Rules for Language Arts 3 – Kraft

  1. Bring the necessary supplies to class daily: two notebooks (80 pages minimum, wide ruled), one folder or binder with loose leaf paper (wide ruled) and pockets, blue or black ink pens, yellow highlighter, white out, and Post Its.
  1. Be prompt and prepared. Make up all work due to absence in a timely fashion. Absent students must check the blog at home! An absent student may check the daily work board in class or ask the teacher for assignments. Get notes from a classmate immediately. If the absence occurs on a test day, be prepared to make up the test upon return. There will be a scheduled make up day for the test. Make every effort to be here on test days!
  1. Complete all work neatly and in ink. Essays must be written using MLA standards.
  1. Late work will be accepted for half credit if turned in the next day. This excludes Honors classes where late work is not accepted.
  1. Review the district’s tardy and audit policies.
  1. Food and drink are to be consumed outside the classroom.
  1. Leave all electronics (cell phones, iPods) in lockers or in backpacks in the “off” mode. Violations will result in the item being taken and PBIS followed. If a student refuses to give up the electronic device, a referral will be written.
  1. No hoods or hats may be worn in class, nor may hats be carried to class.
  1. Do not abuse hall passes.
  1. Academic honesty is required. A student who chooses to violate this will redo the assignment after school for a zero or for half credit and receive a write up.
  1. Respect this class and the people in it.
  1. Blog requirements: students must check my blog to print out needed documents such as articles, study guides, graphic organizers, etc. If you register your email on the blog, you will get automatic notifications of any new postings.
  1. Expect Weekly: vocabulary (given on Monday with a Friday quiz), article of the week (A.O.W.), literature selections (Friday quiz), Writer’s Notebook, and daily language practice. This is in addition to essays, speeches, presentations, and tests which are obviously not weekly. The A.O.W. will be posted Thursday of the prior week with pre-writing work due on Monday and in class writing done Wednesday.
  1. Grading policy: Summative – 80% (quizzes, tests, formal writing- includes Writer’s Notebook)

Formative – 20% (vocabulary lessons, class work, homework, notebook work)

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Our signatures indicate we have read, understand, and will abide by the policies and guidelines.

Student signature: Student email:

Parent signature: Parent email: