Stella Maris
Parents and Friends Assoc.Meeting Minutes / Date: / 12th March 2013
Time: / 6.30pm
Location: / StellaMarisSchool – Staff Room
Attendance: / As per attendance book
Apologies: / As per attendance book
Chair:Tim Eva
Prayer: Glenda Morgan
Correspondence In: P&F update of details. Fundraising material. P&F Leo Dunne award flyer
Invoices for treasurer
Correspondence Out:Nil
Previous Minutes:Moved by: Damien Faux
Seconded by: Steve Austin
Principals Report:
Parents’ and Friends’ Meeting
Principal’s Report
Tuesday 12 March 2013
* Stars on Staff Concert to raise funds for St Joseph’s School at Gayndah. Starts 6.30 for one hour.
* Lots of professional learning for staff at present – Pat Edgar here, Lane Clark been and gone, Michelle Young and Steve Dunne – soon. Melissa Graham and Andrew Wood next week. Year level planning to follow over the next three weeks.
* Some parents to be approached to participate in External Review on Wed 24 April during the day. Will be middle of day for parents.
Treasurers Report:
P & F Meeting – 12/03/20
Payments to be ratified
General Account MYOB Balance 28/02/2013: $8,195.89
CreditInterest$ 2.29
$ 2.29
DebitFood/Drinks – AGM$ 65.95
DebitState P&F Association$ 4,686.30
$ 4,752.25
Tuckshop Account MYOB Balance 28/02/2013: $12,560.37
Regular tuckshop food sales, purchases and expenses
Art Union Account MYOB Balance 28/02/2013: $5,947.34
CreditInterest$ 1.01
$ 1.01
DebitMerchant Fee$ 12.00
$ 12.00
Term Deposits MYOB Balance 28/02/2013 $5,000
Tuckshop$5,000Maturity 8/08/2013 (3.50%pa)
- Tuckshop P&L presented
- Tuckshop pricing review
- General Account budget presented
- New Auditor required
- New accounting software
Business Arising:
Item / Topic / Discussion / Action/Outcome1. / Tuckshop / Price rises of 5 to 10c on a few menu items.
Gluten free products discussed but substantially more expensive for items such as chicken nuggets. Risk of GF items being mixed up with standard food on a busy day- risk to child with gluten intolerance. There are a few gluten free options on current menu. Children are able to buy some items on a daily basis such as jelly etc / Approved by P&F. Treasurer identified the need for prices to be reviewed annually to avoid steep increases all at once.
Gluten free products on hold due to cost. Children are able to bring their own GF pie in to be warmed up & served with other items-avoid exclusion.
2. / Care pantry / No P&F contribution made in 2012, but gave $1500 in 2011. P&F now budget $500 per year to assist with stock etc / Glenda said that Judith who convenes care pantry is currently well stocked.
3. / Auditor for P&F account / The account auditor that the P&F has been using is no longer providing the service. Need to find a new account auditor / Sarah Thompson to ask a contact how much he would charge, Steve Austin to follow up.
4. / P&F account software / Steve currently uses MYOB, but it is time consuming. He has to type in every transaction by hand. Discussed new software called “Zero” which would reduce the workload, it records all transactions electronically, Easier for audit purposes. / Steve to find out set up cost and ongoing costs. Review at next P&F
5. / Car space raffle / The spot is still to be decided, but it will be close to the school office or yr 4- 7 pick up area. It will be clearly marked. / Winning ticket to be drawn at chick flick on 22nd March
6. / Register of businesses / Register of businesses owned by school families/ supporters of Stella Maris to encourage support of local businesses. / Tanya Schmidt to follow up possibly with Terry Grogan. Review at next meeting.
7. / Flexi-schools / Cashless system enabling tuckshop ordering, payment of uniforms, other social events organised by the school. Successfully used at other schools. / Mel Lennon to investigate and review at next P&F meeting.
Item / Agenda Item / Discussion / Action/Outcome
1. / P & F secretary / Kylie Walsh is no longer able to do the role, Kim Broderick will take over as secretary- needs to be nominated & seconded. / Kim Broderick nominated by Tim Eva as secretary of P & F, seconded by Steve Austin. Thank you to Kylie Walsh for all her hard work last year.
2. / Levies/ Fundraising / Goal of $36,700 this year through levies.
Undecided what the proceeds of the fair will be spent on, for discussion at next PF meeting in May / Ongoing.
3. / Calendar of events
. / Welcome BBQ postponed to March 17th due to wet weather.
Chick flick 22nd March, tickets selling well.
Dates set for 2013
No events during November as it is a busy time for most people, and Yr 7 graduation evening etc
Art exhibition already being organised by Sally Ludlow.
Other fundraising events are organised by the Yr 7 justice committee to raise money for charities such as Caritas. / May 2nd Staff on Stella
May 6th-10th Mother’s Day Stall
May 24th-30th Pie Drive
June 1st Stella Ball
July 21st Dad’s Golf Day
August 26th-30th Father’s Day Stall
Oct 25th Teachers Day Breakfast
TBA Family dance/ movie night in October
Dec tuckshop lunch
4. / Social media / Stella Maris P&F is a closed group. Parents need to request to become a friend & be approved before they can leave comments. This is for security purposes, requests will only be accepted if they are a recognised parent/ grandparent. NO students or children are allowed, it is for parents and friends only. There are additional security measures that another volunteer is overseeing on the PF facebook page. Some parents feel that it’s existence should be made public to the school community or it could be criticised for being too closed. It is a great tool for information purposes, such as informing the school community of events, or cancellation of events at the last minute due to weather! / Glenda has agreed that a note will go into the newsletter informing the school community of the facebook page, emphasising that it is for information purposes; and that log in is by request only.
5. / Stars on Staff / Stella staff will hold a concert this yearto raise money for St Joseph’s school at Gayndah. They suffered in the recent floods
6. / Leo Dunne $4K award / Award available for the most innovative idea to enhance parent engagement in Qld catholic education communities. $4000 provided to an outstanding project/ idea each yearto provide assistance towards achieving the outcomes of the project. P&F discussed the vegetable garden project. / Lauren England’s name was put forward. Kim will ask Lauren if she would mind putting an application together. Closing date April 30th
7. / Fundraising Drive / Discussed various drives- Cadbury chocolate, Pie Drive. Decided to use Simply Pies again as they are a local business. Cathy uses them for the tuckshop, as they offer the school a good deal. / Kim to follow up and help organise.
Meeting Closed: 8.20pm
Next meeting:May 14th 2013
Confirmed ______
President Secretary