FRP Wall SurfacesME- Building Group
A.Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
A.This Section includes fiberglass reinforced plastic wall panels.
A.Product Data: For each type of wall panel specified. Include the following:
1.Manufacturer's installation instructions.
B.LEED Submittals:
1.Product Data for CreditMR4: For products having recycled content, manufacturer documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and preconsumer recycled content.
a.Include statement indicating costs for each product having recycled content.
2.Product Data for Credit MR 5: For products and materials to comply with requirements for regional materials, provide documentation indicating location of product or material manufacturing location and the point of extraction, harvest, or recovery for each raw material.
a.Include documentation on distance to project, contractor cost for each regional material, and percent by weight that is considered regional.
C.Shop Drawings: Illustrating layout, profiles, panel trim and anchorage method. Indicate location and dimension of joints and fastener attachment.
D.Samples: Submit selection and verification samples for finishes, colors and textures. Include samples of each type of panel, trim and fastener.
A.Storage and Protection: Store materials protected from exposure to harmful weather conditions and at temperature and humidity conditions recommended by manufacturer. Store panels indoors in a dry place at the project site.
B.Handling: Remove foreign matter from face of panel by use of a soft bristle brush, avoiding abrasive action.
A.Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install FRP panels until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and will maintaining temperature between 60 and 90 degF and relative humidity within limits required by type of adhesive used and recommendation of adhesive manufacturer.
1.Provide ventilation to disperse fumes during application of adhesive as recommended by adhesive manufacturer.
B.Field Measurements: Where FRP panels are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work.
A.Manufacturers: Provide FRP panels by one of the following:
1.Kemlite Co.
3.Nudo Products, Inc.
A.Fiberglass reinforced plastic liner panels with no substrate backer having embossed finish with manufacturer's proprietary surface seal protection.
1.Thickness: 0.030 inches factory laminated to 1/2 inch exterior grade plywood with fire-retardant treatment.
2.Panel face having Class A Flamespread of less than 25, Smoke Developed less than 450 when tested according to ASTM E84.
3.Acceptable to or meeting the requirements of the following:
a.Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL).
b.FMRC (FactoryMutualResearchCenter).
A.Acoustical Sealant
1.Exposed and Concealed Joints: Nonsag, paintable, nonstaining, latex sealant complying with ASTMC834 that effectively reduces airborne sound transmission through perimeter joints and openings in building construction as demonstrated by testing representative assemblies according to ASTME90.
2.Concealed Joints: Nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber sealant recommended for sealing interior concealed joints to reduce airborne sound transmission.
B.Sound Attenuation Blankets: ASTMC665, Type I (blankets without membrane facing) produced by combining thermosetting resins with mineral fibers manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool.
A.Fasteners: Noncorrosive drive rivets as recommended by panel manufacturer.
B.Adhesive: As recommended by panel manufacturer.
C.Panel Trim: Extruded PVC, in manufacturer's standard colors.
1.Outside corners, inside corners, edge trim, and division molding.
2.Base Molding: Design that simplifies installation and helps seal wall panel system, with factory made corners and splices.
D.Sealant: Non-silicone type, as recommended by the panel manufacturer. Color shall be clear unless other color is selected by the Architect.
A.Examination: Verify that substrate conditions are acceptable for product installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
1.Examine backup surfaces to determine that corners are plumb and straight, surfaces are smooth, uniform, clean, free from foreign matter, nails countersunk, joints and cracks filled flush and smooth with the adjoining surface.
2.Do not begin installation until backup surfaces are in a satisfactory condition.
B.Install sound attenuation blankets before installing FRP panels, unless blankets are readily installed after panels have been installed on one side.
C.Installation: Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installation.
1.Install paneling level, plumb, true, and straight with no distortions. Install level and plumb.
a.Cut and drill panels with carbide tipped saw blades or drill bits, or cut with snips.
b.Install panels with manufacturer's recommended gap for panel field and comer joints.
c.Join panels using molding trim.
2.Scribe and cut paneling to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces and repair damaged finish at cuts.
3.Anchor paneling to supporting substrate with fasteners at intervals recommended by the manufacturer.
a.Predrill fastener holes in panels with 1/8 inch oversize.
D.Acoustical Assemblies: Seal construction at perimeters, behind control and expansion joints, and at openings and penetrations with a continuous bead of acoustical sealant. Install acoustical sealant at both faces of partitions at perimeters and through penetrations. Comply with ASTMC919 and manufacturer's written recommendations for locating edge trim and closing off sound-flanking paths around or through FRP assemblies.
A.Repair damaged and defective paneling, where possible, to eliminate functional and visual defects; where not possible to repair, replace paneling. Adjust for uniform appearance.
B.Clean paneling on exposed surfaces. Touch up finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas.
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Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package
File name: 097730 FRP WALL SURFACES