Icklesham Parish Council

Putting Governance in your hands


Rye Harbour Flagpole Working Group

Friday, 28 April 2017 atStart:7:20pm

Rye Harbour Village HallEnd:9:40pm

Present: /  / Cllr. Mrs J Stanford /  / Cllr. S Tollett
J Brown /  / Miss T Cutting
R Roberts /  / Mrs L Stevens
 / A Tollett /  / R Tollett

1)Apologies for Absence received from Mr R Roberts

2)Minutes of last meetingagreed as accurate.

3)It was agreed to recommend to the Flagpole Committee that the Union Flag be flown on the days listed in ‘designateddays for Union Flag flying’ (as detailed on the GOV.UK website).

4)Following the creation of the Rye Harbour Flagpole Facebookpage ‘@ryeharbourflagpole’ it was agreed to recommend to the Flagpole Committee that only one (1) of the committee be responsible for posting to the page on behalf of the Flagpole Committee. Access for the Clerk will be granted should she require access.


a)It was agreed to recommend to Full Council the purchase of the Information board from FitzpatrickWoolmer, details as per estimate SW6318/3 dated 28/04/2017 at a cost of £557 + VAT. Little information has been found relating to the flagpole; it was suggested that HM Coastguard, Hasting Fisherman’s museum and Sussex records office be contacted.

b)It was agreed to recommend to Full Council the purchase of a P3A4 noticeboard from greenbarnes.co.uk at a cost of 595.85 +VAT

c)It was agreed to recommend to Full Council the purchase of three (3) x SEN Recycled Plastic Adult Olympic picnic bench at £544 each (£449 + £45 delivery) at a cost £1632 + VAT

d)It was agreed to recommend to Full Council the purchase of a Topsy 2000 ™ Litter Bin in black with gold graphics (in keeping with the replacement litter bins for Rye Harbour) at a cost of £232.75

e)Before proceeding with the brick BBQ idea,it was agreed that further research be undertaken regarding the design (it was noted that at one of the sites at Fairlight country park there are BBQ stations where users can use disposable BBQ). It was felt thatadvice / comment should be sought form the Parish Clerk.

f)The cost of the plastic path/driveway gridcost £14.75 m2 + VAT. Whilst this is an essential component of the project, the area to be covered has not been finalised so the working group are unable to make a recommendation at this time.

6)Allocation of Tasks from the previous meeting was reviewed and the Task Allocation Grid updated. The following items will be added to the grid:

  • JSto contact HM Coastguard archivist, Hastings Fisherman’s Museum and Sussex
    Records office regarding information relating to Rye Harbour flagpole.
  • STcontact Parish Clark regarding brick BBQ
  • TCto take photos of the BBQ stations at Fairlight
  • ALLto identify the exact location for the furniture
  • RT / STto calculate the quantity of plastic grid required
  • RTcontact Barry Yates about the weed killing (doesn’t seem to be working)

a)Full Council – purchase of:
i)Information board
iii)3 (no) picnic benches
iv)1 (no) litter bin / b)Flagpole Committee:
i)Flying the Union flag on specific dates as advised on GOV.UK
ii)Only 1 (no) member of the Committee to post on behalf of the Facebook page along with the Clerk.

7)Recommendation(s) to Flagpole Committee / Full Council
It was agreed by the six (6) Committee members present at the working group meeting that whilst the meeting is outside a formal meeting they (all six) would have approved the recommendation to purchase the items listed in 7 (a) if they had been referred to the Flagpole Committee. Because the purchase spend ismore than the £500 limit, they would have referred the recommendation to Full Council for approval. Therefore, to expedite the progress of this project it was decided to submit the recommendations direct to Full Council


a)A donation post was suggested for the flagpole area. Following a full and frank discussion it was agreed not to progress this suggestion.

b)It was agreed that another working party be held on Saturday, 6 May at 1pm to clear the site as the vegetation is growing and also to decide and mark out where the picnic tables and bin would be placed . RT is going to contact Barry Yates again, as he has applied at least one (1) application of herbicide to the site.

c)It was agreed that installation of the items recommended for purchase be added to the draft action plan along with two (2) items for 2018.

9)Date of Next Meeting: To Be Confirmed

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