European states have long cooperated on issues as varied as scientific research, patents, telecommunications, sports, higher education, postal services, and standardization, and have set up relevant international organizations. To these have been added more recently a network of specialized EU agencies: financial bodies such as the European Central Bank, decentralized agencies such as Europol and the European Food Safety Authority, executive agencies that manage specific EU programmes, and advisory bodies such as the Committee of the Regions.
There is no universal template for these agencies: some are part of the EU structure but others are independent, and most have been created since the 1990s as the policy reach of integration has widened and the need for better policy coordination has grown. Their size, reach and political role vary enormously: while the European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for helping manage the euro, has a staff of 1,500, and makes decisions that impact business and consumers throughout the euro zone and much of the rest of the world, the European Training Foundation promotes vocational training in neighbouring states of the EU and employs just 130 people.
The creation of these agencies has happened mainly below the public radar, yet their growth has been significant because they have given the EU more of the trappings of a conventional system of government. Their creation has meant adjustments for national government agencies in the member states, better coordination of policy across the EU, and a pooling of policy authority between national governments and the EU institutions. But questions have been asked recently about the lack of a grand plan for agency development, how they should relate to equivalent national agencies, how they should be managed and held accountable, and how they will evolve in future.
- As the policy reach and responsibilities of the EU havegrown, so a network of specialized agencies has grown,including financial bodies, advisory bodies, executiveagencies, and a mix of EU and independent bodieswhose work relates to that of the main EU institutions.
- Financial institutions include the European InvestmentBank, the European Central Bank, and the independentEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development.New regulatory institutions have been set up in the wakeof the global financial crisis and the euro zone crisis.
- Other agencies have varying technical, managerialand executive responsibilities, dealing with suchissues as vocational training, gathering environmentalinformation, monitoring drug use, evaluating newmedicinal products, and improving aviation, maritimeand food safety.
- Executive agencies are set up for a fixed period of timewith a specific task in mind, such as trans-Europeantransport networks, education and training, andresearch.
- Police and judicial cooperation have been encouragedand promoted by Europol and Eurojust, which are activein helping deal with serious forms of cross-border crime.
- The two major advisory bodies are the EuropeanEconomic and Social Committee, a policy forum forkey economic and social groups, and the Committee ofthe Regions, which gives voice to the interests of localgovernment.
- The European Court of Auditors is the EU’s financialwatchdog, charged with ensuring that the EU accountsare correct. It usually finds that they are not.
- Eurocorps maintains a multinational European militaryforce for use mainly in humanitarian and peacekeepingoperations, and the European Space Agencyundertakes space research and manages Europe’sastronaut programme.