West Virginia Music Educators


Completed application, with $75 non-refundable fee and photocopy of director’s current MENC membership card, must be returned with a postmark no later than October 29, 2010 to the address below. Allotments will be posted on the Vocal Association website by the end of November.

Please TYPE or PRINT the following information:

Region______Name of high school ______

Teacher’s name______

School Street Address ______

City ______County ______Zip Code ______

School phone # ______School fax #______Best time to call ______

Teacher’s home address ______City ______Zip Code ______

Teacher’s home phone ______Email address: ______

2009-2010 total school enrollment (grades 10-12) ______

Total number of singers in all groups ______Number of males ______Number of females ______

Were you at this school last year? qYes q No If no, where were you teaching?______

Did you send any students to All-State last year? qYes q No If yes, how many? ______

REMINDER: All students must be enrolled for a full credit of choir in the current school year and must be in grades 10-12.

Please mark the voice parts you would like to have allotted to your school. Each school may be allotted at least a MIXED quartet. If your school is unable to send a quartet, you may choose 1, 2, or 3 voices. However, if you should request only female voices, you may request only 2. The maximum number of mixed voices the chair will allot to one school is 8. First-time teacher participants may request a maximum of a mixed quartet. Please note that you may not request two singers on the same voice part. Keep in mind that the goal of the process is a balanced chorus.

S1 _____ S2 _____ A1 _____ A2 _____ T1 _____ T2 _____ B1 _____ B2 _____


1. Completed form

2. Non-refundable $75 application fee payable to WV All-State Chorus

3. Photocopy of director’s current MENC membership card

These three items must be returned postmarked no later than OCTOBER 29, 2010 to: