Special Meeting

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Minutes:Not Yet Approved

A Special Meeting of Lake Village Condominium Association, Inc. was held on:

March 3, 2010 in the Lake Village Clubhouse

Located at 14111 SW 66th Street, Miami, Florida.

The meeting was called to order at 7:41 pm

In attendance were:

Victor Montanez, President, Luz Olaya, Vice President/Secretary, & Rita Montanez, CAM

Maricela Viton, Treasurer joined the meeting shortly after.

Also in attendance were the Unit Owners listed on a separate roster maintained by the Board.

Proof of Notice of Meeting: Posted by Clubhouse Mail Box and Emailed to registered residents

Determination of Board Member Quorum

Summary of Previous Meeting

Water Consumption-still rising

Investigation as to reasons for increased water consumption

Water Meters are being checked periodically

Unapproved Occupants-approximately 28

Determination regarding definition of single-family as clarified from The Lake Village Policy & Procedures, Policy #8, dated December 1, 1991

Single family would include only the parents and children of the permanent resident.

A sibling of permanent resident would not be part of his immediate family, nor would

any other collateral relatives be part of the immediate family.

It was again confirmed that all present understood the meaning of single-family residence

Expired Leases- (1) still unresolved and (1) pending

Emergency Contact Forms- 13 Contact Forms have not been turned in

Parking Permits- Permits have not been distributed yet, pending the return of all Emergency Contact Forms

Purpose of meeting is to finalize the unapproved occupants and expired lease violations.

Come to conclusion of allowable time frame for resolution.

Items discussed:

Revision of the association documents from single-family residence and/or add a maximum number of occupancy per unit. It was discussed that a revision of the association’s governing documents of this type may require a 100% vote by unit owners. By a show of hands, of unit owners present, it was obvious that a vote in favor of changing the association’s governing documents would never happen.

Could the Policies and Procedures be changed? The board of directors has authority to change policies and procedures, but not when it clearly effects the Declaration.

One resident read the definition of single family according to the HOA documents. It was made clear that Condominiums are governed by Chapter 718 of the Florida Statutes not Chapter 720.

The budget concerning water was mentioned. The procedures for preparation of the budget were explained. The budget for water was proposed according to the past 12 months disbursements adding an increase of approx 4%. It was also mentioned that there might be an additional rate increase. At the time the budget was prepared, it could not be determined what the new rate would be.

One unit-owner also explained - that once the board of directors has knowledge of a violation, they must take action, or they could be held personally liable for negligence.

In conclusion:

The board has a fiduciary obligation to all unit owners and is charged with enforcement of the Policies and Procedures and does not have authority to deviate.

After a brief discussion among the board of directors, they came to a conclusion that:

Unapproved Occupants would be given a 45-day compliance date.

Expired Lease Matters would be given a final 48-hour compliance date.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rita Montanez, Unit H3