THIS REQUEST IS FOR (please tick)

A Children’s Centre Plus placement (0-3 years) or (3-5 years)

* complete sections 1,2,3,4 and Appendix A

Early Years Inclusion Funding

* complete sections 1,2,3, 5, Appendices A and B


Child’s Name / D.O.B
Months / Looked After Child (LAC)
Address / Postcode
Persons with responsibility & relationship to child / Contact Number
Address of parent/carer (if different)
Setting attending/due to attend
Contact Number
Name of person completing this form and role
Contact details
Signature Date


Background information about the child, and his/her additional needs
Outline information about the child, their strengths, interests and additional needs, including their current stage of developmente.g. Fine/gross motor skills, speech, language and communication skills, personal, social and emotional development, independence skills, play skills.
Barriers to accessing play/learning
Outline the areas which are causing concern and require additional support that is additional to and different from the normal provision provided by the setting.
Strategies implemented to support child’s needs (History)
What has been put into place to support the child’s needs? e.g. Individual Education Plans, Play Plans, Health Care Plan, Behaviour Plan, Early Support Family Service Plan. Outline the strategies and interventions tried. Remember to include the involvement and advice of other professionals.


Give details of which agencies/professionals are involved with the childorsetting.

e.g Early Years, Childcare and Play, Health, Education, Other. / Name of professional
and role
e.g. Area SENCO/Inclusion Officer, Play Support Worker, Advisory Teacher/Early Years Consultant, Pre 5/Specialist Teacher, Educational Psychologist, Paediatrician, Speech and Language Therapist, Physiotherapist. / Which professionals have you consulted
(please tick) / Report
(please tick)
Common Assessment Framework (CAF) undertaken: Yes/No/Planned(please select) / Name of Lead Professional:
Early Support Family Service Plan in place:
Yes/No/Planned (please select) / Name of Early Support Keyworker:

N.B. Consent must beobtained from health professionals to submit medical reports/letters to support this request.



This request is for (please tick)

A Children’s Centre Plus placement (0-3 years) at….……….………………...

(insert name of Children’s Centre Plus)

A Children’s Centre Plus placement (3-5 years)at….……….…………………

(insert name of Children’s Centre Plus)

Please state what you hope the outcome of this request will be
If applying for a Children’s Centre Plus placement, detail what you hope to learn from this placement and how this information will benefit the child upon their return to their local provision (usually approximately one academic year/ three terms later).
Please insert some general aims for this request e.g.
  • To enable the child to be fully included in activities in the setting
  • To ensure the child makes progress in language skills
  • To find out more about X’s needs, strategies to support them through a Children’s Centre Plus Placement

VIEWS OF PARENT/CARER – we would like help and support with the following

It is good practice to discuss making a request to the Early Years Inclusion Panel with parents/carers and to share the completed form with them, so that they can contribute to the process.


I consent to the attached information being discussed as part of the request for a Children’s Centre Plus placement at the Early Years Inclusion Panel meeting.

I consent to the listed documentation (Appendix A) being submitted to support this request for a Children’s Centre Plus placement to the Early Years Inclusion Panel meeting.

I consent to this request form and listed documentation being forwarded to

the relevant Children’s Centre Plus, should the request for a Children’s Centre

Plus placement be agreed.

I understand that the information provided will be passed on to Children’s Services and entered onto a shared database system. Information may be shared across services working with children including children’s centres, schools, health services and voluntary organisations, to help provide a better service for my family. Information may be used anonymously for monitoring purposes.

Please note that the parent/ carer’s consent is essential. The Panel will not discuss any requests without parent/carer’s consent and signature.

Parent/Carer Signature: ______Date: ______


Details of current placement/provision

About the child
When did/will the child start attending the setting?
SEN Code of Practice status / Early Years Action Plus/School Action Plus/Statement of SEN(please select)
About your setting
Number of children in the group/room
Number of adults for the group/room
Number of children at Early Years Action Plus/School Action Plus/with a statement of SEN in the group/room.
Number of children at Early Years Action Plus/ School Action Plus/with a statement of SEN in the setting.
Please give details of the child’s attendance.Give child’s usual start and finish times for both term time and holiday care. Indicate days for which NEF/2 Year Old Offer (2YOO)is claimed and number of hours for each day. If appropriate give attendance times for each part of the day you provide childcare during term time/holiday care.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Total hours
per week
Start / Finish / Start / Finish / Start / Finish / Start / Finish / Start / Finish
2YOO(please select)
Term time
Term time
Holiday care
Does the child attend any other setting? Yes/No
If yes, how often ……………………..
And where …………………………… (If the child attends a school please name the school)
Action Plan /Provision Map
Use this section to detail how the additional fundingwill be usedand how it will improve outcomes for thechild.Specify the activities which the child will require additional targeted support withe.g. “Group of 4 children to practice turn-taking and social skills, through structured activities provided (15 minutes) daily at snack time”
Identify any additional practitioner input that will be/is being provided for the child on a daily basis on a Provision Map. This should show what is additional to and different from the normal provision provided by the setting.The development of the child’s independence is also important so settings should consider how this will be achieved.
Please give details of funding being requested to enhance staffing levels in the setting
When is funding requested from (dd/mm/yy) ………. until (dd/mm/yy) ……….
Total number of days ……….
(Funding will not be allocated from a start date prior to the EYIP meeting that it is being considered at or to a date beyond the end of the current financial year i.e. 31st March).
What percentage of funding are you requesting? ……..
(Please refer to the 0-5 years EYIP grid or Post 5 Criteria Tool)
What is the hourly rate? ……..(Maximum claim £10.00 ph)
What is the total amount being requested? …………
NB. Allocation of funding is subject to the availability of Early Years Inclusion Panel funding at the time of consideration by the panel. It is the responsibility of the setting to ensure that request forms are completed accurately. Any underpayment as a result of incorrect information provided cannot be subsequently rectified. Early Years, Childcare and Play must be informed if there is an underspend of the funding allocated. You should contact your Area SENCO for advice on how to make the necessary arrangements to repay any unspent funding.
VIEWS OF PARENT/CARER – we would like help and support with the following
It is good practice to discuss making a request to the Early Years Inclusion Panel with parents/carers and to share the completed form with them, so that they can contribute to the process. Parent/ carers should be asked for their views of their child’s needs and any support necessary for him/her to be successfully included in the setting.

(Please tick as appropriate)

  • I am a working parent/carer.
  • I am a parent/carer accessing training.
  • I am a parent/carer and actively looking to access

training or work(It is the setting’s responsibility to monitor this).

Other (please specify) ………………..


I consent to the attached information being discussed as part of the request for Early Years Inclusion Funding at the Early Years Inclusion Panel meeting.

I agree to the listed documentation (Appendix A) being submitted to support this request for Early Years Inclusion Funding at the Early Years Inclusion Panel meeting.

I understand that the information provided will be passed on to Children’s Services and entered onto a shared database system. Information may be shared across services working with children including children’s centres, schools, health services and voluntary organisations, to help provide a better service for my family. Information may be used anonymously for monitoring purposes.

Please note that the parent/ carer’s consent is essential. The Panel will not discuss any requests without parent/carer’s consent and signature.

Parent/Carer Signature:______Date:______


The compulsory documentation and checklist must be submitted with the EYIP request. Consent must be obtained from health professionals to submit medical reports/letters to support an EYIP request.

COMPULSORY DOCUMENTS / Request for funding for child 0-5 in a PVI setting / Request for funding for child post 5 in a PVI setting / Request for funding for a child not yet in a setting / Request for funding for child 0-5 accessing childcare in a CC+ / Request for CC+ placement (0-3) / (3-5)
Parental/carer views and consent
(EYIP request form)
Risk assessment for the child
IEPs/Play plan or Early Support Family Service plan
Provision Map
My Learning Picture Monitoring Tool (grid) or Early Support Developmental Journal Summary sheet
Post 5 Criteria
(setting to highlight appropriate sections)
EYCP Locality Report
Conditions of Early Years Inclusion Funding form -
Appendix B
Health care plan

Not applicable √ Tick box if documents are enclosed with a request


Child’s name: Setting:

I agree to the conditions of the Early Years Inclusion Funding

Setting signature: Date:

Please ensure that you have read and understood these Conditions of Funding before completing and signing the ‘Request for Enhanced Provision’ form or ‘Request for continuation of Early Years Inclusion Funding’ form.

Conditions of funding are as follows:

  • Eligibility is dependent on the setting being registered with Ofsted as a paid for childcare provision (0-19 yrs) on either the Early Years Register or the Childcare Register or is legally exempt from this registration.
  • Early Years Inclusion Funding is intended to contribute towards the cost of providing additional support to enhance the staffing levels in the settingand must only be used to support the named child.
  • The setting is responsible for the accuracy of the financial information provided on the ‘Request for Enhanced Provision’ form or ‘Request for continuation of Early Years Inclusion Funding’ form.Any underpayment as a result of incorrect information provided cannot be subsequently rectified.
  • The setting is responsible for the recruitment and employment of any additional staff members required to deliver support. You may be requested to provide evidence that you have enhanced staffing levels to include a specific child in your setting.
  • The setting is responsible for keeping a record of children in receipt of Early Years Inclusion Funding, including their date of birth, home post code and record of attendance. You may be requested to provide evidence of this.
  • Please ensure a prompt return of any Service Level Agreements issued. SLAs expire two months from the date of issue and payments cannot normally be made after the expiry date.
  • Early Years, Childcare and Play must be informed if there is an underspend of the funding allocated due to a change in circumstances e.g. child leavesthe setting or changes session times/days, any significant changes in the child’s level of need or staffing levels were not enhanced as anticipated. You should contact your Area SENCO for advice on how to make the necessary arrangements to repay any unspent funding.
  • Advice and recommendations through the Early Years Quality Improvement Support Programme for developing inclusive practice within your setting should be followed; including attendance at relevant training courses.

Revised May 2011 - 1 -