal students, and those of school communities, are addressed.

Selection Criteria:

The applicant should meet the following key selection criteria:

• demonstrates knowledge and understanding of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and issues related to these cultures in Australian society

• demonstrates the ability to effectively communicate with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their students, families and carers

• demonstrates an ability to effectively communicate with school principals, leadership teams and staff

• demonstrates knowledge of and commitment to improving learning outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Each interview panel must include a recognised and respected Aboriginal person / Elder / representative of a local Aboriginal community group, for example:

– Aboriginal Co-ops

– Education groups

– Traditional Owner Groups

– Local Aboriginal Networks (LANs).

Roles and Responsibilities of Koorie Education Workers:

1. The role of the KEW involves three key areas of responsibility. It must be recognised that the KEW may be required to supervise students while performing their normal duties in line with child safety standards. Assistance and provision of support to Aboriginal students to achieve improved educational outcomes by: assisting students with classroom activities:

• supporting teachers to understand the cultural protocol regarding the educational, health and wellbeing needs of Aboriginal students in their school

• working with small groups

• working with individual students

• acting as a cultural support person, mentor or advocate.

2. Participation in school activities to assist in creating a culturally inclusive environment by:

• engaging with appropriate local Aboriginal communities

• assisting in the delivery of culturally inclusive curriculum

• assisting in the professional learning of teachers

• attending staff meetings if required

• organising cultural days

• assisting with camps, excursions, etc. where cultural support is needed.

3. Encouraging Aboriginal communities to participate in school education by:

• participating and attending local Aboriginal Education committees where applicable: Traditional Owners Group, Elders Groups, Justice, Health, Pathways, Education, Reconciliation, NAIDOC, LANs

• assisting with the engagement of the local community in school activities

• attending parent support meetings.

Support for Koorie Education Workers:

Principals support KEWs in their roles by providing:

• an induction process

• information to staff about the role of KEWs

• cultural, pastoral and educational support

• collaboration and participation in all activities that involve Aboriginal students and their families/communities

• development of curriculum with staff to integrate Aboriginal cultures and perspectives

• regular agreed meeting times to review progress

• consultation on Aboriginal education matters

• planning Aboriginal cultural days such as NAIDOC week

• professional learning

• effective communication

• mentorship

• appropriate resources and equipment to support cultural and professional activities.

The Education Officers from the diocesan Catholic Education Offices also have a responsibility to provide ongoing support and advice to both school communities and KEWs in the following ways:

• a biannual CECV Koorie Education Worker Seminar

• diocesan professional learning

• access to credentialed courses

• networking

• mentoring

• the provision of resources, updates and pathways to learning

• pastoral care.