Curriculum Vitae

Alison G. Keleher, Ph.D.


Office: Home:

Political Science Department P.O. Box 64

University of California, Solvang, CA 93464

Santa Barbara 805/570-0266

Santa Barbara, CA 93106




·  University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D. in Political Science, 2005.

·  University of California, Santa Barbara, C.Phil, in Political Science, 1998

·  University of California, Santa Barbara, M.A. in Political Science, 1997

·  California State University, Fullerton, M.A. in Political Science, 1990

·  Arizona State University, B.A. in Political Science, 1988


“Stealing the Show or Sharing the Load: Interest Groups and Political Parties in

Congressional Elections”

Traditional models of political parties and interest groups explain two separate

institutions displaying different types of organizational behavior. As interest

groups become increasingly involved in political campaigns, our traditional

conceptions of the roles of parties and interest groups may be changing. This

dissertation examines the role of interest group campaigning in congressional elections from a longitudinal perspective, focusing on the period just prior to the establishment of the Federal Election Campaign Act, through 1998. Using content analysis of newspaper reports of group campaigning, and analysis of Federal Election Commission campaign reports, the dissertation explains the role of non-candidate group campaigning, and the implications this campaigning has for the future of political parties and democratic accountability in American politics.

Dissertation Committee:

Eric R.A.N. Smith, Chair; M. Stephen Weatherford; and Bruce Bimber.

Publications, Papers, and Presentations:

·  "Explaining the Growing Support for Gay and Lesbian Equality Since 1990",

Journal of Homosexuality. 59:1307-1327. 2012.

Curriculum Vitae

Alison G. Keleher, Ph.D.

Publications, Papers, and Presentations (continued):

·  Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History, s.v. “The Republican Party” (1946-

1975), 2010. CQ Press.

·  Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History, s.v. “Third Parties” (1946-1975)

2010. CQ Press.

·  "Explaining the Growing Support for Gay and Lesbian Equality Since 1990"

Paper presented at the 2008 Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA.

·  “Leaving No Straight Person Behind: Outreach to the Wider GOP by the Log

Cabin Republicans” Paper presented at the 2008 Meeting of the Western

Political Science Association, San Diego, CA.

·  “Log Cabin Republicans and Other Party Clubs: Amateur Democrats or

Interest Group Apprentices?” Paper presented at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV.

·  “The Phantom Menace? Independent Campaigning by Interest Groups in

Congressional Elections.” Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Oakland, CA.

·  Review of Choosing our Choices: Debating the Presidential Nominating

Process, by Robert E. DiClerico and James W. Davis, White House

Studies, Vol. 1., number 4, 2002.

·  “Stealing the Show: Organized Interests and Independent Campaigns in

Congressional Elections,” paper presented at the 1999 Annual

Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA

·  “Sharing the Load: Political Party and Interest Group Cooperation in Con-

gressional Elections,” presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the

Western Political Science Association, Los Angeles, CA.

·  “Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Soft Money: Does the Money Flow

Both Ways?” presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Western

Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA.

Teaching Experience:

·  California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo, CA; Instructor –

Winter 2003 through Fall 2015. Courses taught: the American Presidency, American and California Government, Politics in Popular Culture, Jurisprudence, Campaigns and Elections, Political Inquiry, Political Analysis, Judicial Process.

·  Chapman College, Santa Maria Valley Campus; Instructor – Constitutional Rights, Fall 2008.

Curriculum Vitae

Alison G. Keleher, Ph.D.

Teaching Experience (continued):

·  Alan Hancock College, Santa Maria, CA; Instructor – Introduction to

American Government, Fall 2004, Fall 2003, (College-level course taught

to advanced high school students).

·  Ventura Community College, Ventura, CA; Instructor – Spring 2002 to

Fall 2005. Courses: Introduction to American and California Government.

·  Oxnard Community College, Oxnard, CA; Instructor - Introduction to

American and California Government, Fall 2001.

·  University of California, Santa Barbara, Instructor - Introduction to Law and

Society, Summer 2000.

·  University of California, Santa Barbara, Teaching Assistant - American Law,

Introduction to Law and Society, the American Presidency; Congress; Introduction to American Politics, Jurisprudence; Law and the Modern State; Constitutional Law.

·  University of California, Washington Center, Teaching Assistant -

Independent Studies in Political Science, Winter 1997, Summer 1997

·  California State University, Fullerton, Graduate Assistant


·  Michael C. Palm Center Grant research grant, 2008.

·  University of California, Santa Barbara travel grant, 2000.

Prepared to Teach the Following Courses:

·  American Politics, i.e., introduction to American government, the presidency,

California government, congressional study, political parties, interest groups, voting, campaigns and elections, research methodology.

·  American Public Law, i.e., constitutional law, judicial process, administrative

law, jurisprudence, law and society.

University and Community Service:

·  Member, UCSB university-wide “Super Course Working Group” – (Summer 2016)

·  Reader/evaluator for Cal Poly’s quarterly Writing Proficiency Exam (2005-2015)

·  “Ally”, Cal Poly Pride Center Ally Program (2004-2015).

·  June 2015 - Reader/evaluator for 2015 campus-wide upper-division writing assessment as part of the WASC accreditation process.

·  Member, Cengage Learning Advisory Board (Government) 2014 to present.

·  Panelist, Radio West (National Public Radio) discussing the Republican

Party and LGBT politics, May 4, 2010.

Curriculum Vitae

Alison G. Keleher, Ph.D.

University and Community Service:

·  Advisor – Cal Poly, SLO chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha honor society, 2007-

·  2008.

·  Co-Advisor - Cal Poly, SLO Undergraduate Law Association, 2005-2007.

·  Panelist “Religion and Politics” – Cal Poly SLO “Changing the Status Quo

Conference,” San Luis Obispo, CA - February 26, 2005.

·  Guest on KSBY TV discussing election results, November, 5, 2004.

·  Orientation panel leader (PREFACE program), California State Polytechnic

University; 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008.

·  Committee member, Ventura College Staff Development Cmte., 2002/3.

·  Commencement Speaker, University of California, Santa Barbara Graduate

Division commencement ceremony, June 17, 2001.

·  Guest on Santa Barbara radio station KEYT, “Voice of Santa Barbara”

Program, speaking on campaign finance reform, March 27th, 2001.

·  “Teaching Assistants at UCSB,” Dean’s Orientation Panel, University of

California, Santa Barbara Orientation Program, July 26, 1999.

·  Treasurer, University of California, Santa Barbara – Graduate Students

Association, 2000-2001.

·  President, University of California, Santa Barbara - Political Science

Graduate Students Association, 1999-2000.


Professor Eric R.A.N. Smith Professor Allen Settle

Department of Political Science Department of Political Science

University of California, Santa Barbara Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

Santa Barbara, CA 93106 San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

805/893-4328 805/756-2624

Professor M. Stephen Weatherford Professor (Emeritus) Dianne Long,

Department of Political Science Department of Political Science

University of California, Santa Barbara Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

Santa Barbara, CA 93106 San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

805/893-5811 805/756-2960