Algebra 1
Teacher: Mr. Zachary Holocker
Contact Information:
(410) 643-7330 ext. 2807
Course Description:
This course formalizes the study of patterns and extends understanding of linear relationships. The major emphasis will be on operations with real numbers, polynomial expressions, linear, quadratic, exponential, and absolute value function families. Students will apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. Students will perform operations with polynomials and radicals, solve rational and radical equations and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions. The Standards for Mathematical Practice prescribe that students experience mathematics as a coherent, useful, and logical subject that makes use of their ability to make sense of problem situations. It is recommended that each student have a graphing utility.
Course Outline:
Quarter / TopicQuarter 1
Aug. 31 - Nov. 17
54 Days
(Nov. 6th is school end Q 1) / Topic 1: Constructing Graphs
Topic 2: Multiple Representations in the Real World
Topic 3: Functions
Topic 4: Exploring Rate of Change in Motion Problems
Topic 5: Exploring Rate of Change in Other Situations
Topic 6: Moving Beyond Slope Intercept Form
Quarter 2
Nov. 18 - Jan. 25
37 Days / Topic 7: Creating Linear Models For Data
Topic 9: Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities
Topic 10: Absolute Value and Piecewise Functions
Topic 11: Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
Topic 12: Other Methods for Solving Systems
Quarter 3
Feb. 1 – March 8th
26 Days
(April 8th is school end Q3) / Topic 13:Other Non-linear Relationships
Topic 14: Laws of Exponents
Topic 15: Exponential Functions and Equations
Quarter 4
March 9th - June 1st
Days / Topic 16: Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Topic 17: Operations on Polynomials
Topic 18: Modeling with Quadratic Functions
Topic 19: Solving Quadratic Functions
Topic 20: The Quadratic Equation
Topic 8: Descriptive Statistics
○Loose Leaf Paper
○Graph Paper
●TI-83 or TI 84 Highly Recommended
Classroom Requirement/Procedures
●Courtesy and respect must be displayed at all times
●Students must raise their hand in order to speak and only one student may speak at a time
●All policies concerning attendance and conduct concur with all school policies that are addressed in the student handbook
●Students are to come to class everyday with the required materials
●When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work
●All work is to be completed and turned in on time
●All grading policies concur with the school and county policies
Grading Policy: Link to High School Grading Policy
Summative Assessments45% of final course grade
Formative Assessments30% of final course grade
Final Exam 15% of final course grade
Homework10% of final course grade
Students will be allowed to retake or revise summative assessments if they score 69% or less and may earn up to a 70%. (Grades will not be averaged and the student’s new grade is to reflect the higher grade up to a 70%.)
Independent practice completed outside of class
May include class work, daily or weekly assignments, quizzes, BCR’s or other writing assignments, smaller projects, and exit slips
May include major projects, unit tests, and chapter test
All missing assignments, including homework, will be recorded as incomplete and will receive a value of 0%. Missing work will be accepted with the following restrictions:
Missing work must be turned in within three days of due date unless the student is absent.
Classes earning High School Credit
Any class (Spanish I, Algebra) where the student earns high school credit will follow the high school grading procedures for that course.
●Students must pass the final exam to obtain credit for that course.
A student who has completed Algebra I while in middle school may earn high school credit:
The student must earn a passing gradeand pass the associated high school finalexamination. The grade earned will count toward the high school grade point average and class rank.
All high school courses require a final examination at the end of the course. The final examination will be counted 15% of the final grade.
Please sign and return:
I understand what is expected of me in Mr. Holocker’s class.
Student Name______
Student Signature______
I understand what is expected of my student in Mr. Holocker’s class.
Parent/ Guardian Name______
Parent/Guardian Signature______
Phone ______Email ______