High School

Choir Handbook



The choirs at Cascade Junior/ Senior High School strive to instill creativity, self-discipline, performance and musicianship skills, teamwork, and responsibility in students while inspiring them to discover their connection with singing and the arts. In their musical experiences the Cascade Junior/ Senior High School choirs will cultivate the personal and social growth of its members, enforcing their sense of self-esteem, accomplishment, and pride.


Chloe Vassmer

(563) 852-3201 ext. 1024


•  Sing a variety of styles of music demonstrating proper vocal technique.

•  Demonstrate improvement in vocal ability between the beginning and end of the year.

•  Read, identify and perform musical notation and other aspects of music theory (including rhythm, pitch and dynamic markings).

•  Evaluate musical performances and describe areas of strength and weakness.

•  Sing vocal line successfully on own and in the context of the group.


•  Be seated with class materials when the bell rings (Warm ups begin as soon as class begins)

•  Cell phones are not to be used once the bell has rung. You will place your phone in your folder slot and will be able to get your phone once class has ended.

•  Remain at your assigned seat unless otherwise instructed.

•  Participate fully in all class activities.

•  Respect and support all class members—Having different experiences, opinions, and beliefs is ok and ENCOURAGED in this class.

•  The only beverage or food allowed in the music suite is WATER.

•  Students should practice music and master material outside of class time. Just as if you would work on math problems at home to get better at algebra, you must practice your music and the concepts taught in choir to supplement what we do during class. If you need any assistance, come to my office or send me an email. I WANT to help!


100-93% A

92-90% A-

89-87% B+

86-83% B

82-80% B-

79-77% C+

76-73% C

72-70% C-

69-67% D+

66-63% D

62-60% D-

>59% F

Grades will be EARENED as follows:

1.  Musicianship (45%):

·  Daily Participation Grade

o  Ex: Coming to class with all materials, fully participating in warm ups and rehearsal, non-disruptive to self or others.

·  Concert attendance and etiquette (Being on time and performing with a high level of focus and respect)

2. Music Literacy (40%):

·  Sight Singing (solfege)

·  Rhythm reading (Takadimi)

·  Assessment on music terminology

·  Sightsingingfactory.com assessments

·  Tests on their concert music

·  Assessments in lessons

3. Reflections (15%):

·  After certain lessons

·  After certain rehearsals

·  After all concerts

·  Group reflections on pieces of music


Each student will have voice lessons once a week. The purpose of these lessons is to help students progress vocally in an individualized and personal setting. In the event that a student has to miss a lesson for a test, absence, or field trip, it is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY to log into their sightsingingfactory.com account and complete the designated assignment within 3 school days. A student may make up a lesson in this manner up to 3 times before no more make up points will be given. However, the student is still expected to complete the makeup assignment even if they have missed more than 3 times. The gradebook at the end of term will remain incomplete until such assignment is finished.


Since choir is a performance based class, all students are expected to be at all performances and rehearsals. (This includes out of school performances such as Large Group Contest) Any student failing to appear will receive the corresponding grade. Ms. Vassmer must be notified at least 3 weeks in advance in a student is unable to perform at a concert. The student will then have to record their part for their concert music to make up all the missed points for the concert. If a student is unexcused for a concert, they will get a “0” for the concert. However, they still have to record themselves performing their concert music or their grade will remain as an “incomplete”.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who receive an "F" in another course will still perform at all school choir events that are considered as part of the G.P.A. If a student is considered ineligible, they are not permitted to perform at extracurricular choir events such as RVC festival, Allstate, and Solo and Ensemble. Keep on top of your studies and feel free to ask for help.

Examples of excused performance absences: (Will gain full points for concert once recording is complete)

1.  Death of family member (with phone call or email to Ms. Vassmer)

2.  Contagious sickness (with doctors note)

3.  Sudden family emergency (with phone call or email to Ms. Vassmer)

Examples of UNEXCUSED performance absences: (Will receive a “0” for concert, but still has to complete recording)

1.  Doctors appointment

2.  No ride (performances for the whole year are listed in this handbook, please make arrangements for carpool if necessary)

3.  Most games & practices (on a case by case basis-please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if there is a conflict. I will work with you and your coach to come to a compromise)

4.  Birthday or other celebration

5.  Other things deemed unexcused at the discretion of the director


Boys are provided with dress pants, tuxedo shirt, dress coat, cummerbund, and studs. If any of these items are damaged or lost it is the student’s responsibility to pay for the replacement. Male students are required to get black dress shoes and socks to go with their uniform. Any style is acceptable as long as they are black.

Girls are provide with their dresses for all concerts. Just as with the boys, if the dress is lost or damaged it is the student’s responsibility to pay for the replacement. Students need to get BLACK dress shoes for their concert wear. I recommend flats or very small heels.

Replacement fees:

Dress - $70

Dress Shirt - $15

Tux Coat - $65

Cummerbund - $5

Bow Ties - $5

Dress Pants - $25


It is possible to earn a Choir “Letter” for the extra-curricular portion of choir. Choir letters are awarded on a point system. Students earn points according to the criteria listed below, and awards are given based on the amassed number of points. TBD point totals are generally calculated according to the time devoted to the activity.

Executive Board Member 50

Section Leader 25

Participation in RVC Honor Choir 30

Participation in Other Honor Choir TBD

Attend Outside Music Performance 10

(director approved)

Perform outside school (church, etc.) 15

Assist Director with choir “jobs” 15/hour

Participation in Solo and Ensemble 50

Division I Rating on Solo 60

Division I Rating on additional ensemble 40

Solo at Pops Concert 30

Participation in Chamber Choir (If in HS choir) 50

Accompanist 15

Solo at other concerts 15

Small group song at concert 10

Additional musical item approved by the TBD

choir director

Any student who amasses a total of 150 points will earn a choir letter. The first time a student earns a letter, they will receive the letter (unless previously earned in another activity) and a choir pin. Each successive letter earned will receive a bar to place under the letter.


The Cascade Music Boosters Organization is open to all parents of choir and band student’s grades 7-12. There is no fee necessary to belong to the organization. The purpose of the music boosters is to support and the band and choir. It is a great way for parents to get involved with our music program.

The monthly meeting is held at the 6:30 in the music suite. These meetings give the boosters the opportunity to learn more about the music department’s activities and upcoming events. In addition, they help purchase things for our music program that wouldn’t be feasible with our school budget. We are very fortunate in our school to have such a strong and supportive booster program. Please consider getting involved.

**The Music Boosters ask that each parent work in the concession stand at a few events throughout the year. The proceeds from these concession stands go directly back to music students (new instruments, uniforms, music, etc.) as well as a sizeable amount toward each student’s biennial music trip.

The officers for the music booster’s organization for 2016-2017 are:

President - Tracy Ostwinkle

Vice President - Rhonda Weber

Secretary - Michelle Lynch

Treasurer - Micki Otting