GCE A level
June 2010 series
Conduct of 15-hour Controlled Assessment
The following notes outline arrangements for the conduct of the fifteen-hour controlled assessment (AICT5) for the June 2010 examination series.
1.Dispatch of the controlled assessment
The controlled assessment will be available on the WJEC secure website.
The controlled assessment is provided as an html document.
2.Timing of the controlled assessment
The window for the 2010 June series allows candidates to access the controlled assessment from 22 February to 26 March 2010.
The subject teacher may invigilate the whole of the controlled assessment
(please see section 3).
- Candidates should each be allocated their own 'clean user area'.
Centres are asked to keep a log of attendance throughout the controlled assessment to monitor the time each candidate has spent completing the assessment.
Candidates need not complete all fifteen hours, but special consideration will not normally be given for candidates who do not complete the full time available to them.
Once candidates sign that they have completed the assessment they should not be allowed to revise any work submitted.
The sample of candidates' work should be submitted to the moderator by the 16 April 2010. Details of the moderator allocated to your centre will have be issued.
3.Candidates' work
Teachers should not give any help or support to candidates during the controlled assessment other than that connected with hardware or software problems.
5.Within the fifteen-hour controlled assessment candidates should
Carry out all tasks
Save all their work
Candidates are able to have access to all of their group work undertaken leading up to the controlled assessment window. Minutes of meetings and all appropriate attachments relating to modellingincluding the group project proposal, the model developed by the group, prototyping and other relevant associated work should be available to candidates.
After the start of the controlled assessment window, no work may be taken into or out of the controlled environment.
Candidates are not permitted access to the internet, e mail or other communication devices within the controlled environment.
- Submission of candidates' work to the moderator.
- The sample of candidate's work should be saved using the given convention and must be submitted on asingle CD when possible. If this is not possible candidates’ work should be saved onto additional CDs in order of candidate number.
- Each candidate’s work should be saved into a separate folder labelled with the centre number, candidate number and the first two initials of the candidates’ surname and the first initial of the candidates’ first name. For example Diane Jones of centre number 68999, candidate number 11111 would have her work stored in a folder named 68999_11111_JO_D
The candidate's declaration (supplied by WJEC), should be signed and included within the candidate's submitted folder.
The centre declaration sheet (supplied by WJEC) should be completed and signed* by the subject teacher and included with the work.
*Typed names in appropriate spaces are acceptable for forms sent electronically.
Note:The controlled assessment is internally assessed. It is important to point out that:
(a)The sample provided conforms to the standard WJEC coursework sampling requirements.
(b)Centres are required to assess the work.
(c)Submissions are not normally returned and centres are advised to keep a back-up copy of candidate work (it is suggested that copies of the CD(s) are retained).
If you have any queries please contact Allan Perry on (029) 2026 5311 or e-mail